Chapter 11

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  Cabe was correct in assuming that I would have to have an ID to get to this kid. We had also found out that the kid's name was Lance. Lance had ended up going to a club that was for people 21 and over. It was a good thing I looked 21.

  "I still think you should put your hair down. It makes you seem more normal and less like a genius," Paige pointed out. We were back at the apartment and I was getting ready to go. Walter, Sylvester, Happy, and Toby were all at the apartment also.

  "My hair stays up all the time. I do not put my hair down under any occasions. It distracts me," I stated as I put the earpiece into my right ear.

  "It was just a suggestion," Paige said and put her hands up in surrender. I grabbed my phone, ID, and Paige's car keys. With some bribery I had gotten her to let me take her car.

  "Remember, Taylor. If you need anything or something goes wrong, we are here waiting," Walter said. I smiled at him and got the amnesia liquid from Toby, who had been in control of it all day.

  "I'll be back before five. With that information," I added quickly. Before anyone could say anything else, I went out the door of the apartment and out to the front parking lot.

  As soon as I got in the car and turned the keys in the ignition, the earpiece crackled to life and Toby's voice came through.

  "Do you need some flirting tips before you go into the belly of the beast?" He asked. I could hear Walter protest and Toby hushed him.

  "No Toby, I'm fine," I said and pulled out of the parking lot, heading for Club Eden.

  "Cause if you do, I am the most qualified to give them to you," Toby continued. I could hear Walter snort with laughter and I could almost see Toby glare at Walter.

  "Again, I'm fine," I said. Granted, Toby's flirting got him Happy, but it seems like his advice would derail me.

  Twenty minutes of driving later I arrived at Club Eden. Cabe had said that Lance spent most of his time here and was almost always at the bar. Apparently being a government agent came with perks.

  I got out of the car and pulled out my ID. I hesitated by the car and clenched the fake ID hard. It's not that I didn't trust that Sylvester could make a good fake ID, it's that my anxiety and paranoia had teamed up inside me and caused me to doubt everything.

  After standing by the car and trying to contain my anxiety for a couple of minutes, I walked to the entrance of the club. Since it was 3 in the afternoon, there weren't many people here. It would start to pick up in an hour or two though, so I had to be out by then.

  I gave my ID to the guy near the entrance. He scanned over it then gave it back to me and gave me the signal to go inside.

  I entered the club and let out a breath of relief. It had actually worked. I was standing in a dark building lit up by a few lights on the dance floor and an array of lights near the bar. At the bar, I immediately recognized Lance from a picture that Cabe had showed me. He had jet black hair and he was built halfway between muscular and normal.

  I took a breath before I walked up to the bar and sat on the right side of Lance, careful to sit on the side that he wouldn't be able to see my earpiece.

  While Lance was turned the other way, I quickly pulled the small container out of my pocket and poured it in his drink. Hopefully it would work.

  No one had saw me pour the amnesia liquid so I let out a sigh of relief and said to the earpiece, "Amnesia is in affect."

  It was basically no time at all before Lance noticed me after that. He turned to look at me and grinned.

  "Can I buy you a drink?" He asked. I opened my mouth to say no thanks but Toby's voice crackles to life.

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