Chapter 25

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  "Taylor, come on, get up." Paige's voice brought me out of my light sleep, and I felt her pushing against my shoulder persistently. I moaned and flipped onto my stomach, burying my face into the pillow and drawing the blanket around me.

  I heard Paige sigh before she said, "Taylor, you've barely done anything the last few weeks and I thought we could go out and do something." When I said nothing she continued, "With your first paycheck from the last couple of cases."

  That got my attention, and I propped myself up on my elbows and looked sideways at Paige. "Paycheck?" 

  "Yeah, you know, that thing that employees get?" Paige said, in a joking voice.

  I rolled my eyes at her and rubbed my face, "I am aware what a paycheck is, I have read the dictionary three times," I mumbled. I heard Paige make a weird noise in her throat that was probably her trying to hold back her laughter at how ridiculous I had sounded.

  "Well, Cabe finally got you on the payroll and your check is on the table. I thought we could go do-"

  She didn't get to finish because I flipped the covers back and jumped out of bed, going to the kitchen in my plaid blue and white pajama pants and my blue tank top. Like Paige had said, there was an envelope on the table with my name on it. I ripped it open quickly, and looked at the price on the check.

  Had I not been leaning into a chair, I may have completely fallen over. I had never had this much money in my life, and I had stolen a good amount of money in my life. I heard Paige approach me and I quickly collected myself and looked at her over my shoulder, "So, what did you have in mind?"


  An hour later, Paige, Ralph, and I are sitting outside of a cafe, drinking two dollar mochas and hot chocolates. In a way it was humorous, and I cracked a small smile and took another sip of my mocha. We had a whole lot of money, and we went for cheap coffee. I guess people never really grow out of the way they have lived most of their lives.

  I cast my eyes down quickly before getting enough courage to say what I had been thinking about the last week, but hadn't been able to until now. "I am taking college courses at UCLA in a month." I said it quickly, so that I wouldn't decide halfway through to not say it. A surprised expression passed across Paige's face before it changed to happiness. I took that as a good sign and I continued before I she could say anything, "I am taking most of my courses online, but I have to go to the campus once a week to sit through classes."

  As soon as I finished saying this, Paige said, "That's awesome! I'm so happy for you!" She hopped out of her chair and gave me a quick hug. Ralph had a big smile on his face that I read as happiness.

  When Paige returned to her chair, I drew in another breath for my next news, "I was also thinking about getting my own apartment so I don't impose on you guys anymore."

  I knew this was going to get a less enthusiastic response, and it did. Paige gave me a confused look, and I knew the same look was mirrored on Ralph's face, but I kept my eyes locked on Paige as she said, "Taylor, you aren't imposing on anyone. You can stay with us as long as you like I really don't-"

  "It's not entirely that I feel like I am imposing on you, I just think that I need to start to grow into my life a little bit. Car, college, and next would be my own living space. I would still be working at Scorpion and I would live in the area, but I just need to do this." I cut off Paige to get my own thoughts out before they vanished from my mind.

  She nodded slowly and then sighed and rolled her eyes, "If you are just doing this because as of today you are eighteen, I don't think it is necessary," she said with a wink. I felt my mouth drop open slightly and I scrambled to get my composure back. What came out was a lot of stuttering.

  "It wasn't that hard to find out your birthday once I started looking for it. I didn't say anything to anyone, Ralph and I are the only ones that know." Paige said, dumbfounding me even further. How she had found out my birthday, was beyond me. I didn't have it public on my Facebook, nor did I have it on any other site I was active on. Finally I gave up and let her have her fun. I took a sidelong look at Ralph, who had a large grin plastered on his face. He was obviously having fun with this.

  I let out a long string of breath and said, "Okay, fine have your fun, but that's not why I feel the need to do..." I stopped as I struggled for a correct word.

  "Adult things?" Ralph threw in quickly. I nodded in agreement. Not exactly the word I was looking for, but it worked in context.

  "Look, the point is, I need to branch out a little, and to do that I need my own apartment. I don't know if I can stay on Scorpion forever, although I really wish I could. I mean, Cabe sure as hell doesn't like me," I said, letting a sour tone in my voice.

  Paige thought about that for a moment before she said, "It's not that he doesn't like you, it's that he doesn't understand you. You're very secretive and he doesn't exactly like that."

  Paige did have a point, I was extensively secretive, but I couldn't help myself. I spent my whole life hiding stuff from people and... well... hiding myself from people. Toby had said he couldn't read me because I didn't show emotion, and it turns out Cabe doesn't like me because I'm secretive. I sighed and tilted my head back. Maybe I was too secretive.

  "Don't worry about it, Taylor, Cabe will come around eventually. I wouldn't waste my time with it when you have so much other stuff to think about."

  "Like the diameter of this table?"

  "It's six feet, six inches," Ralph answered quickly.

  "Thanks kid, now I can think about all the other stuff that your mom was talking about," I responded and then looked at Paige with an eyebrow up.

  "Like college, or your apartment? That important stuff," she answered my confused look and I snapped my fingers as if just understanding.

  "Ah yes, and how long before that car reaches the stoplight!"

  "4.67 seconds," Ralph responded again as we watched the blue Toyota Camry stop at the light. I high fived Ralph quickly and then directed my attention back to Paige, who was shaking her head slightly, a smile on her face.

  I sighed and reached across the table to pat her hand reassuringly, "I'll be fine, I'm a big girl now," I joked and Paige gave me a disapproving look before pulling her hand away and standing up.

  "Let's go apartment shopping," She said, I felt my heart skip a beat but I jumped out of my chair and raced to Paige's car, Ralph following close behind.


Author's Note

I figured out how to bold and italicize. Go me.

Sooooo it has been a while, sorry, we just started our Hunger Games unit in English and I have had to do a lot of stuff for that and a bunch of other stuff that I won't bother you with.

By tomorrow I will have all of my books updated, I promise. I am holding myself to it. Although I think this is the only thing I am updating tonight.

So how did you guys like the chapter??? I'd love if you guys could comment and let me know!!! I love hearing your guys' feedback :)

Alright I hope you all have a wonderful day/night/morning/evening and I love you all a lot. Thanks for reading!!!

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