Chapter 14

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I didn't call Caine back. I wasn't ready to and I didn't trust him enough to. I knew that he would eventually end up coming back to the garage, and I would have to talk to him. Hopefully that wouldn't be soon.

It was three days after Caine's garage visit, Wednesday, and I had just arrived at the garage from school, Paige following behind me closely. Ralph had stayed after school to work on a science project that his teacher had started him on.

Walter and Happy were the only two at the garage. Sylvester had gone to visit Megan and Toby was MIA. Walter said he would show up eventually though, as usual.

I hadn't told anyone about Caine being my brother, and luckily neither did Happy, which I was grateful for. I didn't really want to tell anyone, because I knew how Toby would respond, being a shrink and all. I guess I was only worried about what Toby would do.

"Damn it," Walter muttered to himself as he typed at his laptop. I wandered over to him and leaned against the desk on the other side of his laptop so I wasn't able to see the screen.

"What's up?" I asked, to which Walter sighed and smacked the keyboard, "Hey, hey. Don't strike thou blessed," I said, stroking the top of the screen with a serious look.

Walter looked at me as if I was crazy before saying, "The wifi is down and I'm trying to do some work."

I hadn't tried to use the internet yet, so I was unaware of the issue. I circled over to see the screen of the laptop. It was white and the usual 'no connection' rant was there.

With a small amount of suspicion, I walked to Toby's computer and quickly hacked through his small amount of security. The same thing was on his screen. With that I retrieved my laptop from my bag and got onto my web browser with no problem.

"Yeah, I thought so," I said to myself, putting my laptop down and going back to Walter's. I grabbed his off the desk and walked to Toby's computer. There was a quick word of protest from Walter.

I put Walter's laptop down next to Toby's computer and compared both of the screens to each other.

"Glad I'm not the only one having issues with the internet," Happy said, coming in from the back room where her major projects were, phone in hand.

I narrowed my eyes and took a breath before asking, "Can someone contact Sylvester? See if he is having the same issue?" I stood up straight and looked at Paige, who had been sitting on the couch for the whole ordeal.

"Is your phone working correctly?" I asked her. Paige took out her phone and tried to do some stuff on it before giving me a confused look.

"No. It was working fine a little while ago," she said. I walked over to her and took the phone from her.

"We can't contact Sylvester if our phones don't work," Walter stated with frustration and tossed his phone on Toby's desk, where the electronics were starting to gather.

I went back to Toby's desk and looked between the three phones, Walter's laptop, and Toby's computer before saying, "I can't say this for sure until I can see Toby and Sylvester's phones, but I think someone hacked Team Scorpion."

"But you have full access still," Paige pointed out, joining Happy, Walter, and I.

I pointed at myself and muttered, "New edition. This someone doesn't know I exist."

With that, Happy and Walter both looked at each other. Walter narrowed his eyes and said, "There's no way. He's locked up."

Paige raised her eyebrows and asked in a quiet voice, "We're not talking about who I think, right?"

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