Chapter 13

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A door slamming woke me up the next day. I opened my eyes to see Walter standing in the doorway. He looked back and forth from me, to Toby, who had fallen asleep as well and had his head on his keyboard.

Paige was the next one through the door, obviously she had gotten a ride with Walter.

"It must had been an eventful day for you two yesterday, aside from the flirting with the government kid," Walter stated and went upstairs to put his keys and bag on his desk. I rolled my eyes and sat up.

"Morning," Paige said with a smile.

"Morning," I said and stood up. Toby still hadn't moved an inch.

Walter came back down the stairs a short while later and slammed his hand down on Toby's desk. Toby's head flew up instantly and his eyes were wide open.

"I'M AWAKE!" He yelled. Walter cracked a smile and walked away from Toby, who still looked like he expected someone to attack us.

"Toby, did you get your paper done last night?" I asked, snapping Toby out of his wide-eyed stage and into his realization stage.

His head went to his computer and he took a deep breath before saying, "No. . . No I did not," and with that he started typing furiously once again.

"Here," Paige said and handed me a mug of coffee. I nodded a 'thank you' and took a drink. Was that cinnamon I tasted?

"So what do we have planned for today? Anything dangerous?" Paige asked.

"Today is kind of an off day after yesterday. By the way, where is Ralph?" Walter asked.

"Do you really want to know the answer to that question? It's the same answer as always," Paige said and took a drink from her coffee. Walter thought that through for a moment and then shrugged.

Happy and Sylvester showed up a couple minutes later and they went to their usual areas. Sylvester, organizing his desk before setting to his computer and Happy going to her work space.

I drank the rest of my cup of coffee and then went to get a refill in the kitchen. As soon as I went into the next room there was a knock on the door to the garage. Who would come to the garage?

Walter was the one that went to answer the door. I let my curiosity get the better of me and I poked my head out of the kitchen to look at the door.

As soon as Walter opened the door, my gut fell and I moved my head so that the person at the door wouldn't see me.

"Hi, I was told that this was where I could find Taylor. Is she here?" The man at the door asked.

Toby then looked straight at me and raised an eyebrow. I shook my head quickly. Toby nodded, understanding.

"No she isn't, she went out," Toby said, quickly standing up and going between Walter and the man.

The man sounded disappointed when he said, "Oh, okay. Well here is my number, can you have her call me as soon as possible?" I narrowed my eyes. Why would he come here after so long?

Toby grabbed the piece of paper from him and then said, "Of course."

The door closed and I left the kitchen and grabbed the paper from Toby quickly. The name Caine was written on the top.

"Taylor, who was that?" Paige asked and I shrugged, trying to make it seem like I didn't care.

"Doesn't really matter at this point," I said quickly. Paige looked at me suspiciously but didn't ask anything, because Toby was the next one to talk.

"It obviously does matter if he came here to find you," Toby stated.

I glared at him and said through gritted teeth, "No Toby, it doesn't matter."

I went to the kitchen to get my coffee, where Happy stopped me.

"Toby might not be able to see this, but I do from personal experience. That man, he's related to you, isn't he?" Happy asked, her gaze burning into mine and her hand on my shoulder.

I almost answered but I pulled away from her, "He's a part of my life that I decided I didn't need, or want, anymore. So it doesn't matter if he is related to me or not."

"I see resemblance between you two. He's your brother," Happy pushed on. At the word 'brother' I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"I'd hardly call him a brother," I whispered, and opened my eyes again. Happy looked at me with understanding.

"You should call him back. Meet up with him. You never know how it would work out this time," Happy advised and then left the kitchen. I stared after her, the mug of coffee in my hands and her advice ringing in my head. The piece of my paper in my pocket suddenly felt like it weighed a million pounds.


Author's Note

I know this is a shorter chapter but a new development has happened so I guess it works. What do you guys think happened between Taylor and Caine that made Taylor hate him? Any guesses? :p

So this might be my last update for another week or so. It depends if my grandma lets me use her internet or if I can get my sister's phone while I'm with her.

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