Chapter 2

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"Didn't you say there were six of you?" I asked. We were in a car on our way back to the 'Headquarters'. Happy was driving and Walter was in the passenger.

"Yeah, Sylvester is back at headquarters. He's the other genius. Cabe is probably off doing his human resources work," Toby said and I nodded slowly even though I wasn't sure exactly what that meant.

We sat in silence until Happy pulled the car in front of a building that looked abandoned from the outside. Happy, Toby, Paige, and Walter got out of the car and I followed.

"Welcome to our castle," Toby said as he opened the door to the warehouse.

"You guys are back! Did you-?" a man asked as soon as we walked in. He had brown hair and glasses and had to have been in his early twenties.He stopped talking as soon as he saw me.

"Sylvester, I presume?" I asked and he nodded.

"Walter, Cabe will be here in five. He wanted us to get started as soon as possible," Sylvester said, taking his gaze away from me and diving into news for Walter. I looked around at the inside of the building and couldn't stop a smile from spreading to my face. There were wires and computers everywhere, even though the whole place was extremely neat and tidy.

"You're awfully smiley," Paige said. Walter, Toby, Happy, and Sylvester were in deep conversation.

"Yeah, I don't get out of that place too often. It's nice to see a change of scenery. Especially scenery that has some of my favorite things in it," I said and Paige smiled.

The door to the warehouse opened then and a man walked in. He was wearing a black suit and had dark glasses on. He walked over to the group of four geniuses without looking at Paige and I.

"That bug is causing more issues then they are letting on. It is letting classified information leak. As soon as you guys can pinpoint it, we are breaking in and finding the person who keeps planting it. Where's the kid?" the man asked. Walter jerked his head towards me and I stood ridged.

"You're Taylor?" the man asked and I nodded slowly. His mouth turned down a little and he turned back to Walter.

"Can I talk to you?" he asked and Walter nodded, stole a look at me, and led the man up a flight of stairs.

"That's Cabe Gallo," Paige said. I let my shoulders sag a little but didn't say anything.

We all stood in an uncomfortable silence. Toby occasionally stealing glances in my direction. Happy and Sylvester were exchanging conversation quietly.

When Walter and Cabe came back down the stairs, Cabe approached me. I took an uncomfortable step backwards to open more space between us.

"Are you sure that you know what you are doing?" Cabe asked and I nodded. Cabe seemed uncomfortable with my answer but he nodded once and turned.

"Alright, figure out where that bug is being planted everyday. If you have the location by tomorrow, we are going to break into the FBI and cuff the guy. Obviously he has some technical experience so he might be able to cover his tracks."

"I doubt that," Happy and Toby said at the same time. Neither of them looked like it was out of the ordinary.

"So get to work," Cabe finished and Walter nodded and looked at me.

"Taylor, get into the FBI. They're going to have a lot of security so it might take a while. Try your best to cover up your tracks also. Toby, as soon as she gets in, pull up all of the people that work there, figure out which one might be the most likely to get in. Sylvester, get the exact location of the bug and figure out what time it is planted at, assuming it's around the same time everyday. Happy, figure out how to get through security," Walter said and everyone dispersed and started typing stuff on lap tops or writing on white boards.

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