Chapter 3

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  "Walter, how do you want to do this?" Cabe asked as we all piled into a black van. Happy was driving and Cabe was riding in the passenger seat.

  "Sylvester, I need you to stay in the van and watch the security cameras. You're going to be the one to tell us when it's safe to go. Paige and Cabe, you guys are going to have to cause a distraction with the guards outside the door. I want Happy and Toby with me in the building," Walter said and then looked over at me, "and Taylor."

  I was surprised but nodded in understanding. Walter continued. "Happy you are going to have to get ahead of us and sneak past security. Disarm the locks that are on those doors and then signal Toby and I. Taylor I want you with Happy. Whatever she says, you do. Got it?" Walter asked and I nodded again.

  "Alright park the van a block from the FBI building. I'm hoping you guys can improvise something. As soon as you get the guards away from the building contact us," Walter said and held out a handful of ear buds, "Ear buds in. We're all clear on what to do, right?" Walter asked and the team murmured agreement as we each took an ear bud.

  "Good luck," I said to Paige as she opened the door of the van. She smiled at me before jumping out and following Cabe towards the building.

  "Kid, are you nervous?" Happy asked as I chewed on the inside of my cheek. I stopped and looked at her. She was turned around in the seat so she was fully facing me. Toby was also watching me but Walter was pointing to Sylvester's computer screen and paying no attention to us.

  "I have mild anxiety. Nothing too bad but . . ." I stopped talking and shrugged, "I guess it still gets to me."

  A crackle sounded in my ear and Paige's voice came in.

  "We got them away from the building but you guys better run fast!" Paige panted, obviously running. That was all Happy, Toby, and Walter needed before flinging the doors of the van open. I followed behind Toby and sprinted away from the van. Another voice crackled to life and Sylvester was talking.

  "Guys, you have about forty three seconds before the guard rounds the corner and sees you," Sylvester said. I pushed my legs to run faster as we finally sighted the building.

  Walter was the first to get through the doors. He didn't stop leading us down the hall at a dead sprint as Sylvester gave us directions to the restricted area of the building.

  "Stop at the corner!" Sylvester yelled and Walter skidded to a stop. Happy and Toby collided against each other but I stopped myself. We all panted hard and tried to regain a normal heart rate.

  "Happy and . . . Taylor. You guys have to . . . go ahead. Contact us once you get the door open," Walter panted and Happy nodded before standing up straight and beckoning me to follow her.

  We rounded the corner and followed the hall down the twists and turns. Finally the hall led into a large open room. At one end of the room there was a metal door with several combinations and scanners.

  "I'll take care of the door. Stay close to me though," Happy said and we proceeded to the door. There were two other corridors leading into the room and a chill went up my spine. As Happy stood and worked on the door, I stood several feet away from her to give her room to work.

  As she worked on the door for almost a minute a small echo sounded in the hall. Happy, busy with what she was doing, didn't notice.

  I turned and looked at the hallway and saw a man in an FBI suit aiming a gun at Happy's back.

  Before I really knew what I was doing, I jumped and tackled Happy to the ground behind a metal desk with stacks of paper on it. A gunshot rang out as soon as we hit the floor and I looked at Happy.

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