Chapter 29

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I was aware that I was conscious, but I couldn't get myself to open my eyes. I felt drained of energy and like I wasn't in the right state of mind. I couldn't remember why I felt the way I did. Where was I anyways?

That's the thing that got me to finally open my eyes, only to feel my heart fall as I looked at the ceiling of an unfamiliar room, and the face of an unfamiliar person, who was holding a piece of my hair between his fingers. I bolted upright and began to struggle out of the bedsheets that surrounded me.

"Hey, calm yourself, I don't want you to reopen your wounds," the person said. I stood stiff still for a moment before I began looking around me for anything I could use as a weapon.

The person, now obviously a male about the same age as me, reached towards me and rested his hand on my shoulder in a calming motion, but this was anything but calming for me. I jerked away from him quickly and a look of amusement crossed his face.

I regained myself quickly, "How do I know you're not going to try to kill me?" I asked, my voice not hiding any distrust that I felt.

"Because," he started, and stood up, "If I wanted you dead I would have done it while you were unconscious."

That's when it all came back to me, the people that had attacked me. I had blacked out in that street. But that still didn't explain why I was in this strange room, with this strange person.

I finally sat still and looked over him, getting a good look at him. His hair was a tousled mess of dark blackness and his eyes were a gorgeous blue, as blue as the sky of mid day. His build was hard to tell, as he was wearing a baggy sweatshirt. He was at least six or seven inches taller than me it looked like and there was something about him that seemed familiar in a way.

"Enjoying what you see?" he asked, his voice filled with a joking attitude.

I ignored that and asked, "Who the hell are you and why am I here? And where is here?" I looked around the room, trying to judge about where we were, but there was nothing in the room that gave me any clue.

"I'm Zach, and you are about an hour outside of Las Vegas," he said simply, not answering one of the questions.

My eyebrows raised slightly at that, "You brought me to a different state? What the actual hell?" I said, and began to feel my anxiety flare up. I tried to push it back down, knowing no good would come of it at the moment.

He snorted with amusement and rolled his eyes, "Had I not, you'd probably be dead. Or kidnapped. Either way, I saved your life," Zach pointed out quickly. My foggy mind didn't seem to comprehend this completely so I chose to ignore it.

The next thing that came to my mind was the team. Why had I not thought of them sooner? That's when I realized I must have suffered from a head injury. I couldn't remember for the life of me what injuries I had sustained, and it was driving me crazy. "Where's my phone?" I asked suddenly, allowing a demanding tone into my voice.

Zach shrugged simply before responding, "You didn't have a phone on you."

"Damn it, I must have dropped it," I muttered entirely to myself. Zach shrugged again with indifference.

"What were you doing in LA if you live in Nevada?" I asked, trying to get as many answers as I could out of this stranger.

Zach rolled his eyes again and sat back down, "These are a lot of questions coming from someone that I don't even have the name of yet."

He had a point, but I was hell bent on getting my answers first, "Answer my questions and I may just tell you," I gambled.

Zach seemed to think this through before he sighed in defeat, "I was visiting my sister, if you must know." His voice held plenty of sarcasm, and a sense of boredom.

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