Chapter 19

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"Taylor! Let's go, you're gonna be late!"

Paige's voice interrupted my stupor and with a quick jerk of my wrist I turned off the water in the sink and spun out of the bathroom.

Paige was standing next to the door, tapping her foot impatiently. Ralph was right by her, looking at the ground. He had gotten back from Maine the day before.

"You don't have any of your stuff on," Paige said, her voice a mixture of emotions but her face was pure anxiousness.

"Everything is in your car already, I decided it would be more efficient to do everything when I get there."

Paige sighed but opened the door and led Ralph and I to the car. It was obvious why she was nervous, she'd never done this before.

It took ten minutes to get to the school, Walter, Toby, Happy, Sylvester, even Cabe, were waiting in the parking lot when we pulled in.

"You're cutting it a little close," Walter stated. I showed him my phone which read 10:33.

"I have twenty seven minutes, plenty of time," I said. Walter smiled then grabbed my phone out of my hand.

Before I could open my mouth to say anything, Walter said, "Having your phone on in a formal event like this is fround upon in most establishments."

I laughed and said, "Oh come on Walt, it's just high school graduation," with that I grabbed my gown out of Paige's car and started to make my way to the school.






"I give to you, the class of 2015!"

With that, the four hundred kids of my grade erupted into cheers, accompanied by all of the parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers, sisters, and friends of each.

I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face. High school had been the bane of my existence, and now, I was free. Free to do as I wish in the world.

Finally, we were all released. I made my way to the group of people I had come to know. By now, there were two new additions.

"Hey Megan," I said with a smile. Megan made her way to me and wrapped one of her arms around me.

"Congrats!" Megan said and withdrew from me, a smile plastered acrossed her face. "I would have gotten here sooner, but Walter wanted to make it a surprise."

I only half heard it, because my eyes were locked on the final person standing there, his hands in his pockets.

"Caine. What are you doing here?" I asked, not hostile, just generally confused.

Caine looked at the ground when he said, "Mom would have wanted someone to see it for her. You always were her favorite."

My voice caught in my throat and tears burned the back of my eyes as I said, "I don't know about that, but thank you."

Finally, Caine lifted his head and his blue eyes, which were clones of mine, burned into mine. He didn't have to say anything for me to hear the question that lingered in them.

"Do you think that bond we had will ever reincarnate?" He asked, a sly smile that I had missed for so long crossed his face.

"If you find a way to not piss me off, maybe," I said.

With that, a genuine smile crossed Caine's face and before I knew it, he had me wrapped in a hug.

After a few seconds I pushed him away, "I am still not a fan of physical contact," I said.

Caine rolled his eyes and said, "Alright fine, I gotta get to work. I'll call you later." With that, he turned and left the building.

"Ah, the sweet smell of forgiveness. How sweet," Toby said, then after a moment he added, "Congrats 187."

"IQ levels can't be appropriate nicknames," I stated, Toby shrugged.

After a couple more 'congratulations' from the rest of the team, Walter said that he and the team had a surprise for me back at the garage.

When we got to the garage, there was a car I'd never seen before sitting out front. It was a 1968 Camaro. It was a darker color blue and had p white pinstripes. I saw a smile cross Paige's face as we pulled up.

I jumped out of the car and looked at Walter as he and Megan got out of his car.

"Paige and I found it, Toby gambled for it, Happy fixed it up with some side help from Sylvester, and Cabe got it registered in your name. Ralph did some interior cleaning as well as rewired some lighting," Walter said, and realization dawned on me. My mouth fell open and I looked between Paige and Water.

Cabe tossed me a key and smiled as I stared at it with huge eyes. I was too stunned to do much. So I crossed over to Walter and wrapped my arms around him in a hug. He stood in shock and said a 'you're welcome' I then went around to the rest of the team and gave them my appreciation.

"What are you waiting for? Take it for a spin!" Toby said, throwing his hands up.

"Not literally," Sylvester put in quickly.

I started to move towards the- my, car when Cabe, who had been looking at his phone, said, "I think that's gonna have to wait. We have a case protecting a dead secret service member's family."


Author's Note

Ah, my dream car. I had to incorporate it into this somehow.

I'm sorry it's been so long, I'm just starting to log hours for my drivers license so it's been busy.

I got some Megan and Caine in here! Yay!! How do you guys like Caine? Any thoughts on him?

Questions, questions, questions. If you got them, I wanna answer them!

When I came on today, this story had 4.99k reads! It's gaining reads quicker than anything I've written! I love you all so much!

I really wanna do this, so if you have a favorite quote from this story, make a quote thing and send it to me on Instagram- @emwattpad I will then post it with creds to you!!!

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