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It has been three months since Yibo and Zhan came out to the employees of the company.
The employees didn’t fail to notice how the two act towards each other compared to their past relationship. They always cooed at them that they even created a fan site called ‘Yizhan’ where all their sweet moment captured on camera are being posted most especially by the ladies.
Haoxuan and Jiyang decides to be in a relationship as their feelings are very obvious and they also got support from their ends.

Ty didn’t leave out any day to annoy Zhan. He always made it his daily dose to remind Zhan that Yibo will always be his and his plans will surely tear them apart. Zhan ignored him but couldn’t help feeling insecure about Ty’s unknown plans. He actually tried to convince Yibo to make it clear to Ty that he’s married and won’t ever go back to him but Yibo always ignores that topic. Though Zhan is sure that Yibo doesn’t share Ty’s feelings but he still couldn’t help it in feeling jealous whenever Ty and Yibo are together even just for a friendly lunch.

There was actually a time where Zhan had enough of Ty and retaliated which ended with him and Yibo sleeping in separate rooms that night but the next day, Yibo apologizes and promises that he would no longer associate with Ty. Only then did Zhan forgave him and Zhan also saw it in Yibo’s action that he truly won’t associate with Ty.
Zhan thought that he would be confronted by Ty because of this but was somehow surprised with how cool Ty was and eventually moved on with his life.
Zhan hopes that it will remain this way. Not knowing that when a snake is calm, it means that it’s actually studying its target.

Recently, Zhan has been having morning sicknesses that even perceiving the aroma of his favorite dishes makes him throw up. Yibo got very worried about this and even insisted on taking Zhan to the hospital but Zhan always says that he’s fine that it’s just a change of weather since it’s almost winter. Yibo being Yibo actually fell for that and decides to watch him for a few days for any improvement. If none, he would forcefully take him to the hospital.

Yibo has an appointment on an off day and he doesn’t want Zhan to be alone in the house so took Zhan to the Xiao House but on getting there, they were met with closed doors as it escaped them that both their parents are currently on a vacation.
Zhan decides on staying with Cheng instead for which Yibo agreed cuz he wouldn’t leave a sick Zhan all by himself. Yibo left only after dropping Zhan off at Cheng's and also assuring him that he will be fine.

Cheng and Zhan decides on spending the days indoors firstly because of Zhan’s health and also because it’s been awhile they both sat down to speak about life and what they’ve been through.

After speaking and playing video games for sometimes, Zhan excuses himself to the restroom which he was for a while now.
Cheng started to get worried because Zhan has been there for more than thirty minutes and also because he hadn’t heard any sound since Zhan went in. Cheng stood up from the bed, head to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

“Zhan?”  getting no reply, he knocks again.

“Zhan? How long are you planning on staying there? Don’t tell me you slept off because that will be a big joke.” He said but got more worried getting no reply.

Cheng: Zhan?


Cheng: shit. Cheng then got out of his room and head towards their storage room to get a spare key for the bathroom as the bathroom door only uses keys for lock both from the inside and outside.

Getting the keys, Cheng ran back to his room and hurriedly opened the door.
Cheng was shocked to the core when he saw a passed out Zhan who was currently lying lifeless on the cold floor and was looking very pale.
Cheng worried and scared, he hurries towards Zhan, took him in his arms and went out of the bathroom heading towards his bed. He then places Zhan on it.

Cheng: Zhan? He shook Zhan trying to wake him up but Zhan didn’t bodge, one bit.

Cheng them took Zhan in his arms again and hurriedly went downstairs with Zhan still in his arms and not forgetting to take the keys to his dad’s car with him.
Cheng took Zhan to the passager seat, and hurriedly ran to the driver seat after making sure Zhan's seat belt is able to protect him from bumping his head forward. He then put the car to life and speedily head towards the nearest hospital.

Cheng walks up and down worriedly  in the hallway of the hospital in front of a closed room Zhan was and a doctor and nurse tending to him.
The silent hallway because noisy when sounds of people running engrosses the quietness of the hallway which attracted Cheng’s attention. Raising his head, he saw a worried Wang Yibo, Haoxuan and Jiyang.

Getting to Cheng, Yibo asks worriedly.
“where’s Zhan?”

Cheng: he’s still with the doctor.

Yibo: h-how d-did it happened that h-he suddenly passed out.
He asks with teary eyes.

Haoxuan: Yibo, calm down.
He says seeing the stuttering Yibo.

Jiyang: yes ge, everything will be fine. We just have to have hope and wait for the doctor.

Yibo nodded but stood in front of the closed door and internally praying for Zhan’s safety.

Yibo was still in his meeting when Cheng called him and told him that Zhan suddenly passed out in the restroom. Yibo didn’t even wait for a second and dashes out of the meeting room and almost immediately, Haoxuan went after him not after saying sorry to the present people. Upon seeing Yibo’s reaction, Haoxuan could guess it has something to do with Zhan.

He went towards Yibo who was trying to find the car keys but couldn’t.
Haoxuan slipped his hands into his pocket and took out the car keys heading towards the driver seat with Yibo immediately getting into the car.

Yibo: go to xx hospital.

Haoxuan immediately drove out of the arena not even questioning the reason why they were going to a hospital.

Getting to the entrance of the hospital, they saw Jiyang who was chatting with his friends while heading towards their bus stop as the hospital was located in same place as his school's bus stop.
Jiyang seeing the two familiar people, immediately ran towards them and enquires about what they were doing at the hospital.
Haoxuan then held his hands while trying to keep up with Yibo’s long stride.

“it’s your brother I think”

Jiyang: what happened to him? He asks while running with Haoxuan.

Haoxuan: about finding out.
They went towards the receptionist who directed them to Zhan’s room.


After a few minutes,  the doctor finally came out with a serious expression but after seeing the worried people before him, he smiled and said.
“you’re here for Mr Wang right?”

Yibo: yes doctor. How’s he?
He asks almost invading the doctor’s privacy.

Doctor: the patient is fine. It’s just that he overworked himself and some stress. I’ve given him some medication and will also recommend some for you to give him and he’ll be needing a lot of rest. So rest assured, he’s okay.

With that, Yibo let out a breathe of relief.
“Thanks God.”

Jiyang: I’m glad gege is fine.

Cheng nodded smiling.

Doctor: I want to ask who’s his close relatives here? I wish to speak to them in private.

Yibo: I’m his husband

The doctor nodded. “very well, please come with me to my office while the others can stay with the patient abit as he’ll wake up anytime soon and please, less noise would be appreciated.

Cheng: rest assured doc

With that, the doctor left with Yibo towards his office.
They both got into the office and sat opposite each other.

Doc: I’m so sorry for this but there’s something else I would like to share with you but couldn’t say it earlier because it seems like none of you knows about it and you being the patient’s partner, you should at least know about this.

Yibo: what is it doc? You earlier said that Zhan was fine right? He asked worried.

Doctor: yes, your husband is safe and sound but there’s something else that’s very important that I should let you know of.

Yibo: what is it doc? He asked nervous.

The doctor sighed and said.

“As you know, in this world there are 3% of men who could regenerate right?”

Yibo: yes, and how is that related to Zhan?

Doctor: apparently your husband happened to be one of them and he’s currently two months pregnant.

Yibo: ……………

Yibo became quiet. He felt like he lost all voice to talk or even made a sound.
Yibo: Z-zhan is p-pregnant?

Doctor: yes Mr Wang. Congratulations. He says smiling.

Yibo suddenly feels happiness building up in him. Zhan has always felt bad about not being able to give him a complete family never aware of him being able to actually conceive.

Yibo stood up from his seat hurriedly, not even sparing the doctor a glance and immediately left the office.
All he could think of is Zhan.
He sometimes tripped on his steps because his vision got blurry from happy tears that unknowingly slipped out from his eyes.

Zhan feeling a soft hand on his opened his eyes weakly and was immediately welcomed by a white ceiling. He turned his eyes towards the person holding his hands and saw a smiling Jiyang.
Jiyang: ge, you’re awake.

Cheng: finally. I thought you’ll be sleeping the whole day.

Zhan then turned his head towards Cheng who was seated on a couch and Haoxuan beside him.
Confused, he asks “where am i?”

Jiyang: you’re at the hospital ge. You suddenly passed out and Cheng ge took you here.

Zhan: oh. He says weakly.

Cheng: why didn’t you say anything when you say anything to me when you were feeling faint? You got me worried you know.

Zhan: I’m sorry

Cheng: whatever. He says rolling his eyes.

Zhan facing Haoxuan asks. “if you’re here, where’s Yibo?”

Zhan asked and the doors opened immediately revealing Yibo who was smiling widely with tears stained eyes.

Zhan immediately sat down straight with Jiyang giving him assistance.
Yibo raced towards the bed and immediately hugged Zhan tightly. He then broke the hug, took Zhan’s hands in his and starts peppering Zhan’s hands with small kisses.

Cheng rolls his eyes at the over dramatic Yibo with Haoxuan snickering a laugh behind him. Jiyang was smiling brightly watching the effection displayed before him.

Yibo: how are you feeling? Do you feel pain anywhere? He finally asked.

Zhan: no.
Zhan said and quite taken aback by this but got more worried seeing Yibo in tears.
“W-why are you crying.” He asks worried.

Yibo: z-zhan. Y-you're..
Yibo couldn’t voice it out. He was trembling inside that he haven’t even gotten over the shock.

Zhan: what is it?

At that, the other became alerted and moved closer to the seated couple.
Yibo took in a deep breath and hold Zhan’s face in his hands, placing a peck on his lips, he smiled at Zhan.
“Zhan” he places his hand on Zhan’s stomach, caressing it lovingly.
“Zhan, the doctor said you’re two months pregnant. Zhan he said you’re pregnant with our child.” He said smiling widely.

Tears immediately slipped from Zhan’s eyes not believing what he just heard. “W-what?”

Yibo: he said you’re pregnant Zhan. He said and immediately hugged Zhan tightly.

Cheng: but how?

Yibo then releases Zhan and explained what him and the doctor discussed and at that time, a nurse knocked on the doors and got inside and giving Yibo an envelope.

Yibo opened, scanned through it and gave it to Zhan who received it with trembling hands and eventually saw what it was. He couldn’t stop the tears that was slipping from his eyes.
It was an ultra sound which was taken when the doctor was still tending to Zhan.
Zhan couldn’t describe what he was feeling at that time.
Zhan: Y-yibo. W-we're.....

Yibo nodded and caressing Zhan’s face.

Zhan smiled brightly. He never imagined that his greatest wish will eventually come through. He doesn’t care how it happened all he cares about is that he’s able to give Yibo what every partner would want.

Jiyang: congratulations ge.

Cheng: can’t wait to see you being all chubby and walking like a penguin. He said teasingly.

Zhan: asshole.
He says throwing a pillow at him.

Haoxuan: congratulations. I’ll go tell our parents about it.
He says excusing himself and walking to the door.
Jiyang: wait for me.

Cheng: me too.

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