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Zhan laid down on the hospital bed without falling asleep and was staring heavenly at Yibo who was currently stroking his hair and also telling him about fun stuff he did in the past which he thought was fun.
They just had dinner with Yibo helping Zhan out. They were still engrossed in their discussion when the doors was suddenly bursted opened and a worried Mrs Wang and the Xiaos came in.

Mrs Xiao: z-zhan. Oh my baby.
She cries out, after placing Mr Xiao's wheelchair next to the bed, walks towards Zhan  whose head snapped at their direction.

They were at home when Haikuan called them not quite long ago, telling them Zhan got into and accident but didn’t say anything about the child and Haikuan decided that it’s better to hear it from it’s parents. They scolded him for not telling them when it happened. They didn’t even wait for Haikuan to explain himself and they ended the call and immediately heading to the hospital.

Zhan couldn’t hide his sad expression seeing his mom’s teary eyes. “m-ma” he called out.

Mrs Xiao went towards Zhan and hugs him deeply and accidentally pressing on his hurt ribs in which Zhan cringe in pain. Mrs Xiao immediately freed him from her embrace and couldn’t stop the tears that was slipping from her eyes. “h-how are you? Does it hurts that much? Tell mom so I can make it stop.”
She said caressing Zhan’s face.

Mrs Wang: Zhanzhan. Tell us if anywhere hurts.
She says caressing Zhan’s hair.

Zhan smiles sadly at them and says
“I’m fine. There’s nothing I can’t handle and it doesn’t hurt that much.”

Mrs Xiao: how could you say that. Look how pale you are.
She says tearingly.

Zhan just and Mr Xiao called out to him.

Zhan looks at his dad and smiles assuring. “I’m fine dad. You know I’m very strong right? Like you.”
He says trying to ease up the atmosphere.

Mr Xiao was about saying something when his eye sight stops on Zhan’s flat stomach. He frowned deeply and asked. “zhan, why is your…..”

Sensing what he was about to ask, Yibo stood up and knelt down before the elders and bowed his head a bit and says
“I’m so-sorry f-for not able to protect them. You can punish me how you want to. It was my fault. I was careless and hurt Zhan in the process. Because of me, he ended up in the hospital bed for the second time and because of me, he gave birth prematurely. Y-you can punish me how you want to. I’m very sorry for being this useless.”
He said with teary eyes.

Three elders froze upon hearing what Yibo just said. The first person to regain his composure was Mrs Wang who asked.

Mrs Xiao looks at Zhan with widened eyes and asked while trembling slightly.
“d-did y-you gave birth prematurely?”
Zhan couldn’t answer back and only nods sadly.

The elders could feel the cold flow of their blood. They couldn’t decipher what they just heard.
Mrs Xiao immediately broke down into tears and Mrs Wang tried to calm her down.

Mr Xiao: it’s a good thing that you and the child are okay.
He says after regaining his composure.
He turns towards Yibo who was still on his knees and his head hung low.
“Get up.” He says
Yibo slowly got up and sat down next to Mr Xiao who pointed towards them empty couch.

Mr Xiao: why would you blame yourself in this kind of thing? It was actually an accident. No one predicted it after all. We should all be happy that nothing serious happened to the both of them. Though Zhan’s hurt, it will eventually heal with time.
You’re still young, we all make mistakes. We aren’t saint after all.
He says.

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