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Yibo and Zhan hadn’t spoken so much since the incident that day. It seems like Zhan has been ignoring him on purpose which he knows he deserves.
The only time they spoke was in front of their parents, pretending everything was fine so as to not make their parents worried.

Zhan and Yibo left for their home on Yibo’s car in which they both sat on the back seat and Haoxuan driving.

Zhan didn’t even spared Yibo a look and looks very pale. Yibo was very worried most especially because of his current condition. The drive home was graveyard-like quite that after they got home, Zhan immediately came out of the car and dashes to his previous room ignoring Yibo’s call.
Yibo tried stopping him so as to explain the situation to Zhan more clearly but was ignored. They didn’t even had dinner together as Zhan didn’t came down from his room. Worried, Yibo ended up sending a servant to go deliver Zhan his dinner since Zhan doesn’t want to have anything to do with him for now.

That’s how it had been in their home for the past weeks. Even Haoxuan tried talking to them but Zhan replied by
“If you had been on my shoes, how would you have reacted?”

Haoxuan thinking back, of course he wouldn’t have been able to take it. He even got very angry at Yibo that day that he didn’t even spoke to him as his usual self for some time. But we all are humans right? We all make mistakes. Knowingly and unknowingly and besides, to think back, Yibo was actually drunk and drugged and even thought he was with Zhan. So as humans, we all deserve a second chance in life right?. But all Zhan did was scoffed and went out to their garden where he spend most of his time recently.
Haoxuan tried figuring out ways to end this fight and grudge but it seems like Zhan was very adamant and quite stubborn. Sighs. Pregnancy hormones.
He felt bad for his cousin. If he hadn’t been so stupid this wouldn’t have been happening right now. He have been giving Zhan the best pregnancy month but all these was ruined all because of one pain in the neck TY.

Haoxuan was sitting on his office and deep in thoughts when his door was suddenly opened by a furious Haikuan who stopped at the front of his desk. Startled he asked.


Haikuan: how could you guys keep such an important issue from me?

Haoxuan immediately grasping what he meant replied “they didn’t wished for any other person to know about it.”

Haikuan: any other person? What if something bad happens to their marriage? How would you guys explain these shits?
He asked angrily.

Haoxuan: ge, it was..

Haikuan: it was what? If it wasn’t for Ty himself who came home threatening Yibo which I happened to be there, I wouldn’t have known about any of this. This is a marriage for Christ sake. You guys shouldn’t act recklessly. What if Zhan decides to end it with him while you both are doing nothing, what will you guys tell mom? He asked furiously.


Haikuan: how could you guys hide something so serious from me? I’m your elder brother. You could have….

Haoxuan: we’re sorry GE. But I promise we were actually finding a solution to this. We wouldn’t ignore something like this. Even Yibo is trying to find a solution.

Haikuan: solution? You just said solution. It’s been fuckin three months now. How would Zhan react if he hears about Ty being pregnant with Yibo’s child.

Haoxuan: w-what?

Haikuan: you just just heard right and it’s has been confirmed by me already. He’s pregnancy with his son.

Haoxuan: h-how?

Haikuan: apparently he’s just like Zhan. He can fuckin get pregnant.

Haoxuan: w-what are we going to do now ge? I never knew it will lead to this.


“I don’t know now Haoxuan. But I’ll need some time to think this through.” Haikuan says.

Haoxuan: what about Yibo?

Haikuan: where do you think he’ll be at right now?

Haoxuan: if Zhan happens to know of Ty’s condition then, he would be very sure that Ty could be pregnant like right now.

Haikuan: that’s the reason I need some time to think this through. I can’t let my little brother’s marriage be ruined because of his own stupidity.

Haoxuan: I hope Zhan won’t hate him more than he already does.

Haikuan: mm.

It was quite for some time and then Haikuan's phone rang and seeing it was Fanxing’s homeroom teacher, he picks it up.

Haikuan: good day Mrs Mika.


Haikuan: okay. I’ll be there.


Haikuan: okay and thank you.

Haikuan then ended the call.

Haikuan: I’ll go pick up Fanxing from school now. I will speak to you both when I get back. You guys should meet me at my home tonight cuz I don’t want a second passing by without doing anything about this.
He said and starts heading towards the door, getting out and slamming it shut from rage.

Haoxuan slams himself on his chair with the thoughts of how to overcome this immediately taking over his mind.
His cousin’s marriage is at a risk and he won’t just sit back and watch it fall apart. He was actually glad that Haikuan already found out about this. Now he has hope that he comes up with a plan that would be successful and not make things worse. He has hope in him cuz after all, he has always been the mastermind of all their scheming back in their younger days.

Yibo clenched his fist tightly on the already torn pregnancy report that was still on his hand with his head hung low and standing at the front door of his home. He face red with rage.
H-how had things gotten out of hands?
He was happy. He was happy with Zhan but that night. That one terrible night which Ty drugged him and Zhan seeing him in a very terrible and obscene act. He started hating himself to the core. He had been so stupid all these while.
And now, the result of all these had finally been placed in front of him. Apparently the mastermind of all these is now pregnant with his child.

He curses the day the first set his eyes on him. He curses the day he accepted being friends with him. He curses that day, he let his guard down and allowed himself to be drugged by Ty.

He shoulders kept vibrating from anger.

After a few minutes in silent self hating and curses, he raises his head, look at the door before him and places his right shaking hand on it.

Just behind that door, is the man who owns his heart. The man he had greatly wronged and a man carrying the fruit of their love.
He couldn’t help the small sobs that escaped from his lips.
He was scared.
He was scared that Zhan would eventually leave him and that is the last thing he would ever want to happen.
He knew Zhan already knows about the pregnancy as Zhan was aware of this before him.
How did he found out? He couldn’t put a guess to it.

He won’t accept that. He still believes that the pregnancy report in his hand was fake but as he knows deep down it wasn’t the case as Haikuan has already confirmed it.
He couldn’t think of anything at this moment. He just want his Zhan back.
His thoughts got drifted when his phone beeped that was in his hands and tightly held on.
He looks down  towards it and immediately grasped that message that was displayed on its screen from his brother.

Apparently, there’s still  hope. Hope that his Zhan would come back to him. They haven’t even separated yet but it feels like that to him already. He chuckled sadly at the thought.

Taking in another deep breath, he opened the door and was welcomed with a very lovely scene.
Zhan was currently seating on the couch in the living room and was giving their unborn child baby talks. Yibo cooed at the sight.

He took baby steps towards Zhan who was oblivious of his surroundings and stops few steps behind him, clearly hearing what he was chatting about.

Zhan: baby. Dad and Daddy misses you even when you haven’t stepped into the world yet.
I’m very angry at your dad right now but…… I still misses his warmth.
Should I forgive him A'Yuan?  Mmm?
I don’t want to be angry at home anymore because after all, I had been in his shoes before but in a different situation. But…..
‘He lets out a sob'

Zhan: But it still hurts you know.
‘He smiles sadly.’

Zhan: I miss him so much. How I wish he was currently here with me because I bet he’s out there trying to find a way to deal with that little mister who’s trying to ruin your dad and daddy’s marriage but….daddy won’t let that happen okay? Cuz we both love you very much.

He says petting his very noticeable bulged tommy. He smiles when he feels a little kick and looks up into nothing but his thoughts we’re caught short when he felt a presence behind him.
He slowly turned around and saw the only person who had been residing on his thoughts and he immediately let out a chocked sob and says in a sad tone.

Yibo hurriedly walked to seat besides Zhan and takes him in his arms. He hugged him very closely as he couldn’t miss this chance he had gotten. He knew that Zhan was getting very emotional because of his pregnancy hormones because knowing Zhan, he wouldn’t let him hug him like this till he had forgiven him fully.

Yibo hugs him for so long that he wasn’t aware that Zhan has already fallen asleep in his arms.
Hearing a light snore, Yibo releases Zhan and smiles at his cuteness. Pecking his head, he takes him in his arms, heading towards their room and placing him gently on their bed.

He is glad of this night. Glad that he had witness this. This had already motivated him deeply that he couldn’t hold back his happiness.
He smiles while stroking the sleeping Zhan's head and placing a peck to it.
Properly tucking him in, he went out of the room and closing the door behind him.
He went out of the house and towards his car. His brother has a plan on how to get rid of the garbage, so he doesn’t want to waste even a minute. All he wants right now, is to bring back the old Zhan whose smiles never ceases from his beautiful face and that, he would make sure of.


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