With the incident at homecoming still looming in the air,for everyone involved the second semester for our favorite Westlakers that are going into their sophomore and junior year. It could be the most different yet difficult school year to say the l...
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I wrote down all the chemistry notes from the board into my notebook as the bell rang for third period or in my case lunch period I closed my notebook taking my backpack off the back of my chair unzipped it and put my notebook and pen inside, I got up from my desk walking out the door like everyone else waiting by the lockers outside the classroom for Tia who comes no out the door behind me with her books in her hands we start walking down the hallway.
"Any predictions for this chem lab quiz? I have a good feeling I'll get a decent B and are you up for the mall after school then studying at my house for Chem." Tia asked me as we stopped at her locker.
" Sure my dad's working late tonight anyways I'll just tell him I'm sleeping over at your house is that cool with your parents?." I questioned leaning against the nearby locker with my arms crossed.
Tia nodded closing her locker we started walking side by side down the hallway to the cafeteria "My parents like you so does Natasha so I don't see why not ." She replied as we walked into the cafeteria and got in line.
I grabbed a plastic blue tray and put a cold red punch on my tray , a banana and some surprisingly good-looking lasagna, and a fork with a deliciously smelling brownie I took out my wallet from my pocket paying for my food walking over to an empty table seeing most of the tables already filled I hear a plastic tray hit the table I look up to see Tia.
Tia grabbed her fork " So what's the deal with you and Ciara you didn't tell me what happened after you guys hung out at her house yesterday are you guys like official now? Don't think I haven't noticed how close you both have gotten I know you really like her." She questioned me as she picked up her spaghetti and took a few bites.
I rolled my eyes before grabbing my fork and plastic knife trying to cut up my lasagna without making a mess but my tray looked like a red sauce of cheese mess, chuckling at my poor excuse for knife skills Tia laughing at my attempts.
"Stop laughing dork and a lady doesn't kiss and tell we aren't just friends I'll say that. we are having fun together, I don't do labels for now but enough about me. what's going on with you and Stephen last time we talked he said he was planning on taking you bowling?." I asked.
Tia played with her spaghetti picking at it and letting out a sigh "I wouldn't know the key word he planned this it never happened because we broke up can we just not talk about this." She pleaded as she looked as if she was holding back tears before getting up from the table and quickly turning on her heels walking out of the cafeteria.
I got up from the table grabbing my backpack and followed behind her " Tia wait up talk to me." Leaving the cafeteria as I heard footsteps following behind me without a doubt I know it's Natasha.
I walked down the hallway to the girl's bathroom opening the door slowly to a low squeak seeing Tia crying in the mirror where the sink is.
" Tia? What happened out there does this have something to do with Stephen?." I asked even though I knew the answer.