Draven's P.O.V

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"What did you say?" Mom asked, eyes wide in disbelief.

"I'm pregnant."


"I told you I don't know."

"How can you not know?"

"I was drugged."


"At Ian's party."

"I thought you said no drugs or alcohol."

"I didn't take them on purpose, someone put them in my drink." I said louder than I meant to.

"Do you know who did it?"


"He would never do that. I don't want to see you ever again."

"You think I'm lying?" I asked as tears started to well up in my eyes.

"I think you are trying to blame Ian for something you wanted to happen. I also think you just want attention like all those other times." She accused.

"YOU THINK I WANTED THIS TO HAPPEN?" I yelled. She just looked at me like I was crazy. I looked at her in disbelief. "I'm going to need dad's phone number and address I'm going to go pack my things." I told her turning around right my tears started to fall. I went to my room which was more like a closet. It had a twin sized bed with a side table, with some of my stuff and a shelf with shirts and pants. Mom was a lawyer so got a really good amount of money. We had a pretty big house and when mom and dad got a divorce I had to give up my room and most of my stuff While my brother who was my twin got everything mom even let him have the biggest room which was dad's office and had a big closet and bathroom installed.

It didnt take long for me to pack everything into my backpack. I then went up stairs to hear the tv was on and mom hadn't written down I unlocked her phone memorized the phone number then got into my broken Frankenstein car that I built from all sorts of different vehicle parts. I threw everything on the back seats then drove to my work.

"Hey I wasn't expecting you today." Cindy the owner of all the branch restaurants of Chicken n pork  Lovers, Asked once I was in her office. They are restaurants of only the best  chicken and pork dishes.

"I wasn't either. I'm not here to work I'm resigning."

"Why?" She asked panickd.

"I'm moving. It is something I have to do."

"Can you tell me?"

"I was drugged by my brother. Someone had their way with me I'm pregnant.My mom thinks I want attention and wanted this to happen and now she hates me more and I'm going to see if my dad will let me move in."

"Doesn't your dad live on the other side USA?"


"You are going to drive that far while you are pregnant?"


"How far along are you?"

"Nine months."

"You are insane. Wait nine?"


"You do not look it."

"I know I'm pretty sure that's why mom thinks I'm lying."

"She was huge and it took her a long time to lose the weight."

"Why does she not like me?"

"Because you are an omega, look like your father, are smarter than she was at your age and you are innocent."

"Shouldn't a mother love their children no matter what?"

"Yes. But lots of parents don't."

"I know I just don't understand why people can be so cruel."

"I don't know."

"Boss there is someone who is asking for you." Jenn said.

"Did you get their name?"

"No but he has been here before. Brown hair brown eyes."

"Dr Marin." She said then left.

"I didn't know you were working today." Jenn said.

"I'm not." I said then headed out to my car and started driving, I stopped at parking lots at night to try to get some sleep.

On the fourth day of driving after about twelve hours I felt pain, so I drove to the hospital, stopping on the side of the road when the pain got unbearable. I sat in the parking lot for a few minutes to let the pain subside. When it did I got out of the car and my water broke. I slowly walked inside stopping when needed.

"Hello sir can I help you?" The lady at the desk asked. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out since a really bad contraction hit.

"Sir are you ok?" A doctor asked coming to my side.

"Baby's coming." I huffed out. After that every thing went fuzzy then black.

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