Draven's's P.O.V

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It's been a week since we had a supper at Mikaylas apartment and Sebastian has gone back to work. I was currently playing with my boys in the living area when I heard a knock at the door. I got up off the floor and went to the door. I opened it partly to see who it was it was my brother.

"Draven." He said.


"I need to talk to you." He looked sincere, so I opened the door all the way and let him in. "You have twins?"


"Do you know who the father is?"

"Yeah he's my soulmate."

"Are you living with him?"


"I didn't mean to drug you. Jose said it was a sleeping pill and he did. He took it from his dad's medicine drawer. I asked him to bring some so that you would fall asleep so I could lock you in your room so the people would let you be."

"Why didn't you just tell me to stay in my room?"

"Cause I thought you hated me."

"I thought you despised me."

"I wanted to make mom believe I did because I didn't want her to kill you because I gave you more attention. Maybe she would kick you out of the house. So I was kind of glad you got pregnant."

"Mom wouldn't go that far would she?" I questioned.

"She killed her old boss as well as our sister's dad."


"She didn't want to share custody and wanted his job."

"That's messed up. How do you know this?"

"She has a diary."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I gave it to the police and want to live with you and be around dad. We are eighteen we have the right to see him."

"I could call him for you. What will happen to our sister?"

"Since mom doesn't have any family that will take her in she's going to her aunt and uncle that can't have kids."

"What's her name?"

"Carla. She's five."

"Where was she?"

"Mom had another house. Her dad didn't know we even existed." My phone rang I looked at it to see it was Sebastian.

"I have to take this." I told him.

"Can I play with them?" He questioned.

"Go ahead." I said going to my bedroom. "Hey what's up?"

"Do you want to go to kalven and Maverick's wedding."


"Let's go shopping in an hour."

"But my brother is here."

"He can come with us and play with the kids."

"Are you sure?"

"If you're ok with it yeah."


"Im going to finish some paperwork then head over."

"I'll ask Ian if he wants to come with us."

"Sounds good. Love you." I felt my face heat up when he said those simple words.

"Love you too." I replied my face heating up even more. He then hung up the phone. I put it away then put it away going back to the lounge area.

"Do you want to go shopping with me and Sebastian?" I questioned.

"Do you want me there?"

"I was hopping you would keep the boys busy while we are getting the cloths."

"Are you going somewhere special?"

"Sebastian's friends wedding."

"If you don't mind me coming along."

"Not at all."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive. I might not trust you but I do want you in the boy's life."

"I'm not going to be intruding on a date or something?"

"No, not at all."

"I guess I will."

"Can I ask what you wanted in town?"

"I wanted to apologize and see dad."

"After shopping I'll give you his address."

"Really?" He questioned stars in his eyes.

"Yeah. Do you want to change them?" I questioned.

"Yes." He said giving me the biggest smile I've ever seen. I went and took a quick shower then prepared the diaper bag and stroller then got the car seats ready. I gave them their milk me and Ian kept talking about a lot of things that we missed about each other.


I heard a knock at the door, I went to open it to see Sebastian.

"Hey." He greeted with a goofy smile on his face.

"Hi." I said giving him a hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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