Draven's P.O.V

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It has been a month since we went shopping and the boys are now almost two months old. Sebastian has been busy with work so I haven't seen him since he dropped off my car. I was changing Levi's diaper when I heard someone knock at my door. I quickly put his onesie on. Then picked him up and headed to the door. I opened it to see my one and only brother.

"What do you want?"

"Can't I talk to my brother?"

"No." I said closing the door.

"Please I need to talk to you."

"About what?"

"I need help."


"Please." He begged I closed the door all the way. I felt terrible but I need to cut him out of my life.

I went to my room and put some calming music on. I put Levi in the cot next to his twin brother and started cleaning the apartment.

I heard someone knock on the door after I had finished my feet hurt and I had just sat down. I got up begrudgingly and went to the door. I slowly opened so I could peek out to see a woman I had seen in the apartment building before holding a bag.

"Hi." I said opening the door further.

"Hi I am your next door neighbor and I wanted to welcome you and had been too busy with work to say welcome you. This is a pie I made I hope you like it." She said

"Thank you."

"I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Mikayla.bi live two doors down your left side, if you need anything you can ask me or my husband."

"Thank you I appreciate it."

"I should go I have to get to work soon."

"Maybe we could talk sometime again."

"Yeah I would like that." She told me then left. I closed the door and went to the kitchen starting with supper.


I had just cleaned up when my phone rang. I saw it was an unknown number.

"Hello." I answered.

"Hey Kal do you know where Maverick has his dress fitting?"

"Sorry I think you have the wrong number."

"Oh." He paused. "Could I get your name."

"Draven. What's yours?" I questioned.


"You ok?"

"Not really My friend Maverick is getting married next month and everything is crazy. He keeps on disappearing."

"Is there a reason why."

"He is panicking."

"What for?"

"He is taking a big step."

"That must be hard."

"Yeah. I have to find him. His phone is at home so maybe you could help us look for him?"

"I'd love to help." I told him.

"I'll send you a picture."

"Alright I'll call you if I do find him."

"That would be amazing. Thank you.

"No problem."

"I'll talk to you then." He said hanging up. I saved his number then got a picture of a cute feminine boy smiling past the camera. I got the boys and the stroller ready and headed out for a walk. I haven't explored much yet so I was excited to leave the apartment building.

Everyone was friendly and happy as I was walking. I stopped at a small cafe, I got a small drink and kept walking. Once I got to a park I went to sit down on a bench to take a small break I looked at nature and the people.

"Excuse me." I heard a shy and timid voice. I looked up to see Maverick.

"Hi." I smiled.

"Can I look at your babies?" He asked, playing with his sleeves.

"Go ahead." I grinned. "Do you like babies?" I asked him.

"I don't know, I have never really been around babies. My fiance wants tons of them." He said playing with Rykers hand.

"How do you talk about that."

"I don't know. We are supposed to get married next month and there is so much to do. I want it to be perfect."

"Did you hire a wedding planner."

"No I don't trust them. Did you ask your fiance for help or your friends."

"No." He whispered.

"I'm sure they would love to help."

"Maybe." He mumbled.

"Would you like to come over to my place?"

"If you don't mind."

"Not at all I'm actually lonely. My babies are always sleeping and there are so many things you can do around the house." I told him.

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