Draven's P.O.V

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I woke up in a strange room. I looked around to see Sebastian beside me sleeping. I stoked his hair. Thinking as to why I was in the hospital again and remembered my nose started bleeding after I took my meds for my heart.

"Draven." Sebastian said once he woke up.

"What happened?" I asked. "Why am I here?"

"Your meds gave you a bad nose bleed and made you fall unconscious you hit your head and made the nosebleed worse."

"Where are Levi and Ryker?"

"On their way here with Maverick and Kalvin."

"So he finally called him?" I asked my eyes slowly closing.


"I love you." I said.

"I love you too." He said and I was asleep.


When I woke up again Sebastian was still beside me holding Ryker. Karl was holding Levi and Maverick was hugging I'm assuming Kalvin. I saw Sebastian was half asleep so I took Ryker from him. Carefully not to disturb him. But once I had him his eyes flew open.

"Your up." He said.

"How long was I asleep.

"A day."

"You didn't leave?"


"Why not?"

"I couldn't leave you."

"There are doctors that would have been here."

"I don't care."

"What about my boys?"

"They slept most the time."

"When was the last they ate?"

"A few minutes ago." We kept talking for a while till the doctor came in and told us what was going on. I was then let out and Karl dropped us off at my apartment. I changed the boys and put them in there bassinets then showered and put on some comfy pajamas and got into bed instantly falling asleep.


I changed into a t shirt and leggings then fed the boys changed them and put them back in the bed where they slept at night. I then went to the kitchen seeing Sebastian on the couch sleeping. I admired him then went to prepare a fruit salad as well as crepes.

While I was finishing up the crepes I saw Sebastian get up and looked at me.

"Morning." I chirped.

"Morning." he grumbled.

"Not a morning person." I mumbled to myself. As he went to the bathroom. I heard one of the boys crying so I brought both of them and put them in a a baby bouncer which my dad got for them.

"What's for breakfast?" He asked

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"What's for breakfast?" He asked.

"Crepes and fruit."

"Sounds delicious."

"Have the boys eaten yet?"

"Yes. They eat at six. Then around nine thirty after that they eat around one."

"So they eat three and a half hours apart?"

"Around at night it depends."

"Do they have a spisific schedule."

"I guess they would. Levi is lazyer he sleeps more and eats after Ryker. If I don't feed Ryker first he wont eat."

"He's already protective."

"Yup." I said smiling back at him.


"I'm going grocery shopping." I told Sebastian putting on my shoes and a hoodie.

"Bye." he called as I opened the door.

"Bye." I said stepping out. I walked to the supermarket getting the best of the best for the week since Sebastian was going to stay for a while.

"Hi Draven." Mikayla greeted.

"Hi Mikayla. It's good to see you."

"You too."

"I was wondering if you would want to come over tonight if you aren't busy."

"Not at all. I was going to make something once I got back."

"Great. Will it just be you?"

"My pair would also be coming today."

"Oh I didn't know you had a pair. You aren't marked."

"Oh that's because we haven't been together that long."

"How long have you known race other?"

"Around two months maybe."

"Interesting. Yeah that's fine. Is there anything you are allergic to?"

"Cocoa.  I don't know about Sebastian. I also had heart surgery two months ago so I'm not allowed food with a lot of sodium from processed food, canned soup, processed sugars, white rice and processed meat."

"I'll see what I can do." She smiled.

"Thank you I appreciate it."

"If you don't mind me asking why did you have heart surgery."

"After I gave birth my heart started slowly failing so I got a heart transplant  my mates mother actually donated her heart to me. That's actually where we met other than when I had slept with him."

"How did that happen?"

"I got drugged and somehow ended up with him in a bed. Then nine months later my boys came along."

"It's strange how life happens."

"Yeah it is." I smiled thinking about the family that is at the apartment.

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