Draven's P.O.V

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After we had named our babies I was able to leave the hospital. I moved into the apartment Sebastian had given me it was a two bedroom two bathroom apartment. There was already furniture set up so I was grateful for that. Dad, and Sebastian were helping me settle in since I couldn't lift heavy things.

"Anything else you need help with?" Dad asked.

"I just need to get furniture for the boys." I told him.

"That's something I'm not helping with so I'm going to leave." He said walking to the door with a bounce to his step.

"Do you want to go furniture shopping now or later?" Sebastian asked.


"Alright do you want to drive with your car or my truck?"

"Your truck." I said checking on Levi and Ryker to see they were sleeping. I got the baby bag as Sebastian was picking up the car seats since they have not yet been taken out.

"We have to pick it up from the office then." He told me.

"Ok." I replied putting the bag in the middle seat. I gave Sebastian the car keys then sat down in the passenger seat. I took the water bottle that I had left in the car previously and drank some. Once Sebastian was in the car he started it and drove to his office which I found out to be near the hospital.

"Will you go upstairs to the top floor and ask Karl for the key?" He asked. I nodded and he gave me a key card. "Go to the furthest elevator." I gave him another nod and went inside and headed to the elevator.

"Sir you can't go in there."

"Why not?"

"That's a private elevator only Mr Evander can go on there."

"He told me that I was supposed to use this elevator."

"Do you have proof."

"I have his key card." I told her showing it to her.

"Where did you get this?" He asked snatching it away from me.

"He gave it to me."

"He would never give it to someone like you." She yelled. I felt a sting on my cheek and my hand instinctively went to it. Memories of my mother flashing threw my mind. I couldn't breathe any more the air just disappeared. I couldn't hear anything else then my mother yelling at me that I ruined her life that I was an attention whore that I was worthless and I should go kill myself. I almost did, multiple times but my Neighbour always appeared and when he told my mom I was just seeking attention.  I then got the whole thing all over again.

"Draven." I heard someone call I felt comfortable safe and warm. I didn't want to leave.

"Look at me baby." I looked around but I couldn't see any one and started panicking even more I snuggled into the warmth not wanting to leave. I felt calm loved cared for. I then heated a baby crying my baby was crying. I stood up and went towards him ignoring everything else around me. I picked him up cuddling him and rocking him untill he was quite.i put him back in his car seat then looked at Sebastian. He walked up to me and took the stroller with the baby's in it then walked to the elevator I walked behind him.

"Are you ok?" He asked me.

"Yeah I'm fine." I told him giving him a big smile.

"Can you tell me what happened?" I shook my head no shutting my mouth so I wouldnt cry. "I hope you can tell me one day." He said. I just nodded. The elevator door opened and we went out to a fancy area I saw Karl and gave him a wave he waved back at me.

"You can explore while I talk to Karl." He told me. Then walked to his manager. I walked around pushing the stroller around. Only Karl and one other person were on the top floor. She was behind the desk taking calls and organizing papers. She looked really busy so I walked around there were three offices which included the scuitarys office Karl's and a really big one which was probably Sebastians I went into the room with the babies. There was a couch towards the side and a big table in the middle of the room there was also a pent house if you went through the door and up the stairs.

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