Sebastian's P.O.V

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(The stroller ⬆️)

Once I was done talking with Karl I went to look for Draven. I saw he had put the baby monitor set up and the boys were sleeping by the door in my office. I went up to my penthouse to see he was looking at everything he was looking at the kitchen when I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around him. I felt him jump then instantly relax into my arms.

"What are you doing up here?"

"Exploring. You didn't say I couldn't go anywhere."

"I know."

"Do you live here?"

"No I stay here when I have to stay the night or if I have to be in the city late. So I am here most of the time." I told him.

"We should get going it's almost time for them to eat." He said rubbing his face into my chest. When he had finished we went back down to the office. He started pushing the stroller out the doors and to the elevator. I pressed the button and it opened he walked in and I was right behind him. I pressed the button to go down to the main floor. We went out the door and to my truck I had already moved everything into it so we just had to put the car seats in the truck Draven sitting in the middle between the two car seats.

"Are you comfortable?"

"Yes it is surprisingly roomy."

"Alright." I nodded. Putting the stroller piece in the passenger side seat. I got into the drivers seat and looked through the rear view mirror to see Draven giving the boys milk. I then backed out of the spot and drove to a baby furniture store.

"You ready?" I asked Draven once I had parked.

"If you could change Levi's diaper before we go inside would be nice." He said taking Ryker out of the car seat. I quickly changed his diaper then put him back into his car seat. I then put him on the stroller when Draven had finished with Ryker I also put him on the stroller while Draven put the diaper bag under the stroller.

"So what do we need?" I asked him.

"Well cribs a changing table. I would like a rocking chair or glider, and bassinets for in my room. I will also need highchairs for when they are older there might be more that I can't think of right now."

"Let's see what we find." I said walking into the store behind him.


Once we had everything in the truck we went and did a little more shopping for his appointment. After that we headed back.

"Why can't I help?" He whined.

"Because you are still recovering."

"I'm almost recovered they had me at the hospital during most of my recovery."

"I don't want you to get hurt."

"You are the worst. I'll just go watch my baby's."

"So they are yours now?"

"Yes." He said huffing then leaving the room. I then started building everything.

"Foods here."

"I'm just about done. What money did you use?" I asked.

"Don't expect me to pay if you are here.

"What are we having?"


"I'll be there in a minute." I called finishing up the last pieces. I went to the table. I saw he had set everything up. "Where are the boys?"

"In my bed. Are you planning on going home tonight?" He asked as I sat down.

"I'm probably going to stay at the penthouse." I told him. Starting to eat. Once we finished I helped him clean up then left. I drove to the office and went to my penthouse I took a shower, did some work then went to bed.

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