Sebastian's P.O.V

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I felt good after I had Karl send everything I had prepared for my babies and Draven. It has been a few days and I am now visiting him. I am currently in my room looking for something to wear.

"Jenny I need help." I yelled over the phone.

"What's got you yelling?"

"I am meeting my fated pair and I don't know what to wear."

"Ok where are you going?"

"To the hospital."

"What are you going to do there?"

"He gave birth and had a heart transplant."

"Oh. WAIT HE HAS A KID?" She yelled.

"No. He had twins."




"We need to figure out somethings first. What am I supposed to wear?"

"Cargo pants, t-shirt and a button up shirt."

"Ok, and what should I get for him?"

"Well what do you know about him?"

"Not that much."

"Ok, something small probably chocolate or a small treat."

"Ok but what kind?"

"Come to Delectables, and I'll help you find something. When are you supposed to be there?"

"I want to be there at around five."

"Ok. I will prepare something. Bye." She told me.

"See ya." I said hanging up. I put on black cargo pants a white t-shirt and a black button up shirt. I put on a pair of Nike sneakers and got my wallet and keys for my 2024 kia Sorento.

• • •

"Hey." I said knocking on the door frame.

"Hi. I'm glad you came." He said, giving me a big smile.

"How would I not come?"

"I don't know."

"How are you feeling?"

"Good I might be able to leave tomorrow."

"That's great."


"Oh before I forget I got you these." I said holding out a small box of chocolates.

"Oh I'm actually allergic to cocoa."

"Oh, Sorry I didn't know."

"It's fine."

"When were you diagnosed?"

"Well when I was two I had chocolate and almost died. When after that I got into a cocoa bucket and almost died because of that so the doctors figured out it was cocoa and not something else in the chocolate."

"I'm sorry to interrupt but we need to take a few more tests." A nurse said holding a needle.

"Go ahead." Draven said holding out his arm. One of the baby's cried so I looked at Draven with a questioning look, he nodded and I picked up the crying baby. He was so small and warm he stopped crying once I was holding him for a little bit. He had lots of brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. He had Draven's eyes and nose.

"Do you want to sit down?" He asked I looked at the chair to see it was full of the stuff I gave him. I looked back at him and saw he had moved to one side of the bed.

"Are you sure?" I asked him.

"Yeah." He said nodding. I sat down beside him.

"Have you named them yet?"

"No I was thinking maybe we could name them together."

"Alright do you have any names you like?" I asked him.


"I like that name too. Do you have another one?" He shook his head no.

"Do you want them to have middle names?" He asked.

"If you want." I told him.

"I also like the name Ryker."

"Do you want to name one of them Ryker Simon or Simon Ryker?"

"I like Ryker Simon."

"Ok so that's one what about this one?" He asked picking him up. He also had brown hair and brown eyes just a bit darker.

"Maybe you can name him." He said pointing to the baby I was holding.

"Levi Charles. My great grandfather's name." I said thinkinamig about the legendary man.

"I like it."

"What about the last name?"

"I have already settled it with the nurse, so you don't have to worry." He told me with a small smile on his face. His smile was contagious and made me smile as well I looked at my tiny family happy I was able to have someone my mother approved of before she died and gave her heart to.

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