Sebastian's P.O.V

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It's been too long since I have seen my boys and it's driving me crazy. I'm trying to figure out my work situation but it's so tiring.

"Sebastian." Karl yelled slamming the door open.


"Kalvin is going crazy."


"I don't know."

"Where is he?"

"In the hotel."

"Which one?"

"Olks Luxury hotel and restaurant."

"Let's go." I said putting on my suit jacket and headed out. I told Claire I wouldn't be back for today and she was to call me if anything happened. I then went to Karls truck and got in he then drove to the hotel.

"What room is he in?" I asked.

"He's on the tenth floor  last door to the left. He didn't tell me the room number."

"Ok." I said and headed inside twords the elevator.

"You can't go in there." Someone yelled. I looked over to see a lady with purple hair and was quite beautiful.

"Why not?" Karl asked.

"The elevator isn't working properly it freezes and then let's you down really fast."

"Why isn't there a do not use sign?" Karl questioned.

"There are people on there and the fire department is on their way."

"Let's go on the stairs." I told Karl and we were off. We ran up the stairs and to the tenth floor.

"How are you not out of breath?" Karl asked huffing. Once we got to the top.

"I use the stairs in the apartment a lot and I exercise daily."


"In the morning at my home gym. If I don't do that I go for a run." I told him knocking on Kelvins door. He opens the door hair a mess his suit completely wrinkled and he looked tired. We went in I saw that it was actually clean.

"What's wrong?"

"I can't find Maverick."

"When was the last time you saw him?"

"This morning."

"Ok he'll be back."

"He doesn't know this place it's completely new to him."

"Did you call him?"

"He left his phone here. North is out looking for him. I was out not too long ago I came to clean up."

"Ok we will help. Why did he go out."

"He was going for a walk. What if he got kidnapped."

"We will find him before anything happens." I reassured him. As I led him to his bathroom. Then his phone rang, Karl picked it up.


"Yeah he just went to the bathroom I'll tell him. Yeah. Ok sounds good we'll meet you there." He said then hung up. "Maverick is at Draven's apartment."

"My Draven?"


"What's he doing there?"

"I don't know." After a while of sitting in confusion Kalvin finally came out of the bathroom.

"We know where Maverick is."


"My fated pairs apartment."

"You have a fated pair?"

"And two boys." I told him scratching my neck.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Cause we haven't known each other that long."

"How long?"

" About two months."

"How do you have kids?"

"We slept together when I was at that house party and the next door neighbors had a party. He got drugged and somehow we ended up together in a hotel, he was gone befor it was the morning. Mom donated her heart to him I found him gave him the apartment and now we are here."

"Ok what are we waiting for let's go." He said and was off. We ran down the stairs. Karl drove to the apartment building and we calmly walked to his apartment. I knocked and Maverick opened the door.

"Baby." Kalvin choked out. Maverick jumped into his arms and cried telling him what happened. I walked around the apartment looking for Draven to conclude he was in the bathroom.

"How long has he been in the bathroom?" I asked Maverick.

"I don't know. I was playing with the babies. I heard a loud noise in there right before you got here." I knocked on the door and no answer. I tried to open the door and thankfully it was unlocked. I opened the door to see him on the floor blood all over the sink I ran to him to see blood was coming from his nose. I picked him up and ran out. Maverick and Kalvin stay here with the babies. Karl drive us to the hospital." I ordered as I kept walking with the unconscious Draven in my arms.

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