Draven's P.O.V

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It has been a month since my babies were born. I have had my surgery after I met the doner she was really sweet and I wish she didn't have to donate. She did die when she got to her room after meeting with me. I have not seen her son since that first day we met he did seem familiar. His aura and how he acted.

"Mr Draven how are you feeling?" My nurse Asked.

"Better than ever."

"Are you up for a guest?"


"Great I will let them know. Do you want me to take your babies?"

"No I want to keep them here." I told her. Looking at my sleeping babies. She gave me a nod then left the room. Not long later I heard a knock at the door. I looked up to see a large familiar figure. Tears started blurring my vision.

"Dad." I cried. Tears running down my face.

"Oli." He gasped. I felt him wrapping his arms around my body. I buried my face into his shoulder. "I've missed you." He whispered.

"Me too." I balled.

After a while of crying. I was sniffling and telling him about my life so far. And before I could tell him about Ian one of my baby's started crying. I picked him up and started rocking him.

"What are there names?"

"I don't know yet."

"How old are they?"

"Almost a month."

"Can I hold him?" He asked I gave him to dad then picked up the older one. He looks like you dad said nodding to the baby I was holding. The one you are holding looks like his dad.

"Do you know who there dad is?"

"I have a feeling but I don't know for sure."

"Dose he know?"

"I don't know. I think he has a feeling."

"Is he your fated pair?"

"Yeah." I swallowed.

"Do you know when you can leave?"

"No. But as soon as I do I need to get clothes for them and car seats and install them into my car."

"If you want I can get it for you."

"You don't have to."

"What if I tell you you have no choice."

"Draven I have a package for you." A nurse said.

"Bring it in." I told her. motioning dad to sit beside me.

"Do you want me to open it for you?" She questioned.

"Who is it from?"

"I don't know it just appeared in front of your door.i was originally here to get samples for a paternity test if it is ok."

"With who?"

"Sebastian Royal Evander."

"Ok. After you open the boxes."

"Yes sir." She said and started unwrapping it. The first box has a car seat which looked nice and sturdy. The second box also had the same exact car seat.

"Those are really nice." Dad said admiring the box. With a baby still in his arms.

"Can we open them?" I asked.

"Sure just let me get a scissor." She told me then left.

"I wonder who sent them." Dad thought out loud.

"Sebastian did."

"How do you know." It has a faint aura that he has.

"How can you tell?"

"I don't know."

"Alright let's get this open." The nurse said cutting the tape open. "Wow." She exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" I asked curious.

"The styrofoam has been replaced by baby clothes."

"Take them out." Dad said bounceing reminding me of a little kid. The nurse did and found tuns of clothes. She then opened the second one and found a baby bag as well as Diapers stuffed into wherever there was room. I couldn't help but smile at the thought that my baby's would have a loving father.

I watched the nurse take blood samples from my babies. When she came back again she had a suitcase in tow.

"This one has a letter on it for you." She said smiling.

"Can I set up the car seats?" Dad asked me. I gave him my car keys and he was off. I opened the note to see a phone number, address for an apartment as well as a key 'this key will unlock apartment written above which I would like for you to stay t.' and a credit card which had  'please use this to pay for anything you need or want for yourself or the babies. I would also like to talk to you in person. I am busy with work so I can't personally visit you.' written under it. I got out my phone and added his phone number to go my phone.

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