Sebastian's P.O.V

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"What do you mean you can't find him?" I asked Karl.

"Well he is not in the Hospital system. He was born in France we know nothing else about him he never went to the hospital or anywhere where that need an ID it's like after he was born he disappeared."

"How long have you been looking for him?"

"About nine months."

"Keep looking. Look for family, friends, all that stuff."

"Yes sir." He said then left. I looked into the distance at the hospital where my mother was staying at. I put on my coat then headed to the elevator I went down to the main floor.

"I'm heading out for a bit." I told Claire.

"See you in a bit." She said.

I drove to the hospital signed in and headed to mom's room.

"Sebastian." She smiled.

"Hi mom."

"Anything new or interesting happen?"

"I'm a match for someone who needs a heart."

"Mom you can't."

"Yes I can. I already signed the papers."


"He is young, just had a baby today and doesn't know who the father of the child is. Besides I'm getting old and keeping me here is expensive."

"I don't care if you are here I am happy. I make alot of money so I don't care."

"I already signed so you can't change my mind."

"When is your surgery?"


"Does Jenny know?"


"What room is he in?"


"I'm going to visit with him."

"Be nice to him he I is getting my heart."

"I know." I told her then left her room. I didn't have to walk that far it was a few halls over. I knocked on the door.

"Come in."

"Hi." I said. Once I saw the person.

"Hello." He hoarsely replied.

"My name is Sebastian Royal Evander. My mom is donating her heart to you."

"Could I meet her?"

"Probably not now since you are in bad shape."

"Why is she doing this?"

"Because you are young just had a baby. She is also in bad shape, her lungs and kidneys are failing."

"Oh." He whispered.

"Is there anything you need? I can do anything "

"Yeah could you find out where my father is and tell him I'm in the hospital he changed his number and I don't know where he lives and I can't get to the police."

"Sure can I get your name?"

"Draven Oliver De Florian."

"You have a brother don't you?"

"Yeah but he got moms last name."

"Where is your family."

"What family?"

"Your parents and brother."

"My parents got a divorce my mom got us dad wanted me but the court didn't let that I don't know why. My mom hates me and my brother also hates me he is the reason I have a baby and why my mom disowned me. She was always looking for a reason anyway."

"How was he the reason?"

"He drugged me. I slept with a stranger. She thinks I lied and now I'm here looking for my dad."

"What is your dad's name?"

"I think it's Lance. I don't know, my mom didn't talk about him. Do you know where my baby is?"

"No I don't." I told him.

"Sorry to interrupt you but we have to do more tests on Draven." A nurse told me. I gave her a nod then headed back to work.

• • •

"Boss." Karl called.


"You good?"

"Yeah why?"

"You seem dazed. Is your mom ok?"

"Yeah. She is donating her heart."

"You taking it ok?"

"Yeah. It's the person she is donating it to I can't get my mind off."

"Who is it?"

"Draven Oliver De Florian."

"Who?" He asked shocked.

"Why is your face like that?" I questioned.

"The person you wanted us to search for has the same name."

"I know."

"So your mom is donating her heart to your fated pair?"


"You seem way too calm. What is bugging you?"

"Can you look into his family history and find where his father lives?"

"I am glad you mentioned that. It's the restroom I came to you."

"Great. What have you found."

"His father lives near Daytona Beach in Florida. He runs an academy for troubled teens."

"Why did he leave his kids?"

"Because he lost custody. The only reason he lost is because his mom had connections. She didn't even want Draven she just didn't want her ex-husband Lance to have him."

"Could you contact Lance and tell him his son is in the hospital."

"Sure." He said then left my office.

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