Part 2

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1 year earlier

The rasp of the door opening slow on its hinges and the squeak of floorboards echoed . Six men towered over the blueprints for the airport . Adrenaline rushed through me. My body caught up with my mind once pins and needles took hold of my legs. I couldn't crouch down behind this cabinet forever.I need to act quick. And fast.

A petite figure emerged from across the room. Delicate steps carried the girl closer to the men. Her Caramel hair almost illuminated the room. Pure horror consumed one of the men. He was dressed in a cream suit and displayed an attitude of authority over the other five men. He was McCan . He was the one I've been looking for.

The young girl , around six or seven, froze in her position like a deer in headlights. She knew just as much as I do that this wasn't going to end well.

Chaos erupted as one of the men collared the little girl and hoisted her Into the corner. The man I assume was McCan raced towards her ," How did such a little thing like you manage to get out ,eh?" .

The infant screeched at the top of her lungs only to be punished as another one of the men threw her back in her place. I had to do something. Time was ticking .

Clutching my gun, I pressed it close to my face as if I was a priest commencing a ceremony. I scrambled out of my hiding place and aimed my gun at the child without hesitation. In unison all six men whipped out their rifles and took their aim.

"It's two against one niñita." Declared McCan in a husky tone .

"Give me the blueprints and I'll be on my way boys" I reply

" Be my guest and shoot her , I've got nothing to lose mi amor" continued McCan.

"That's a lie , she's your niece"

Guilt consumed his very being . Confusion danced in his shadow and he finally asked " and how do you know that. Please Ms Siskiona , enlighten us."

"I thought you would recognise me. You may of known my mother but I am not her. Your eyes softened for an instant when you saw the girl. There is a picture displayed of you and what u assumed was your sister in the hallway . Well you are both identical. She's no longer around according to the ashes displayed on the mantelpiece in the conservatory and according to our records you have been spotted twice near a grave yard . There's no man watching over her cause her father is either not present or died during the raid back in 2010. So you hired a maid and kept her under your wing in hope to train her. But she kept disobeying so you sent her away. That's why you were shocked to see her as you forgot that it was the second Sunday. And every second Sunday she comes round for a visit of her good old uncle terrance , isn't that right sunshine?"

" Well from what I can see Your just like your mother " answered McCan.

"No , I'm better" I screamed . Impulsively I fined two shots , one at the  man beside the girl the other at McCan.

Hurdling through the small crowd I yanked onto the girls hand after grabbing the blue prints and dragged her alongside me . Her feet were dragging compared my pace as we darted around the maze of a house McCan calls home and made a heading for the nearest exit.

Fear painted the little girls face as she scanned the pictures on display . Gunshots raced past our heads plastering all the walls with holes.

" Don't you dare shoot my niece you pricks!" Yelled McCan.

Running along one of the hallways after many turns left and  right, we reached a door with a lock. Rapid movements mimicking my staggered breaths, I locked the door and belted straight to a window. It was a floor window. Anxiety burning in my throat, I flung it open and picked up the little girl.

"What's your name?" I ask .

" Trista," her voice was timid.

"Okay Trista I'm gonna lift you up , and put you out of this window. Then look to your left ; there you will see a black car, take the blueprints to the car and get in and you will see my cousin Imogen. We are going to take you somewhere safer away from all this mess. Is that okay?

With a slight tug at her lips she nodded her head. Within seconds, I lifted Trista out of the window and was now hoisting myself up as well. Trista was already sprinting towards my cousins car. Thank god she listened to me. My heart skips a beat thinking about how an innocent girl like that could be wrapped up in a mess like this. Guns and violence is no place for a child. After all I should know.

Automatically , my feet carried me to the car  followed by my hand reaching for the handle as I jumped in and screamed " drive!"

My entire life I couldn't help but admire Imogen. Perhaps it's because she's the only cousin I have but I just can't help but admire her. Everything about her is perfection. Her hazel hair; her chocolate eyes that peer into my soul;her heartwarming laugh. It's as if she was made of angel dust . So rare and pure that you can't help but envy her . Sometimes I hate the way I worship the ground she walks on. Like my mother always said 'love is a weakness just as much as envy is a sin'.

Moments passed once we sped away before the silence was broken by Imogen "alright we're going to take you to a friend of ours and he's gonna take care of you from there okay ?"

Two hours later

" well done today girls, you both successfully saved the girl and got the blueprints. I'm proud to call you my family." Declared our boss , my dad.

Our 'family business' as my dad joked had been around for centuries. From the age of five we are all trained to be high skilled agents (and assassins if necessary) in order to continue the business and uncover mass criminal actions for the police and FBI. When my mum died , my dad pressured me to be the best of the best . And that I am.

"However I have another mission for you both . It's difficult and may become long winded but it is absolute that you get all the information. This is life or death."

Hope you like the first chapter. I promise the next chapter will introduce the start of the main plot of the story.

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