Part 8

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For a while me and Zayn just sat there . Taking everything in. Thankfully it was a comfortable silence.

"What the- oh fuck off noooo!" I screeched as a small herd of duck ran towards me. "ZAYN DO SOMETHING!"

Instead Zayn sat hysterically laughing as I run away from the four ducks. For a good while I was just running in a zig zag pattern hoping the ducks would slow down or just leave me alone.

All these years of training on how to use a gun, break into properties, unlock secret codes disintegrated as I was getting chased by ducks. By his look of amazement, Zayn was just as surprised as I was.

Unbeknown to me, Zayn reached for some left over bread crumbs someone must have left for the ducks to eat, and threw them in my direction. Instantly , the ducks raced straight to the crumbs giving me change to run away and get out of the Park.

Keeping a rapid place for a good distance , I finally began to slow down for Zayn to catch up .

"Where do we go now then ?" He asks.

"To Imogen's. Forget ringing me later. Just stay with me until after we searched Liams car. Plus the birds might not cause me if they see I'm with you. Imogen's our little angel , especially when it comes to hacking security systems." I confirmed to Zayn before adding ," oh and don't tell her about the little bird incident I beg of you. I will never hear the end of it"

"Make sure you stay on my good side then Emily." Joked Zayn.

This was the first time in a long time that weight was lifted off my shoulders once again. No worries. No expectations. Nothing to prove. Just me and another person acting our age instead of having to put on a facade and pretend we are something we are not. Maybe Uncle Steve getting Zayn involved is a blessing in disguise.

Bang! Bang! Bang! "Imogen open the fucking door it's freezing!" I screamed while knocking on her hotel door.

Slowly , the door creaked open , only it wasn't Imogen who answered , it was Uncle Steve. "Emily, Zayn what are you both doing here?"

"Could ask you the same think ,Jim" added Zayn.

"You both better come in." Replied Uncle Steve. What I don't understand is , if Uncle Steve has told Zayn that we are here why hasn't he told Zayn his real name. Sooner or later me or Imogen will slip up if we get too comfortable.

Following Uncle Steve , the pair of us made our way to the small couch by the Tv. Why was her hotel room cozier than mine? I know she's Uncle Steve's favourite but still.

Imogen was peering at herself in the mirror while tying up her hair until we caught her attention. "What are you two doing here? Em why's Zayn with you?" What's-"

"You know on reflection Harry was right , we really do ask a lot of questions." I clasp my hands together sarcastically before continuing,"I think our favourite Uncle over here can explain why Zayn is here , meanwhile is there any chance you can hack into all CCTV at the studio and maybe help us get into Liams car ?"

Fluttering my eyes, Zayn sat down and let out a sharp breath. "What else do I not know ? He's your uncle. If you expect me to tell you everything I expect the same."

"It doesn't work that-"begun Imogen.

I cut him off ,"This is my Uncle Steve. He's part of the fucking family business Zayn. I respect that you have told us things but that doesn't give you any entitlement to roam in here and demand answers. Trust works both ways and ive never had a lot of it. If you want us to tell you things. You have to help us first . For all we know what you told me and my Uncle could be bullshit. We are giving you the benefit of the doubt , tonight you will get the chance to prove yourself. For now  remember your place."

Uncle Steve leaves against the doorframe and slowly handed Zayn a whisky. "Think you might need this."

No words were said until Zayn told Imogen what he had told me.

"No fucking way! So the whole band are corrupt." Stated Imogen.

"Well I don't think so . It's just a bit odd. It's almost as if loads of random pieces of a jigsaw are being forced together even though they don't fit." Replied Zayn in a scratchy tone." But majority of the time, they are just normal lads. They don't really tell me lots , well apart from Louis. So it makes it harder I guess."

"Got it!" Yelled Imogen. She was slouched over her computer hacking into the studios system overdrive." Tonight between 7:00 and 8:00 all CCTV footage will be on a twenty minute loop . During this time you can search the building and get into Liams car using this."

Imogen handed me a glowing lilac magnet. She made it herself for unlocking cars without needing a key or leaving a trace. It was extremely handy , especially on days like today.

"Hold on I don't understand." Begun Uncle Steve. "Why do you want to look in Liams car then? Zayn said it was just a distraction."

Sometimes it shocks me that my Uncle has been an agent for a hell of a lot longer than I have."Or Liam was tricking Zayn into doing some of their dirty work for him. Besides there could be other information in the car which lead us to some new leads."

"Em this isn't a murder case." Commented Imogen.

"Well according to the red stains on Harry's hand it could be." Added Zayn."Harry is a lot of things but I don't think he  is a murder , but at this point I guess you never know anyone properly."

                                   *      *      *

Violet magnet in my grasp. I prepare to launch for Liams car. By the looks of it, Zayn is as desperate as I am to find something.

We both race towards the car as soon at the clock turns 7:00. The grey Honda opened instantly once I put the lilac magnet on the keyhole. I don't really understand how it works. Imogen explained it to me once and as soon as she mentioned electric waves I zoned out.

I peered into the driver seat glovebox ,"oh my god you won't believe what I've found."

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