Part 9

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Running from the back of the vehicle to where I was stood , Zayn bellowed ,"what have you found?"

Shock dried our mouths quickly. In my hands were five case studies . Quickly flicking though them, there was five different at people who had been throughly observed. I read those names aloud as I opened each file .


"Fucking hell. Why does Liam have these?" Asked Zayn reaching out for them. Snatching them all away from his grasp , I shoved them in my bag and added ,"we will look through them properly later, let's see if we can find anything else."

Pausing to stare at me, Zayn silently stood waiting for me to give in a nd look at the files. It was only when I had put them in my bag that he carried on looking.

Tracing my eyes along all of Liams possessions, apart from the files it seemed like a normal car. Just a few Arctic monkeys CDs on the floor, an air freshener dangling in the center. Even a bobble head of the queen swaying side to side.

Slamming the door behind me, I move to the back seats of the car. "Emily try lift the seats up. I think there's something under there. I can't grab it from the boot it's too far back under the seats."shouted Zayn.

Yanking hard at the seats in all different positions I groaned ," I give up , they mustn't lift I can't do it."

"You know for an agent you give up really easily." Scoffed Zayn moving next to me. I sliced out of the way and let him have a try. His ink covered hands reached for a small lever below the front seat , the center seat pinged forward forcing Zayn to yank back his harm rapidly. "Fuck!" Zayn breathed ,"I thought it didn't lift em."

Rolling my eyes at the cocky comment, I leaned forward and peered at what was under the seat. Lead below the seats was a large blanket scrunched up in a ball. Once I picked it up , I noticed the increasing weight of the blanked.

"Hold this." I demanded pushing my bag into his arms. Carefully, I opened up the blanked.

"What the fuck!" Me and Zayn commented in unison. Lying ,in the center of the blanket was a gun and a pack of bullets.

"Liam didn't seem that shady ,bloody hell."added Zayn.

"Well if this is what Liam is hiding, what are the others hiding." Coming in this job only a few hours ago, I didn't expect to find much. My father thought it was management that were corrupt. Turns out he was wrong . For the first time in his life, my father was wrong.

Debating what to do with our findings, I loaded the gun and put it into my back locked. The heady peace of metal sat comfortably in my back pocket.

"What the fuck are you doing ? Liam'a going to notice it's missing. He will know someone's been in his car." Panic stricken , Zayn protested for a minute or two for me to put it back.

"That's the point Zayn, we can set up one of the other boys. Never know, might find out more" I replied shrugging my shoulders. Ideas swirling in my head, I realised if Liam realised the gun was missing, he would blame one of the boys. Or even Zayn. Zayn was in his car earlier today. If  we are careful. Liam will confront Zayn , and I'll be watching. With adrenaline and stress pumping through his body, Liam is likely to let slip what he was really doing with that gun. Before he has chance to possibly hurt Zayn , I can jump in , put my skill set to use and interrogate him. Find some answers.

"You're insane. You're actually out of your mind!"screamed Zayn.

"Listen, don't freak out but if he blames you then he will be more likely to tell you why he has the gun. I'll be watching and the second he ties something I will step in. Besides I'm the one who's an agent." I continued.

"Oh my god he's gonna kill me. Emily he's going to kill me!" Screeched Zayn. His voice cracked as his pulse quickened and he begun to pace the length of the car.

Slapping him round the head with my hand I kept composure with my tone and said ,"Just stand still. Honestly, you have to trust me. Do you have anywhere in the studio that's like your designated area or section. Anything like that?"

"Erm I don't know , I guess I have a small cupboard for my jacked and food or anything I bring with me while we use the studio." Confessed Zayn.

The glow of the sun setting faded from our faces as clouds blocked its view."Okay then , we will plant the gun in there. Liam is bound to go looking through everyone's stuff for it."

"How do you know that for sure?" Zayn asked doubtfully.

"I don't. That's the fun of it all. You never know what you will find." I replied. Even though I'm doing all of this with Zayn , doesn't mean I trust him. Not yet at least. At the moment, his actions are driven by fear. That makes him vulnerable yet dangerous. Personally, I think Zayn is on our side but that doesn't mean he's completely innocent.

After checking the car over again, we both moved into the studio. Typing a message to Imogen , I asked her to 'open the doors'. As soon  as she read my message the entrance clicked open. I'm grateful Imogen is the one who deals with all the technical stuff. I'm absolutely useless , that's why I do the more practical stuff. Ever since we were put on our first mission together , we have done everything together since. She's practically the salt to my pepper. We work well as a team together. We compliment each other . Without her I would be hopeless. And she would be without me.

"What are you two doing here then"

Oh shit. We've been caught.

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