Part 10

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Delaying my reaction, I turn around to meet an ocean gaze. Niall.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I asked you first." Teased Niall winking at me. Is he seriously playing a game right now.

"I left my jacket. Me and Emily decided to go on a walk and I decided to call in , that's all. Zayns quick excuse could have bought me time to come up with a lie that sounds more like the truth. But I know Niall is smarter than he looks.

"Oh don't worry mate , It's in the back of my car I picked it up for you earlier." Replied Niall."follow me I'll get it for you."

He's lying. Immediately I interrupt,"I know what you're looking for Niall." A shimmer of anger floods his eyes. Niall changes towards me, forcing my instincts to race back into the studio.

Dragging me up the stairs, my feet carry my body as my senses are clouded my anxiety and adrenaline. Why did I say that? I don't have a clue what he's looking for. Either way I need to find out if he's that desperate.

Taking countless turns in different directions, my feet pound as I turn into a wooden door on my left. Stairs lead downwards into a dark abyss. Rapid pattering of feet comes closer. There's nowhere else to turn. Locking the door behind me, I race down the darkened staircase.

The chill invades my bones forcing bumps to rise on my skin. My hearts in my throat , my legs shake as they make their way down the stairs.
Continuous banging of the door and shouts of my name echo through my surroundings. Bang! Bang! Bang!

Reaching the bottom, I reach into my pocket for my phone and turn on the torch. Sudden silence makes my skin crawl. No footsteps. No banging. Nothing. Pointing the meaning light from my phone to the wall beside me , there's a light switch.

Waiting it on, a flickering light slowly appears from the center of the ceiling, illuminating the room. Faded vanilla paint covered both the walls which all met a wooden panelled floor.A darkened stain on the floor draws my attention, dragging me towards it. Cautiously, I move closer to the stain until I am merely inches away from it. It was a blood stain.

Stumbling back, I bump into something, someone. Automatically I reach for the gun in my back pocket before a hand stops me. Forcefully the hand yanks the gun out of my hand, takes out the bullet and throws it to the opposite side of the room. Fear melts me , humid breathing lingers over my shoulder.

"I think you better start talking Emmy." Claimed a strong Irish accent. How did Niall get in here? "There's another door over there honey. Looks like you need to go back to training. Getting a bit rusty now ain't you."

" I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm just a guitarist. What do you want from me?" I plead. The more innocent I act, the more likely I am to get out of here. I don't understand why my body is consumed by terror. I've been around countless dangerous men and easily gotten away. Why am I so petrified ?

Brushing his hand up my sides , it feels like a lifetime before Niall reaches my shoulders and slowly reaches my shoulders. Like a steering wheel of a car, Niall spins me round and directs me up stairs. A deathening silence lingers as Niall pushes me upstairs and down into a chair in a room opposite the hallway we just came from.

"Zayn pass me the cable ties. Zayn!"demanded Niall. "Close the door behind you."

Slowly Zayn walked forward from the entrance leading to the staircase leading down to the first floor. Handing the cable ties over, Zayn's stare lingers while slowly shaking his head before fixating on the floor below.

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