Part 12

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"No we won't. We can't Emily!" Yelled Imogen.

"What other choice do I have?" I screamed back. This song like any other mission. There's no catch, no way out. Either we agree or we get exposed and fail anyways.

"Either you comply, or you do your own investigation. It's up to you, but it's Emily that we want." Said Zayn in a collective tone.

Steam bursting out of her ears she shot up and stormed out. "Imogen wait ,please." Begging her to stay changed nothing.

"Let her go. She'll change her mind. There's no other option for her." Commented Zayn.

It felt like my heart was being squeezed like a lemon,"I still don't understand, why tell me everything today? You could've just waited for Niall. So what was the point? You try and gain my trust. You make me help you find answers by lying. Or what that not enough for you. Am I not enough that you had to fucking call him and put a knife to my cousins throat."

Caramel eyes glueing the mine,Zayn begun ,"I didn't lie Emily. I just missed out the part where Niall came in. That night I was tracking down our manager and coach. Niall was there. We both realised something was wrong behind the scenes of the band so we worked together. Apart from that everything was true. The only way to make you listen and tell us everything was by doing all of this. Come on you know I would never really hurt Imogen let alone kill her."

"How am I supposed to know ? I met you literally this morning." My blood is boiling. Locking my gaze, Niall raises from his chair and shifts behind my chair and cuts my hands free from the cable ties.

"Has it really been that long Emily." Declared Zayn.

"What are you talking about-" I was cut off by Niall who stated,"go get some sleep Emily. We will see you at rehearsals in the morning."

Sheepishly, I slowly drag my legs down the stairs.
Looking down at the reddened trail around my writs, Niall forced me to freeze in place as he chuckled ,"Think you might be forgetting something."

Pivoting in my step, I face Zayn who is dangling my bag. Niall reached forward , grabbed the bag and threw it across the room. Launching forward I catch my bag and was told by Zayn , "bring the files tomorrow. We'll meet up after the studio session."

Recalling the party Harry invited him too ,I explain, I can't.I have plans tomorrow night."

I need to gain Harry's trust. He knows something, I can feel it in my bones. The only way I'm finding anything out from him, is by spending time with him. As soon as I saw Harry I realised he's the type to keep his cards glued to his chest, unlike the other boys who just flash them in my direction for a second or two before turning away.

"Before Mondays show, we all look at them together. I'll get Imogen on side, the more kinds , the more chance we have of figuring stuff out." Without receiving a reply, I walk down the stairs and out of the studio. The boys can clean up the mess. Like we agreed, we are working together now. It's about time someone else puts their weight into things.

Praying tomorrow will be a better day, I collapse into my bed. I need to go see Imogen. For tonight I'll let her rest and process tonight's events.

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After clearing my head in the shower, I approach Imogen's door and knock three times. Apprehensively, Imogen opens the door, peeping her darkened curls round the corner, "you better come in."

Grabbing her bowl of cereal from all wooden table, Imogen sits down crossed legged . Her eyes say a million words , they convey a million emotions. Mainly fear.

"How could they find that all out em. I know I was angry . I am still angry. But you did save my life. If roles were reversed, I'd do the same." Letting out a long sigh, Imogen continued,"why didn't you just come up with a believable lie?"

Setting out my defences I replied, Because if they know what we really do, who we really are, they could know anything. It wasn't worth the risk. They could've already know the truth and was just waiting for me to stumble. The real question is , who is this bloody rabbit mask guy."

For a few hours, we laid side by side contemplating who it could be. None the wiser, we set off for another rehearsal at the studio.

To my surprise , all five of the boys were launching themselves out of Niall's car. Chills rattled down to my core as Harry's eyes bored into mine. He stopped and paused, just silently staring. It was as if he was summoning me, controlling my every movement. My legs begun to shake and they approached him. I begged that they would stop but I had no control. Harry had  all the buttons, and he knew what to press in order to get what he wants.

Barley inches away from his face, his lips brushed my neck slightly as he reached for my ear and whispered ,"Wear a dress tonight."

Knowing how to get him filled up I teased "why, you wanna see my legs that badly." Both of our breathes mixed in the air crafting an aroma around us, binding us closer to one another.

With a low growl Harry continued,"we both know that if I wanted too, I could get you to show me them right now. Don't flatter yourself star, I'm not interested, however I need to impress people."

"Oh wow is that a compliment from Harry styles. Never thought I'd see the day." I replied with a grin spreading across my face. Silence surrounded us while the tension between us was tying us together like invisible sting. I was almost convinced that he could hear the pounding of my voice.

With a shaky exhale Harry replied,"like I said ,don't flatter your self. And no it wansnt a compliment. Nothing is when they are around. You will see what I mean tonight love, don't bother asking who when you're gonna find out in a few hours. It's just a waste of energy."

Biting my lip, I resist asking any questions. His eyes linger and lock onto my lips before he walks backwards , only turning around to face the others after ten steps.

I didn't even notice Imogen had walked over to Louis and started an in depth conversation with him . He was intensely studying her every word as they entered the studio.

Who does Harry mean by 'they'? Part of me wishes he asked Imogen instead of me. She can pull off any outfit. I don't think I even own a pissing dress. What have I gotten myself into now ?

I'll try and post again ASAP but I'm going to Barcelona for a few days and really don't know how much time I will have on my hands. Also the image at the top is glitching for some reason. Sorry if it annoys you as much as it does me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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