Part 3

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"What's the mission?" Imogen asks .

He's giving me that look . I love my dad but he truly believe me and Imogen are some sort of duo like Bonnie and Clyde . I wish it was true. But one day we are all going to run out of luck .

My dad continues with, " Well there's some corrupt members of staff managing a band . These people are working for both McCan and the Fitton's. Turns out both mafia groups have merged together for big money. The only problem is that nobody knows what their scheme is. It just doesn't make sence at all. That's why I'm sending both of my special girls in , plus you're both age appropriate."

Confusion paints my expression as I ask,"What do you mean age appropriate? What band do they work for?"

"We have your uncle Chris working for the hiring team so he's managed to get you both a legit place as part of the actual band . Imogen you will play the drums and Emily you will play the guitar." he replied

"Dad what band ?"

Panic etched across his face he announced "One Direction."

No way is this happening . Out of all bands to have corrupt members of management why does it have to be one of the most popular bands of the decade. I recall watching them on the X-Factor in 2010 and Imogen giggling to herself and twirling her hair while watching them. God today couldn't get any worse.

" Oh my god no way ! I love them , how long do we have the job for ?" Enquired Imogen .

"For as long as it takes you to get the reasoning behind the scheme and stop them. But it will take time. You need to gain the bands trust in order for you to learn more. Plus you're both skilled with your instruments so think of it as a fun holiday . We can not let down the FBI with this girls so I'm trusting you both to do your best. They are only letting us take this job as you both are the only way to get inside and close to the boys without causing mass suspicion ."

The idea of it being a fun holiday makes me cringe. No holiday can be joyful surrounded by five pubescent boys who are parentless and travelling the world.

"Christ someone shoot me" I murmur back.

"Get your stuff packed ready for your flights tomorrow. Remember girls , no feelings attached especially you Imogen ." My father let out a low chuckle before continuing. "Remember if you succeed we will never have to do such a risky job again. Our dreams of actually taking breaks and time off will be possible. The FBI is offering solid protection. You know what this means don't you, hit grandmother dream of the Siskiona name going down in history will finally come true !"

For as long as I can remember my dad has always been a troubled yet soft man at heart. On the outside he seems strict and abrupt but once you get to know him you realise he's a pure softie. He would do anything for us ; for our family. There's no second I would doubt it , especially when I see him smile with such content when looking at me. He's been through a lot of pain and suffering in his life, he deserves to be happy. I deserve to be happy.

The morning later

Bursting into my room without announcement Imogen asked " what did you pack?"

"Majority of my belonging you prick , we're going there for the foreseeable future . Didn't you listen or were you to busy thinking about one -"

"Of course I know . Don't be a hypocrite usually it's the other way round , what I meant was what books did you pack?" Asked Imogen completely cutting me off. " Im bringing the Harry Potter series"

" I'm not joking I packed the same ones and little women, I just couldn't help myself." Within seconds of looking up and making eye contact we both let out an outrageous giggle.

I'm glad after everything we can still have moment like these. Moments filled with joy . It warms my soul and keeps the blood pumping round my body. It makes me glad that my world didn't end when I was seven .

                                      *     *     *

"Have you got everything em?" Asks my dad with charisma .

"Yeah I hope so , either way it's too late now." I reply .

"I'm going to miss you em. Just remember what I've always told you and stay safe ." Very rarely did worry fill my dad's expression but it had just made its rare appearance.

" Yes I know it's now or never . Don't worry Dad you have the best of the best. I promise we will do this . I will do this. We will get the life we always wanted."

I pressed a hand to his cheek and slowly drifted away and made a move onto the plane .  It's now or never . I repeat it over and over in my head making sure it sticks like Snow on the ground.

It's now or never .
It's now or never .
It's now or never.
It's now or never.
It's now or never.

Imogen was already on the plane , reading a book , headphones on (probably blasting Queen) ready for turbulence. Clambering to a seat beside her , I place my headphones on and play Mardy bum by Arctic Monkeys. Resting my head on her shoulder ,I glimpse up at her for a second to be met by a soft expression which seems to say "everything will be alright".

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