Talk Of The Ward

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Mingi stretches out his body as he looks to the small therapist in front of him, making his way to his feet as he bows a bit. "Are you excited for your birthday in two days?" Dr. Kim asks, waiting for a reaction of any kind, Mingi looks to him tilting his head. He's truly not sure what he feels about it, it's no longer an important thing to him. He's got no one to celebrate with or anything to celebrate for, it's just any other day. "Yes, I'm excited to see how Woo will react knowing I'm older than him." Mingi smiles walking out.

It's not long before the only thing that's heard is the tapping of Mingis shoes on the concrete floors, and the click of his tongue as he walks. As weird as it seems surrounded by the criminally insane he feels much safer than he did at 'home' this becoming his little serenity. Venturing back to his table where his friends are sat, Woo and San sitting leaning on each other staring as Yeosang eats, cooing at him as his face is covered. "Aish- Guys leave him be and help him." Mingi complains grabbing a napkin, he tilts Yeosangs face up, wiping all the remnants way.

"He eats like a baby, he's so cute." Woo yells making his way around the table, smashing their cheeks together in a vice like hug. Yeosang looking to Mingi for help as he looks extremely uncomfortable, sighing his gives in deciding to distract Woo for him. "My birthday is in two days." Mingi says dropping down into the chair next to Yeosang so when Wooyoung would sit it's have to be away from Yeosang. "Whaaaat!? Are you serious, you are older than me?!" Wooyoung sitting down, pouting next to San once more. It's not long before San goes to his session leaving us to talk amongst ourselves, the topic of the newcomer surfacing once again.

"I hope he's not one of the ones that just screams in his cell the whole time, only thing I've heard is he's a mystery. That could mean anything though." Wooyoung whines, as his pepero sticks out of his mouth. Mingi quickly grabs one, munching on it as he looks to Wooyoung. "I'm sure all this talk is about nothing honestly, he's probably just like everyone else here." Mingi says swatting Wooyoungs hand as he tries to take the pepero out of his mouth. "Aish. You jerk they are mine, go get your own." He says hiding the rest in his lap after handing one to Yeosang who looked to scared to ask for one, he instantly lights up once he's got it though. "You think he'll be like Jongho? Just not open up about anything?" Yeosang asks as he pulls the half eaten pepero out his mouth, Mingi looks to him and hopes that won't be the case. Mingi doesn't even like the thought of Jongho not opening up to the therapist, he'd like to see his friend more often than he does.

As they sit there speculating about the newcomer Yeosang is pulled from his chair, making Wooyoung and Mingi's head snap to the commotion as the chair falls. Yeosang has a look of surprise on his face which soon fades, eyes turning to dark pools once again. Mingi shoots up from his chair quickly, grabbing the hand holding Yeosangs collar and pulling it off, adjusting the small boy behind him. "Leave him be, it never ends well when you mess with him. What do you want Juyeon?" Mingi snaps, getting in the boys face, bumping him slightly with his chest.

"What protecting the princess once again? He can fend for himself, or are you just trying to play hero? Doesn't make sense in a place like this." Juyeon laughs as his little group stands behind him. Mingi looking to them, his gaze settling back on Juyeon quick when he huffs. "You look stupid every time this happens, we already know your little group is terrified of me and the other half are in love with me. You might as well step away before I give you a reason and show you why I'm here." Wooyoung chirps letting his presence be known, putting his hands between them pulling Mingi back from Juyeon. Laughs can be heard from the cell a floor up, Jongho being seen leaning on the bars his hands interlocked on the outside as he watches the show.

"Trust me, it's best if you leave it be, I'd hate to start talking to my therapist to prove a point." Jongho laughs as he stands up straight, his eyes dark as he flashes his gummy smile. Juyeons attention on the boy in his cell, no one is sure of why Jongho is here so him saying that even made Mingis blood run a little cold. "Whatever, have it your way." Juyeon shoving past Mingi as he made his way across the room to another table his friends close behind. Wooyoung is left laughing loudly sending Jongho a thumbs up as he wraps an arm around Yeosang. "Looks like we won't be dealing with them for a bit." He chuckles settling down on the table this time, a CO coming over to usher him off the table not long after.

"Why? I'm not doing anything." Wooyoung whines, fluttering his eyelashes at the guard. The guards cheeks turn a light pink before you can see the realization of his face, Wooyoung lured men in and killed them. He's obviously seen his file by the way reality hits him, as he quickly gets Woo from the table disappearing to his post soon after. The smile on Wooyoungs lips never leaving as he stares at the guard, who is now shifting uncomfortably under his stare. "Anyone know when the newcomer actually gets here?" He asks his gaze never leaving the CO on guard, Yeosang quickly perks up.

"He comes tomorrow, I heard he reminds every one of a k drama lead. Also heard his name is that of a drama lead too, I just can't remember it." Yeosang says as he looks like he's mentally somewhere else at this point, picking at his red nail polish. Mingi raises an eyebrow, they've been talking about this man all day and Yeosang hasn't said anything, was he even mentally present for those conversations? In this ward though it makes sense, everyone's got their own issues. The newest being how the newcomer would fit into the mix or if he was just here to stir the pot.

"I just hope he's hot, we need more eye candy."


I think this is frying my brain. Sorry if the story is stupid I might be back tracking soon and just call it quits but I've already got chapters planned. Why couldn't I be a quitter?! ;-;

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