Back to the park

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*they walk to the store and look through the shelves*

Josh: Muffins! 

Jocelyn: Oh no, the muffin man!

Josh: Don't shoot me! 

*they start laughing*

Josh: That might be the best inside joke we have.

Jocelyn: I definitely have a different favorite one.

Josh: Oh yeah? Which one?

Jocelyn: Oeh, chicken nuggets pieces!

Josh: No, not my chicken niegets puces! 

*Jocelyn is trying to hold in her laugh because they are in a store*

Jocelyn: Oh my god... That was too funny! I still can't believe that I mixed nuggets and pieces... I can't talk for the life of me sometimes.

*while grabbing some stuff for the picnic, they walk towards the checkout. After they pay, they move to the park*

Jocelyn: It's been so long since I've been here, I am so happy to finally be here again... Here was the first time you saw me right?

Josh: Yeah! You were asleep in that tree.

*they make their way to the tree and place the blanket on the ground. While Josh spreads the food they got over the blanket, Jocelyn is sitting down*

Jocelyn: I swear, the strength difference in my legs when this cast gets off is going to be very noticeable.

Josh: I can tell you it will be! The amount you have been moving around on one leg is unbelievable!

Jocelyn: It's so peaceful in the park right now. This brings up so many memories. And this is originally where our story together started!

Josh: I mean, it didn't exactly start here, but I get what you mean.

Jocelyn: Yeah, here was the first time you saw me. So it sort of is the moment where our journey started.

Josh: I can understand that logic. But were you actually asleep?

Jocelyn: I accidentally fell asleep yeah... I didn't mean to! 

*Josh starts laughing while grabbing a snack*

Josh: We forgot our lunch...

Jocelyn: Oh yeah, we planned to grab some lunch when we were walking through the neighborhood, that's right...

Josh: I mean, then we are less full for our picnic dinner! We brought quite a few snacks...

Jocelyn: Yeah, that's true! And we're eating anyway, so we got nothing to worry about.

*they start eating a bit and cracking up some jokes*

Jocelyn: I think I am going to grab a muffin... As dessert! I am quite full already.

Josh: That's understandable. Oh no! The muffin man!

Jocelyn: Don't shoot me! No, muffin man, don't do it!

*Jocelyn takes a big chomp out of the muffin*

Jocelyn: And there goes the muffin man... What a sad death.

Josh: Oh no, not the muffin man! Now he can't shoot! 

Jocelyn: So sad that his only purpose was to shoot...

*Josh suddenly comes up with a quite dirty joke. He smirks as he decides to say it*

Josh: Shoots what though? Something like a sweet vanilla icing sauce? White and sticky?

Jocelyn: Oh, come on, don't ruin the joke now!

Josh: Don't worry, it only makes it funnier.

*he can't keep himself together and suddenly bursts out laughing. When he does, Jocelyn also breaks and starts giggling*

Jocelyn: I can only imagine this muffin now with the icing sauce on it. Please, save me!

*Hearing this Josh just starts laughing hysterically*

Josh: But is it salty though?!

*Jocelyn also starts laughing hysterically now. They both are sitting there trying to get some air as they keep cracking up jokes*

Jocelyn: How do you know it's salty? Are you hiding something?

*Josh is gasping for air because he is laughing too hard. They can't seem to recover*

Jocelyn: Tell me, were my suspicions right after all? Is that why you were so good at bowling? Is that why you were so good with those balls?

Josh: No, I'm not! 

Jocelyn: Then how do you know the icing from the muffin man is salty?!

*the laughter gets worse and worse and it's completely silent now because they are laughing too much. Josh gets just enough air to slip out a few words*

Josh: I- I don't know!

*after a little, the laughing dies down. They catch their breath as they begin to snack on their desserts again*

Jocelyn: Oh my god, my cheeks hurt from laughing...

*Josh hesitates but can't keep the joke to himself*

Josh: Which cheeks?

*Jocelyn starts giggling but keeps herself from laughing*

Jocelyn: Stop! My face is already hurting from laughing so much...

Josh: Okay, okay, my face is honestly also aching.

Jocelyn: Your goofy moods would be the death of me one day. If we wouldn't be separating though...

Josh: We would die from laughter, that's for sure! 

*they finish the desserts and lay down. It's already getting darker and you can see a star come through*

Jocelyn: Look! A star! 

Josh: Is it that late? What time is it?

Jocelyn: Let me see...

*Jocelyn takes out her phone and looks at the time* 

Jocelyn: It's currently seven o'clock...

Josh: We have to be in the hospital at eight thirty in the morning...

Jocelyn: So we arrive there at eight fifteen, so we need to get in the car at seven forty-five otherwise we might get into a traffic jam! So that means I am gonna put my main alarm on six fifteen. Oh, and of course fifteen minutes later and earlier! Because, if I am able to wake up earlier that's perfect but if I have to sleep in a little more we can also do that!

Josh: Jesus, Jocelyn! Do you really plan in that much time?

Jocelyn: Yeah! One hour for breakfast and waking up. Also for gathering our stuff if needed. A half hour for getting out of bed and showering. Changing into a different outfit and doing my hair is also included!

Josh: Oh yeah, that's right... You plan in way too much but somehow always use up all the time.

Jocelyn: It's called ADHD, Josh. I use up all of the time because of distractions... And I could also get ready in less time, but then it would be all stress and frustration! We don't want that, do we?

Josh: No, no, I know... I just forgot that you do that.

*they watch the sky turn darker and stars appearing for about an hour. Josh suddenly starts yawning*

Jocelyn: Awe... Are you sleepy?

Josh: I kind of am... Should we go home? It's quite late and you have the cast removal appointment tomorrow.

Jocelyn: Yeah alright... I am honestly getting quite tired too.

*they stand up and gather their stuff. Jocelyn sits back in her wheelchair and Josh starts walking home. It's a fifteen minutes walk before they get back home. When they get home, they talk a bit while putting away their stuff. After everything is cleaned up, they head to their rooms and fall asleep*

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