Cast removal appointment

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Jocelyn: Let's head inside! Are you going to push me in the wheelchair? Or do I hop on my own?

Josh: I'll push you! Come on, let's go.

*they head inside and get to the reception*

Jocelyn: Hi, I'm here for my cast removal appointment, the name is Jocelyn.

Receptionist: You can follow route thirty four! There will be a waiting room and you can sign in there. 

Josh: Alright, thank you!

Jocelyn: Thank you so much.

*following route thirty four, they finally reach the waiting room. Jocelyn signs in with the receptionist there and after a bit, a doctor calls out*

Doctor: Jocelyn? For a cast removal?

Jocelyn: Oh yeah, that's me! 

*Josh pushes Jocelyn while following the doctor*

Doctor: I see you broke your wrist and ankle, how did you manage that? Would you want to share the story?

Jocelyn: It's a funny story... Also a very short and clear one.

Doctor: Alright, tell me. If you'd like.

Jocelyn: I was drunk and fell out of a tree... I rolled my ankle on the landing and fell down... When I fell, my wrist was squished between my side and the ground... 

Doctor: Oh god, that sounds horrible!

Josh: She even tried to walk a couple of times! She was so drunk that she was saying that it was just acting funny and that it was nothing...

*Jocelyn starts giggling now thinking about what happened*

Jocelyn: It wasn't that bad right?

Josh: Jocelyn... They gave you an option to stay in the hospital, because you were so drunk. You even called me your tree!

Jocelyn: Yeah, okay that's fair. Wait, I did what?!

*they both start laughing*

Doctor: Are you ready to get your casts off now? They probably are a pain in the ass... 

Jocelyn: Yeah, you could say that. Can't walk, and I can't even get around with crutches. At least I could stay with Joshie for a bit!

*Josh sighs and Jocelyn starts giggling at this*

Josh: Joshie... Really?

Jocelyn: Come on, you know you like that nickname! 

Josh: You will never hear me say that I like the name Joshie...

*the doctor grabs the cast saw and walks over to them*

Jocelyn: Finally! We are going straight home after this, so I can wash my leg and wrist!

Josh: No need for that, I promise! I secretly packed a bag this night for the things we are doing today. So when we are done, we are going to eat dinner and after that, we will be doing another thing I am still keeping a surprise.

Jocelyn: What? But come on! My ankle and wrist are gonna be stinky! 

Josh: I promise, you don't need to worry about that.

Jocelyn: I am not so sure about that, but alright... Fine...

*the doctor starts sawing off the casts*

Jocelyn: Oh my god, I'm free!

Doctor: Did you want to keep one or both casts? As a memory?

Jocelyn: Can I keep the wrist cast? It's smaller... 

*the doctor hands Jocelyn the wrist cast*

Jocelyn: Oh my god, that's crazy... I can finally move my wrist again!

*Jocelyn starts wiggling her wrist*

Doctor: You should try and stand up, walk around a bit!

Josh: Yeah, come on stand up! 

*she hesitates for a second but then stands up and slowly puts pressure on her ankle*

Jocelyn: Oh, it's not that bad!

*Jocelyn starts walking around now a little*

Doctor: Just make sure you won't fully put pressure on it for longer than four hours at a time. Take at least a one hour break after those four hours. 

Josh: Look at that! You're finally walking normally again! 

Jocelyn: This is so weird... The last time I normally walked was when I was drunk. 

*they all start laughing a little*

Doctor: Now, if you don't mind, I have to get back to work then. Do you still need the wheelchair or not?

Jocelyn: Oh no, we don't. Could we drop it off here?

Doctor: Just leave it right here and I will take care of it.

Jocelyn: Alright, thank you so much! 

*Jocelyn walks out of the room with Josh*

Jocelyn: It's so weird to finally walk again...

Josh: Couldn't imagine it, but it's understandable.

Jocelyn: So, where are we going?

Josh: Not telling yet.

Jocelyn: Come on! I can't take it for any longer!

Josh: We are going to drive for about a half hour, so you will have to be patient.

Jocelyn: What?! A half hour?! 

Josh: Yup! So be prepared! And if we are getting close, you need to put on a blindfold.

Jocelyn: No, don't do that...

Josh: It's for the surprise. Trust me on this!

Jocelyn: Okay then... I guess.

Josh: I promise it will be fun! 

Jocelyn: I really hope it will be. Otherwise, I will be madly pissed! 

Josh: Calm down, calm down, grumpy baby. I promise you that you will like it!

Jocelyn: Dickhead.

*they arrive at the car and get in*

Josh: Did you want to put on some music?

Jocelyn: Is that even a question? 

*Jocelyn grabs her phone and plays her playlist again. The first song that comes up is: "Marry you-Bruno Mars"*

Josh: Oh my god, this song! I love it so much! I wouldn't put it on myself but if it would come up on the radio or randomly in my playlist, I would loudly sing along!

Jocelyn: That's the exact same thing I have with this song! It's so catchy!

Josh: Exactly! You are the first to have the same opinion on this with me. 

Jocelyn: Seems like we just have good taste!

Josh: Yeah, we do.

*fifteen minutes pass, Josh grabs something out of a little drawer in the car*

Josh: Here, put this on now.

Jocelyn: But there are fifteen more minutes to go! 

Josh: I know, but there will be signs that give it away. 

Jocelyn: Fine... 

*Jocelyn puts on the blindfold Josh just handed to her*

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