Hanging out part 3

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Jocelyn: Jake, truth or dare?

Jake: Give me a dare. 

Jocelyn: I dare you to take a shot of Bacardi.

Jake: But that's gross though! Do I really have to?

Jocelyn: Yes, do it!

*Jake sighs and gets a shot glass from out of the kitchen. When he gets back, he fills the shot glass with Bacardi and throws it back in one gulp*

Jake: Alright, Winston. Did you want a truth, or a dare?

Winston: Just give me a truth.

Jake: Is it true that you kissed a guy at that party last week? 

Winston: I did, but I'm not gay. He just came all over me!

Jake: Yeah, right. Totally believable.

Winston: I'm not even going to argue with you. Josh, truth or dare?

Josh: Shoot me a dare.

Winston: How about you and Jocelyn go into the little closet in your hallway. In the dark, for seven minutes... seven minutes of heaven.

*Jocelyn looks at Josh smiling while taking another sip of her Bacardi coke. Josh his eyes move from Winston to Jocelyn*

Josh: Are you okay with that Jocelyn? 

Jocelyn: I mean, it's a dare after all...

*everyone stands up and heads to the little closet while Jocelyn chugs her drink before heading over. Josh and Jocelyn get in and the guys close the door. While the guys head over to the living room, Jocelyn starts speaking*

Jocelyn: So... What is that about a crush? I never knew you had a crush. What's his name? Or her.

*Jocelyn giggles, trying to hide that she is slightly hurt by this* 

Josh: I uhm... This is a big confession and this is going to sound really weird, okay? But I need you to know that I have liked this person for a very long time... About seven months now.

Jocelyn: So, that's about week two of me staying here with you?

Josh: Somewhat... 

Jocelyn: Are you going to tell me who it is or what?

*Josh sighs and holds Jocelyn by her elbows*

Josh: Aren't you getting the hints? What do I have to do to make this more clear?

Jocelyn: You don't want to tell me? I get it, it's okay... I mean it couldn't be me. I don't really know any of your other friends that start with a J besides Jake... Wait, do you like Jake?!

Josh: I am not gay! 

*he sighs in frustration*

Josh: Jocelyn... I- I uhm... I love you... It is you.

*Jocelyn falls silent for a second and Josh instantly starts to panic. He whispers trying to find an answer to what's happening*

Josh (whispering): D- did this ruin everything?

*without any further thinking, Jocelyn plants a kiss on Josh his lips*

Jocelyn: Honestly... I have been hiding my feelings since we met. I have loved you even before we actually met... And my feelings grew stronger when we actually lived together for six weeks.

Josh: Are you kidding?! You have loved me this entire time?!

Jocelyn: I was just scared because I didn't want to ruin our friendship...

Josh: But instead we made it better now, didn't we?

Jocelyn: Are you saying we should... 

Josh: Get together?

Jocelyn: Do you want to? Because I wouldn't want anything else...

*Suddenly the guys open the doors and see Josh holding Jocelyn by her elbows* 

Jake: Oeh, what's happening here?!

*Josh quickly thinks of a lie and winks at Jocelyn*

Josh: She had quite a bit to drink and almost lost her balance a couple of times...

Steve: Seems fair, but I think I'm going to head out now. It's late and my girlfriend is waiting for me...

Nick: Now you are saying that, I promised my girlfriend I would have been home an hour ago!

Josh: Gotta run for it! Try and get home safely... And stay safe at home!

Nick: I hope she isn't too angry...

*Nick and Steve gather their stuff and head out. The rest that's still there head back to the living room. Josh and Jocelyn sit beside each other with their knees touching*

Carl: So... Are we still playing truth or dare?

Jocelyn: How about we just talk for a little longer... I am quite tired.

*Jocelyn winks at Josh and grabs another glass. Jake chugs his current bottle and grabs another one*

Winston: Sure, we can just talk for a little longer... It's almost two o'clock anyways.

Jake: Let's leave it at two, I'm also pretty tired.

*Jocelyn finishes her last drink*

-time skip to two o'clock-

*Jake, Carl and Winston grab their stuff and also head home*

Josh: That was fun wasn't it?

Jocelyn: It was quite fun... I am just hella drunk right now and I am craving my bed.

Josh: Let's head upstairs then...

*Josh helps Jocelyn get upstairs because Jocelyn is stumbling very much*

Jocelyn: I completely forgot my blankets and pillows!

Josh: That shouldn't be a problem because you are staying with me tonight. Are you okay with that?

Jocelyn: If that's an option, I wouldn't even hesitate to sleep with you.

*they arrive at the bedroom and Jocelyn suddenly stumbles to the bathroom*

Josh: What are you doing? Are you okay?

*without saying anything, Jocelyn kneels down at the toilet bowl and starts puking. Josh hears this and runs up to her, he holds her hair back for her*

Josh: It's okay... Just get it all out, I got your hair. 

*after Jocelyn is done puking, she stands up again. Josh wipes her mouth with a bit of toilet paper and holds her stable as they walk to the bedroom again*

Josh: I will get you a cup of water, just stay seated on the bed, alright?

Jocelyn: Thank you...

*Josh runs downstairs, grabs a bottle of water, and runs back upstairs. He opens the bottle and holds it up to her mouth*

Josh: Just drink. I will hold it still for you.

*Jocelyn starts drinking the water. After the bottle is empty, Josh breaks the silence again*

Josh: Are you okay now? Did you want to sleep? 

Jocelyn: I just want this to be over already...

Josh: I understand, let's get you to lie down comfortably.

*Josh takes off Jocelyn her shoes and socks. He helps her lay down and gets into bed himself after. He scoots closer to Jocelyn*

Josh: Did you want to cuddle? Is that comfortable?

Jocelyn: Hmhm...

*Josh smirks slightly and pulls her closer to him. He wraps his arms around her*

Josh (whispering): I'm here for you... Just try and sleep, I will be here when you wake up...

*Jocelyn falls asleep after a bit, when Josh is sure Jocelyn is asleep, he also starts falling asleep*

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