Hanging out part 1

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-time skip to Saturday-

*Jocelyn wakes up in the morning and stretches*

Jocelyn: Oh my god, I don't even know what to wear for today yet...

*she stands up and looks in her closet. She grabs a cute outfit and walks over to the bathroom to take a shower. After the shower, she puts on the outfit and starts styling her hair*

-two hours later-

Jocelyn: I just hope I don't say dumb shit while I'm drunk... I should text him to ask for what time I should come over.

*Jocelyn calls Josh and he picks up very quickly*

Josh: Hey! Good afternoon, Jocelyn!

Jocelyn: Hey! That was a very quick response, jesus.

Josh: I just picked up my phone right before you called.

Jocelyn: Ah, that explains... Anyways, what time should I come over today?

Josh: If you want to, you could join me for dinner! And we could have a drink after dinner, before my friends come over.

Jocelyn: Yeah, sounds nice! What time should I be at yours with my stuff?

Josh: About five thirty? So in three hours. Can you do that?

Jocelyn: Yeah, totally! I will see you in three hours then.

Josh: Alright, see you in a bit!

Jocelyn: See ya!

*they hang up the phone and Jocelyn grabs her blankets and pillows. She fills up her bag with some stuff she needs for when she is sleeping over at Josh his house and places it in front of the door. While grabbing her little bag, she pulls her charger out of the plug. She places the more important stuff in her little bag, like her phone, charger, and her wallet. When she has everything ready, she looks in the mirror to see how she looks. After she fixes her outfit, she sits down on the couch, waiting*

Jocelyn: Still need to wait two hours... The drive is just fifteen minutes, it's not that far. Ugh, what am I going to do in these two hours? I guess I'll just chill and scroll on my phone.

*after one hour and forty-five minutes, Jocelyn can hear honking outside her house. She's very confused and decides to look out the window. When she sees Josh in his car outside, she smiles and runs to the front door, grabbing her little bag in the meantime. She steps outside and walks over to the car*

Jocelyn: What are you doing here?

Josh: I'm coming to pick you up!

Jocelyn: Thank you.

*Jocelyn steps in the passenger seat and Josh drives off to his house*

Josh: So, are you excited for tonight?

Jocelyn: It's probably going to be fun, but let's have a few drinks before they arrive, okay?

Josh: I knew you would want that, that's why I invited you over earlier.

*they arrive at Josh his house and get inside. Josh walks towards the kitchen and Jocelyn follows*

Jocelyn: Can I help with preparing for when your friends come over?

Josh: Oh no, I got everything ready already. Just sit on the couch while I make us dinner! 

*Jocelyn walks to the living room to sit on the couch. When Josh finally walks in the room with two plates, Jocelyn her eyes light up seeing Josh again*

Josh: I got us some pasta, like our first dinner together! 

Jocelyn: Oh, that was so tasty! Thanks, Josh!

*Josh sits down next to Jocelyn and they start eating*

Josh: I got you the Bacardi you wanted, and some coke!

Jocelyn: You are an absolute hero! I'm so glad I don't have to drink beer...

Josh: I got you, don't worry! 

*after a little bit, they finish eating and Josh grabs a beer and the bottle of Bacardi with the coke and a glass. He pours one third of the glass full with Bacardi and adds the coke to it after. He opens the bottle of beer and sighs*

Josh: I got some snacks for tonight! Oh, and cheers!

Jocelyn: Cheers! And what snacks did you get?

Josh: Some crisps, cheese and chorizo! And of course, some sour gummy worms.

Jocelyn: Sounds like you got everything for today.

Josh: I always get some snacks for our hangout! Can't let us go hungry of course...

*after some time, they are two drinks in and there is a knocking on the door. Josh walks over and opens the front door. five guys suddenly barge in laughing and go to the living room. When they see Jocelyn, they look confused*

?: Who the fuck is that?

Josh: Language! Come on Carl, be nice... That's Jocelyn. The girl that spent six weeks with me because she broke her ankle and wrist.

Carl: Oh! The girl you couldn't stop talking about the first time we met after our vacation?

*Josh suddenly turns red and looks at Jocelyn while letting out a sigh*

Josh: I- uhm... Yeah... That's her.

*two guys sit next to her, both on a different side and start talking*

?: Hey, my name is Jake!

?: My name is Winston. And you heard Carl of course... Dickhead. And the other two are Steve and Nick.

Jocelyn: Hi, nice to meet you.

*Josh suddenly walks over with six beers and sips the last sip of his current beer. Jocelyn finishes her second drink and reaches out to the Bacardi bottle. Before she could grab it, Josh was already pouring her a new drink*

Josh: Don't you worry about pouring a drink, I got you.

Jocelyn: Thanks! 

Jake: So... How do you manage to look so cute?

*Jake nudges Jocelyn and Josh immediately looks up at Jake, slightly annoyed*

Jocelyn: The same way as you are managing to have such thin hair... You can't do anything about it.

*Josh tries to hold back a grin when he hears Jocelyn roasting Jake. He gives the glass of Bacardi coke to Jocelyn, before opening the beer. When he got everyone a beer, he moved over to stand in front of Winston* 

Josh: Move. I'm sitting next to Jocelyn, she doesn't know you guys. 

Winston: What? But she is fine with sitting next to me!

Josh: Just scoot over! 

Winston: Fine, alright, I'll move over.

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