Last full day

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*Josh his alarm goes off at five forty five in the morning, while turning it off he sits up and sighs*

Josh: The last day... Probably the most fun one too. Let's just go wake her up...

*he sneaks towards Jocelyn her room. While looking at her sleeping he hesitates for a second. Then he turns on the lights and dives onto the bed next to Jocelyn. He laughs and starts tickling Jocelyn to wake her up*

Jocelyn: Huh?! What the fuck?! Jesus Josh...

Josh: Wake up! Come on get up! Fight back then!

*Josh is still tickling Jocelyn and she starts laughing while pushing him away*

Jocelyn: It's too early for this... Quit it!

Josh: I am not quitting until you make me!

*Jocelyn gets a burst of frustration out of this because she just woke up and grabbed Josh his wrist. She sits up and pushes him to a laying position*

Jocelyn: Will you quit it?! It's morning dickhead!

Josh: Alright fine, grumpy baby!

*they both start laughing and Jocelyn lets go of Josh*

Josh: Are you ready for today?

Jocelyn: No... I don't know what's coming so I can't get ready for anything...

Josh: Oh that's right... Are you at least excited to have your casts removed?

Jocelyn: Oh that is going to be such a relief... I am going to get ready then... I am going to shower first okay?

Josh: Sure you can shower first. But I will shower right after, so you have to wait outside for a bit just like last time.

Jocelyn: Alright whatever.

*she grabs a new outfit and a towel and heads into the bathroom. After a bit, the shower turns off and she comes out of the bathroom wearing a new outfit*

Jocelyn: The shower is free!

Josh: Alright!

*Josh walks into the bathroom now. After a bit, Jocelyn hears the shower turn off*

Josh: Alright you can come in now to get ready!

Jocelyn: On my way! I bet you five euros that you are standing there with just a towel again!

*Jocelyn joins Josh in the bathroom and sighs*

Jocelyn: Where are my five euros?

Josh: Hey I never agreed to that bet!

Jocelyn: Fine... At least this will be the last time I see you like this.

Josh: What? Is it that bad?

Jocelyn: Nah I'm just kidding. It's not that bad don't worry!

Josh: Alright I see how it is now!

Jocelyn: Huh? No, I swear! I didn't mean it like that!

*Josh moves closer to Jocelyn and wraps his arms around her shoulders locking her arms beside her*

Jocelyn: No you are wet! Stop!

Josh: Say you're sorry then!

Jocelyn: What should I be sorry for? You should be sorry for making my outfit wet! And your hair is still dripping!

Josh: At least it's not cold right?

Jocelyn: That's the worst part! My outfit is wet by warm water! Let go!

Josh: Not until I hear a sorry!

Jocelyn: Fine! Sorry for whatever I have to say sorry for! Okay? You can let go now!

Josh: Fine...

*he finally lets go of Jocelyn*

Jocelyn: I am just going to change into another outfit... This outfit is wet because of you!

Josh: You do you! I am going to get ready.

*after a bit, Jocelyn walks back into the bathroom wearing a different outfit*

Josh: Oeh, I love that outfit!

Jocelyn: Yeah thanks.

*they get ready together in front of the mirror. After getting ready Josh changes into an outfit and they head downstairs*

Josh: Alright... What's for breakfast?

Jocelyn: What about a wrappadiedoodle from the KFC?

Josh: You want the wrappadiedoodle? I think we have enough time to do that. Put on your shoes and jacket let's go.

*they put on their shoes and jackets and Jocelyn steps into the car. Josh carries the wheelchair and places it in the back before hopping into the driver seat*

Jocelyn: KFC for breakfast... Feels illegal...

Josh: Kind of does actually... Doesn't matter though! We are going to do everything we want for our last day together!

*they drive to the KFC drive through and order two wraps and two cokes*

Jocelyn: Wrappadiedoodles! Finally!

Josh: Oh I have been craving these for about a week now! I am so glad we got these!

Jocelyn: These are too delicious! I swear it's unbelievable!

*they munch on the wraps and drink their cokes*

Jocelyn: So are we going to the hospital now? It's seven thirty and it's about a thirty minutes drive. And we have a chance to get into a traffic jam.

Josh: Alright let's go then!

*Josh starts driving towards the hospital*

Josh: It's quiet in the car...

Jocelyn: Is that a question for music?

Josh: Maybe...

*Jocelyn laughs and puts on her playlist. The first song that starts playing: "Until I found you-Stephen Sanchez"*

Jocelyn: Oh I would listen to this song every day when I was younger!

Josh: hm? Tell me about it. Now I'm interested!

Jocelyn: So in high school, I had this huge crush on this guy. But you know... Of course, I was way out of his league. I think it was my second biggest crush... Didn't have many crushes anyway. But I used to listen to this song every day!

Josh: Oeh someone was in love! How did he look?

Jocelyn: Uhm... Brown curly hair and brown eyes. I don't really remember... It has been about fifteen years now since I've seen him.

Josh: So what was your most recent crush?

Jocelyn: I- uhm... I don't know actually!

*she gets a little nervous and decides not to say anything about her feelings towards him*

Josh: Okay... I guess that happens. Anyway we are almost there! Are you ready?

Jocelyn: I am so excited! Finally getting these suckers off!

*Josh pulls into the hospital parking lot and parks his car*

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