In the hopsital part 2

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*the doctor lets out a sigh*

Doctor: No, can you guess again, Jocelyn?

Jocelyn: Uhm... I like trees?

*Josh stands beside them, trying to hold in his laugh*

Doctor: Jocelyn how many fingers am I holding up...

Jocelyn: Uhm... I can't see it clearly but it looks like twelve...

*the doctor sighs and puts up one finger this time*

Doctor: How many fingers am I holding up right now?

Jocelyn: Uhm... Two?

Doctor: How many drinks did you take at the party, Jocelyn?

Jocelyn: Uhm I don't know... Too much.

Doctor: Alright...

*the doctor takes a step back so he also can talk to Josh at the same time*

Doctor: So it seems like both the ankle and wrist are fractured and need a cast... I assume you don't have a wheelchair at home so you can borrow one from the hospital. But it's late at night and she seems very drunk, so if you'd like you can stay for a night in the hospital.

Josh: Uhm, yeah that would be nice... Would you like that Jocelyn?

*Jocelyn nods and yawns*

Jocelyn: Yeah, I'm quite tired...

Doctor: Okay, I'm gonna get some water for Jocelyn and then you can both sleep. I am sorry to say but Josh if you want to stay, you will have to sleep in the bed with her or you will have to sleep in the chair. Are you okay with that?

Josh: I will just stay in the chair here, thank you.

*the doctor leaves the room getting some water*

Jocelyn: Are you sure you are gonna stay?

Josh: Well, I have to know how you are doing tomorrow... And you are getting your casts tomorrow.

*the doctor enters the room again with some water and two pressure bandages. He hands Jocelyn the cup of water*

Doctor: Drink up, it will help tomorrow. And I will have to put pressure bandages on your wrist and ankle for now, until you get your casts tomorrow.

*he applies the pressure bandages*

Doctor: You are all set for tonight? I won't hold you up longer, so you can sleep now.

Jocelyn: Thank you, sir.

*the doctor walks out of the room and Jocelyn yawns again*

Jocelyn: I am so tired... I am gonna go to sleep if you don't mind.

Josh: No it's okay, go to sleep, you need some rest.

*Jocelyn closes her eyes and falls asleep very quickly. Josh stares at Jocelyn for a few minutes before closing his eyes and falling asleep*

-Time skip to morning-

*Jocelyn wakes up pretty confused. She looks around the room and doesn't notice Josh sleeping in the chair beside her*

Jocelyn: W- what? Where am I?

*Josh wakes up hearing Jocelyn talk*

Josh: Good morning Jocelyn...

*Josh says with a raspy and sleepy voice. Jocelyn hears a voice and jumps startled while letting out a scream, she looks towards her left where Josh is sitting and her face is filled with shock*

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