Rise of the Snakes [1]

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Long before time had a name, the first Spinjitzu master created Ninjago, using four elemental weapons. But, when he passed, a dark presence sought out to collect them all...
Lord Garmadon...
So I, Sensei Wu, his brother, sought out to find four ninja to collect them first...

   There was a quiet mumble of arguing from the next room. There was a collection of ha-ya!s and hoo! Ha!s, and the occasional thump as something hit the floor. Master Wu was sat peacefully meditating, incense swirling around the room, gathering around the ceiling. His face held a look of tranquillity, at peace with the world-
   "FIRE STRIKE!" Master Wu's eyebrow twitched slightly. He was jerked from his thoughts and suddenly he could hear the loud shouting and arguing from the other room. He waited. There was silence, then, "oh, my gosh. Is that the greatest move you've ever seen?" Master Wu's eyes flew open. He swiftly got up onto his feet and stared at the door leading to the Monastery's courtyard. He walked over to it hopefully, but that hope was slowly fading as he neared the door and the shouts became slightly fainter. 
   "Stop trying to do it yourself!" Master Wu's lip twitched. He put both hands on the sliding doors and slammed them open. "We need to attack as a team!" His eyebrows furrowed. A single leaf rolled along the concrete in a pathetic gust of wind. His eye twitched as he heard more shouting. 
   "Zane! Why are you wasting your special attack on me!?" Master Wu's eyes darted around the unused and unkept training equipment. "You have to save it! Noo!" Master Wu snapped. He spun on his heel, slamming the doors behind him, walked back across his room, through an inside set of sliding doors and to the door of the next room. "Ha! Fantastic! I'm out of lives!" Master Wu opened the doors and it face immediately became irritated. 
   "But the lesson lives on," Zane's voice was heard over the video game music and beeping. All four ninja had their backs faced towards the door and were staring at a colourful screen in front of them, "and I am getting the hang of it!" He laughed. They leant forwards towards the screen, so concentrated that they didn't even notice their Sensei walk behind the TV. 
   "Okay..." Cole paused, his brows furrowed, "now!" He shouted. The sound of controllers clicking became more frantic and the video game music became more agonising. The four brightly coloured video game characters slashed at the monster on screen. The health bar slowly went down, and down, and down until-
   Beep! Zeww...
The TV screen turned black and the hazy reflection of the ninja stared at it in shock. There was a collective groan as they turned to look at the man clad in white, holding up the TV plug. 
   "What happened?" Jay asked. Cole stepped forwards, pointing violently at the black TV screen. 
   "It took us three hours to get there!" He groaned. 
   "Why would you do that? Why!?" Jay demanded angrily. The four ninja glared at their Sensei, who sighed, just as annoyed. 
   "Just because Lord Garmadon escaped through a vortex, doesn't mean he won't return one day for the golden weapons of Spinjitzu!" He said exasperatedly. Zane looked confused. 
   "But, Sensei Wu, ever since he's been gone, Ninjago has had nothing but peace!" He said innocently.
   "Yeah, but peace is boring." Jay chimed in. "There's no one to save. There's nothing to do." He shrugged angrily. Cole sighed and lied down, his arms behind his head. 
   "We can train tomorrow," He groaned. Master Wu's eye twitched. 
   "Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today." He said, hopefully, wishing that his student's would take the hint. To his dismay, Cole picked up a discarded slice of pizza and held it up mockingly. 
   "Well... I was gonna eat this pizza tomorrow... so, if that's the case- ow!" The slice of pizza was kicked out of his hand and splatted face down onto the floor by Master Wu's foot. 
   "No pizza for you!" Master Wu said angrily. Cole held his hand pitifully as Master Wu glared at them all. "In order to reach your full potential, you must train." He said sternly. Kai rolled his eyes. 
   "Uh, remember when we did a little thing called the Tornado of Creation? I thought that was pretty insane." He said, clenching his fist. Master Wu sighed in hopelessness. 
   "Oh, you four have merely scratched the surface of your full potential. There are still so many secrets you have yet to unlock!" Master Wu said desperately. "You haven't even begun to tap into what powers your golden weapons hold. Cole jumped up suddenly, a mischievous grin on his face. 
   "You wanna talk secret powers? Check this out." He reached over to the TV plug with his golden scythe, gently pushing it back into the plug socket. The game music immediately started up again as the TV flicked on, the game still as it was left. The ninja cheered as they were once again glued to the screen. Master Wu pulled on his beard in worry and frustration. 
   "Don't worry, Sensei. We will be ready when Lord Garmadon returns." He said confidently. There was hurried footsteps and beautiful girl skidded into the room. 
   "Guys! Lord Garmadon! He's returned!" Nya said panting. "He was spotted approaching Jamanakai Village!" She said quickly. All the ninja gasped and sprung to their feet. They ran around clumsily, tripping over each other and pizza slices. Soon enough, they all managed to leave the room in once piece. Jay leant down to pick up his golden weapon but Nya beat him to it. She handed it to him and Jay's face reddened.
   "Ah-uh, um, th-thanks, uh-" He stammered. 
   "Hurry!" Nya said, exasperated. 
   "Okay!" Jay said stiffly. He chased after his friends and they all raced to their dragons. It wasn't the most impressive to watch. Cole's golden weapon clattered to the floor and Jay missed his dragon completely. Master Wu shook his head. 
   "Um... can I help?" Nya asked. Kai heaved himself onto his dragon, grunting slightly. 
   "Sorry sis, where we go, danger abounds." He pointed to himself proudly. "This is a job for a ninja." He put a dramatic emphasis on the word 'ninja' and leant down for his reign. He um-ed slightly and laughed awkwardly. "Uh... a little help? Heh-heh..." He said weakly. Nya shook her head and handed the dragon reigns to her brother. Kai's dragon rolled it's eyes. One by one, their dragons sped out of their stable* and took of to the sky. As she and Master Wu watched them shrink, Nya shook her head. 
   "Will they ever reach their full potential?" 
   "In time..." Master Wu sighed. "Maybe, long time... but, in time..." he added. Nya giggled a little. 
   "I just hope that they'll be ready before something terrible happens." She said quietly. 

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