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   Delicious smelling food wafted through the Monastery. Hot steam rolled out of the kitchen windows in plumes of water vapour, the sun making it shine a reddish pink. 
   "Mm! Oh, I love it when it's Zane's night to cook!" Jay said, stuffing his face with everything on the table. 
   "Hey, I didn't hear any complaints about my duck chowder the other night." Cole joked. 
   "That's because it glued our mouths shut." Kai snapped. Cole looked a bit taken back but laughed a bit anyway. "You really thought Jay was speechless all throughout dinner?" He said. 
   "Yeah," Jay added. "Please don't make that again." He said seriously. Cole's face fell and he rolled his eyes. Y/n stared at the people around the table. He honestly found it alien. When he used to train under Master Wu, it was only him, and an older student. Y/n couldn't remember his name anymore, but, that student ran away one night when he and Master Wu had a dispute over some scroll he'd found. The only thing Y/n could remember for certain was that this kid had a green streak in his hair, he could remember so clearly because, he always used to help him dye it. Even though there were two students, Master Wu always seemed so distant, they never had meals together. Y/n laughed a little bit at the way Cole scowled at Jay. 
  "It can't have been that bad." Y/n said. Jay shook his head. 
  "Yeah, trust us, it was." Nya whispered into his ear. Y/n smiled at her and she blushed slightly. The sudden awkward tension between the two was broken by the introduction of Zane. 
   "Dinner is served." He said, placing a massive roast chicken on the table. He smiled at the people sat at the table. There was a moment of silence before-
   "Hahaha!" The table erupted into a explosion of laughter. "W-what are you wearing!?" Jay snorted. Zane looked confused. 
   "What's so funny?" He asked, a slight hint of hurt in his voice. Nya tried to compose herself as she answered. 
   "Zane, you're wearing a... well, even I wouldn't wear that!" She giggled. Zane seemed to be even more confused. 
   "You laugh because I take steps to ensure that I am clean after cooking?" He asked.
   "Haha! No, we laugh because you came out wearing that ridiculous outfit!" Kai laughed. Zane looked at the floor. 
   "I guess we don't share the same sense of humour." Zane said quietly. Cole glanced at the table. 
   "Well," he grabbed a plate of prawns, "how about this?" He chucked it at Kai's face and snickered. "How could you not find that funny!?" He said, wiping away tears. Y/n wanted to laugh but a sudden feeling of disgust arose inside of him. Well, some grateful lot you guys are, aren't you? He thought. He hadn't even noticed Master Wu get up and grab a bowl of sauce. Master Wu crept up behind Cole and suddenly slammed the bowl upside down on to his head. Cole shouted suddenly as the hot stickiness seeped into his hair and onto his clothes. Master Wu smiled and patted Zane on the back while Kai snickered at Cole. 
   "Now, you are brothers." Master Wu said. The dining room soon became filled with shouts and food, flying across the room. Zane stared blankly as he watched all of his hard work get plastered and splattered on the walls and floor. Y/n dodged the flying food, his head aching. Zane watched as he quietly snatched a few pieces of chicken and some dumplings, putting them in his bowl of rice; leaving before his food also got strewn all over the floor. Zane's face seemed to loosen a little. 

   It was night now, and Zane had just finished cleaning up the mess of the dining room. He gently closed the lid of the dust bin and sighed. "I still managed to get dirty even after taking precautions..." He said, taking off his apron. He hesitated slightly before also tossing the pink fabric in the bin. The sky was clear, stars sparkling and twinkling against a deep blue sky. As he watched the stars, a falcon cry jerked Zane from his thoughts, he turned and was met with the cold hard eyes of a majestic bird. Zane tilted his head slightly, in innocent observation and to his surprise, the falcon did so too. it copied his every move. If Zane shook his head, the falcon would also, if he flapped his arms, the falcon copied him. A bright smile appeared on Zane's face as the falcon mimicked him. It jerked it's head away from the mountain and hopped along the branch it was perched on, motioning Zane to follow him. Zane looked back at the noisy Monastery and shook his head. The falcon soared into the air and without hesitation, Zane followed. Now, it was his turn to copy the falcon. 
   Every time he fell behind, the falcon would wait for Zane. Perching high on trees, looking back at his pursuer with mild interest. The forests were thick with a pale blue fog, moonlight spilling through the bare trees, casting great shadows on the ground, illuminating Zane's path. He ran after the falcon with no breaks, his eyes fixated on the bird flying above him. "You are a mysterious fellow, my friend." He said in interest. The falcon just squawked at him and carried on flying. After what seemed like hours of chasing moonlight and the dark, the falcon slowed down, stopping on a large tree. Zane skidded to a stop too and his eyes widened. A massive treehouse, three stories high, hanging above the floor. Lanterns dangled all over the structure, illuminating the place with an eerie red glow. Snakes were everywhere, building, carrying, moving. Zane gaped slightly at the amazingness of the construction. "Hmm.." He mumbled to himself. 
   "If I see one girl in here, I'm gonna go ballistic." Lloyd's voice rang clear through the fog and Zane watched as he was carried in his ugly throne of ice. Four snakes held it up on planks and Lloyd looked like he thought he ruled the world. The falcon squawked at Zane, nodding it's head for him to fetch the other ninja. Zane smiled. 
   "Thank you, my mysterious friend." He said.

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