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   As they drew closer to the Monastery, Y/n watched in shock as black clouds billowed over the mountains. "Fire..." He whispered. His hands trembled slightly as they drew closer. The dark, foreboding clouds of soot and ash rolled over their heads, engulfing the wind battered side of the mountain range. As they soared around the final mountain in their way, Y/n felt Cole tense behind him. Kai leant forwards anxiously. 
   "We're too late!" He said in horror. "Those snakes..." His voice became filled with hatred and anger, a thousand curses engraved into those two word. As they neared the mountain said, the roars and howls from their dragons reached their ears. 
   "Rocky!" Cole shouted. He leant forwards slightly, into Y/n. Y/n could hear the pounding of Cole's heart, and his quick breathing. Kai's dragon landed heavily on the scorched and burned ground, Cole jumped off before it had even landed properly and ran to the dragon stables. Y/n chased after him and was just in time to see Cole furiously crank down the lever to release the dragons and the heavy wooden doors burst open. The three dragons jumped into the air without hesitation and Y/n watched as Cole stared at the crumbling stables. 
   "Are you alright?" Y/n asked. Cole gave a silent nod, his eyes unmoving from the burnt wreckage. Y/n didn't know what to do. He stepped forwards cautiously and gently put his hand on Cole's shoulder. "You can tell me." Y/n said comfortingly. Cole turned his head away slightly but ended up looked dead in Y/n's eyes. 
   "Is it my fault?" He asked quietly. Y/n was taken back. 
   "How can it be your fault?" He asked. Cole shook his head. 
   "Nothing..." He mumbled. Y/n frowned. He had an idea. He turned Cole around to face him and pulled him into a hug. "W-what are you doing!?" Cole asked, frantically trying to pull away. His face and ears were red with embarrassment. Y/n frowned and just hugged him tighter. Cole was quite a bit taller than him so currently his face was buried in Cole's neck. Please... work... Y/n closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. 
   There was the sound of something heavy plunging into water. Excruciating pain exploded along Y/n's back as he tried to swim upwards. Everything was blue, well, I suppose he was underwater, but where? Y/n thought. He looked around him, trying his best to ignore the pain shooting up his spine. He opened his mouth to shout but a dark figure caught his eye. Y/n swam through the water, trying to make out the person who had his back turned. "Cole?" He called out. His voice was muffled and suffocated by the unnatural water. The figure didn't take any notice of the other boy approaching him. 
   "... fault..." The voice was quiet but it was definitely coming from the figure.
   "Cole?" Y/n called again. He didn't have any hope that Cole could hear him but he liked the idea of not being heard more than the silence. Y/n swam in front of the figure and sure enough, it was Cole. His face was full of anger and hatred. Y/n subcontiously reached out his hand for Cole's face but his fingers passed right through him. Y/n quickly pulled his hand back, making the hazy body of Cole shimmer and ripple a little.
   "It's my fault." Cole said quietly. He stared through Y/n, his eyes dull. Y/n felt his heart tug a little. "It's my fault." Cole said again. His hands clenched and he glared. "It's my fault, it's my fault, it's my fault." He repeated over and over again. Y/n watched fearfully as little drops of red began to rise in the water. He looked down and Cole's hands were bleeding.
   "Cole!" Y/n said in shock. He tried to grab Cole's hands but went through him again. Anger began to rise inside of him now too. "COLE!" He shouted angrily. He knew no matter how loud he shouted, Cole wasn't going to hear him. Y/n bit his lip in anger and sighed shakily. He slowly raised his hand to Cole's face and hovered it just above his cheek. "It's..."
"... not your fault." Y/n said quietly. He blinked and suddenly fire was roaring in his ears. Y/n blinked a bit. He felt himself hugging someone and two arms gingerly wrapped around him. He looked down and was met with a tuff of black hair. "It's not your fault." Y/n said quietly again. He felt Cole's arms tighten around his waist slightly before Cole pulled away and smiled. 
   "I guess, I'm just being dramatic." Cole said weakly. He smiled and laughed. "We should probably get back, I'm fine now." He said, quickly turning away. Y/n looked at him anxiously but didn't press. 

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