Snakebit [2]

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   "It's not that scary..." 
   The sound of paper being scrunched up echoed in the forest. Graves loomed up from the solid rock and the gates with glowing red lanterns, hanging in their centres cast long shadows from the moonlight. Lloyd's little figure slowly shuffled his feet along the stone, eyes darting this way and that. His hands were sweaty and he could feel chills running down his neck. He paused in his tracks for a second. "Um, maybe just a little, but I like scary!" He added on in pretend confidence. "Yeah, that's it! I'm the son of the Dark Lord! I love the dark! I eat this stuff for breakfast!" He babbled on and on, the confidence slowly seeping back into his voice with every word. Until that it, his torch light fell upon a tree. He screamed and backed hastily into a grave, tumbling over as he stared at the tree his face reddened and he dusted himself off in embarrassment. "Ahem, anyway... if I'm gonna make those Hypnobrai pay for betraying me, I have to find the Fangpyres." His eyes wandered off the map in his hands to the impressive tree that now stood before him. "If there's anything a snake doesn't like, it's another snake!" A sinister little smile creeped across his face. "I found it." He said in a slightly sing-song voice. "Soon, the Serpentine will know who their master is, and it will be I, Lloyd Garmadon!" He cackled. It wasn't intimidating. His voice was high-pitched and weak. Thunder cracked overhead and he cowered slightly. As he bent down to shield himself from the lightning, his arm accidentally hit a small button and the stone in front of him collapsed away. Lloyd stumbled backwards as to not be thrown into the dark hole and cowered as things jumped out. Hissing filled the clearing as shadows circled around the cowering mass. Lloyd struggled to his feet, eyes swivelling frantically in their sockets. 
   "And who..."
   "...may I s-s-say releas-s-sed us-s-s..."
   "...from our captivity?"
    Two crimson red snake heads loomed over Lloyd's face, milky white eyes boring into Lloyd's features. Lloyd opened and closed his mouth a few times before quickly spluttering out in stammers. 
   "U-uh, me Lloyd. I released you to make the Hypnobrai pay for betraying me." He said, his head turned as snakes closed in on him.
   "The Hypnobrai?"
   "Thos-s-se hypnotiz-s-sing deceivers-s-s." 
   "It'll be..."
   "...our pleas-s-sure." The two headed snake bowed, nodding. Lloyd's face brightened slightly and he smiled. 
   "O-oh, good! I'll lead the way." He said, unfolding his extremely crinkled map. "Then, after that, there's some ninja I want dealt with." He added. 
   "S-s-sounds-s-s like..."
   " know..."
   "... what you want." The two headed snake said, the two heads conversing back and fourth. "But the Hypnobrai are s-s-strong." 
   "And we are few in numbers-s-s..."
   "We need..."
   "...reinforc-s-sments-s-s." Lloyd's face fell slightly.
   "W-what did you have in mind?" He asked gingerly. The two headed snake began to hiss and laugh. 
   "We have..."
   "...our ways-s-s..."

   Y/n stared at the ceiling. Why'd that happen? And in front of Jay's parents too, no in front of everyone. He'd made a fool of himself. "Shit..." He cursed under his breath. He couldn't sleep. Quietly, Y/n climbed down from his bed, tip-toeing out of the bedroom and into the corridor. It was cooler out here, and it didn't smell like people. It was nice. Y/n wandered out onto the deck of the ship. There was a gentle breeze and the moon was big and bright. As Y/n gazed out at the stars, he felt his head become heavy. Out here, it felt like it was just him and the sky. Nothing to worry about, no one to care about. All of his thoughts seemed to have been washed away by the gentle light of the moon, rippling over his body in the wind. Y/n clambered onto the bowsprit*, his legs dangling over the dragon's face. In the day, the dragon's face was fierce and powerful. Like a fire was burning constantly in it's eyes and it had all the power in the world. But, in the moonlight, weak streams of sliver ran down from it's eyes, like it was the loneliest being in the world. Y/n scoffed. What at useless thought... ships don't cry. He hugged his knees slightly, his eyes soaking in the beautiful sky. 
   "It's beautiful, isn't it?" 
   Y/n's soul nearly departed from his body. He turned around so fast his legs slipped from underneath him and he began to slide off of the dragon head. "Agh-!" He felt a hand grasp his and pull him back onto the deck as he trembled slightly from shock. "Z-Zane..." Y/n gasped weakly. "What're you doing..." He mumbled. Zane smiled at him apologetically. 
   "I could ask you the same thing. You looked like you were about to cry." 
   Y/n stared at him and began to laugh a little. Was this guy serious? "Hmm? And you thought you could cheer me up by making me jump out of my skin?" Y/n joked. Zane smiled a little. 
   "I didn't mean to scare you." He said. Y/n shook his head to symbolise that all was forgiven. 
   "It's fine, would," Y/n hesitated, "would you like to join me?" He asked. Zane tilted his head slightly. 
   "If you don't mind, I'd like to keep you company." 
   The two of them leant over the edge of the bounty, Zane pointed out constellations as Y/n gawked at the bright dots in the sky. "Wow... hey Zane, you're pretty smart." He said, gently punching Zane's arm. Zane shook his head. 
   "I just enjoy astronomy. I've been stargazing for as long as I remember." He said. Y/n rested his head on his hand as Zane began to point out more stars. Zane had a symmetrical face, his skin was smooth, and his eyes were soft and kind. He looked like the type of boy girls would fawn over. His lips looked soft and his voice was nice... "...Y/n? Are you listening-?"
   Zane's eyes widened as he felt heat against his face and mouth. He looked slightly shocked for a few seconds before his face seemed to relax and his hand gently found it's way to Y/n's. Y/n's hand twitched slight and his eyes opened slowly. He gasped, hand slapped over his mouth as a bit of saliva dripped down his chin. Zane's fingers were interlocked with his but he quickly pulled away. Zane was staring at him. A wave of sickness and emptiness washed over Y/n as his vision darkened slightly. 
   "Y/n?" Zane's voice sounded far away as Y/n shuffled backwards. 
   "I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..." He covered his eyes with his arm as they began to burn and itch. "I'm sorry... let's just pretend that didn't happen, I'll go back inside now... I'm sorry." Y/n quickly rushed past Zane, not looking back to see what kind of disgusted expression he thought he would be greeted with. He didn't want to go back to the bedroom, instead, he went to the living room and curled up on the settee, his arms over his face as he cried into his sleeves. 

   "Sure got a lot of junk piling up." Kai said loudly. "If only there was a place we could get rid of it." He said smirking. Y/n watched as Kai and Zane walked across the cockpit. His face reddened as he looked at Zane and he hastily grabbed an empty box and began to pile junk into it. Nya stared at him. Cole passed Kai and they winked at each other as Cole began to pretend talk on the phone. 
   "Hi, mum and dad! Of course I'd love to visit!" He snickered before adding on. "What kind of a son would I be if I didn't want to?" He smirked at Nya who had to put her hand over her mouth to stifle her laughter. Jay laughed sarcastically and stood up.
   "Ahahaha... I know what you're trying to do." He said, rolling his eyes. "Ok, l-l-look. I might have promised my parents that I'd visit, but there's a lot of stuff on my plate." His eyes darted over to Nya and his face expression changed immediately. "Aaand, that can all wait! I was just about to tell you I was going to leave!" Nya smiled at him. 
   "Tell them I said hi." She waved over her shoulder as she left and Jay's face reddened. Y/n gaped at him in disbelief. 
   "Ok, so what? My plate's not that full." He said sheepishly. 

   "Ugh, ah-! Come on!" Jay groaned at his dragon. "Whisp! It'll be a quick visit!" He said exasperated. "Just in and out, nothing more." He said hopefully. Whisp stared at him boredly and closed his eyes. 
   "Hmm... it is as I suspected." Master Wu said quietly. Jay raised his eyebrow at him. "The dragons are moulting. They're shedding their scales."
   "What does that mean?" Jay asked. 
   "Every adolescent dragon goes through a transformation before it becomes an adult. We much allow them to migrate east to the Spirit Coves for their transformation." He and Jay stared at Whisp at he scratched slightly at his scales. 
   "Will we see them again?" Jay asked quietly.
   "It is hard to say." Master Wu said. "But we need to allow them to follow their path."
   "Rocky's going east?" Cole said. He turned sadly to his dragon and gently held his nose. "Say it isn't so Rocky..." He said quietly. Y/n quietly stood beside Master Wu as he watched Cole pat Rocky's nose. His eyes subcontiously wandered over to Zane and he stared as Zane quietly bade his dragon goodbye. It was Jay's voice that jerked him from his daze. 
   "Well, I guess I gotta go on this loooong walk all by myself." He said, emphasising the word long as he walked over to Nya and Kai. "Sure be nice to have some company." He added hopefully. Y/n took this chance and seized it. 
   "Of course we'll go buddy!" He said, flinging his arm around Jay's shoulders and making him shriek. 
   "I could use a break." Kai added chiming in. He and Y/n winked at each other, holding back laughter at the disheartened look on Jay's face. 
   "All you had to do was ask." Zane said. Jay pulled at his eyes with his hands. This was not what he'd wanted. 

   They trudged quietly along the dusty road, watching as their dragons soared away in the sky. Y/n could feel the depressing atmosphere upon the group as the sun blazed down on them. Why on earth were these ninja suits so hot? He undid the top layer of his suit, letting it hang down at his waist. He stared at the silky flowy dress that Nya was wearing and a wave of jealousy over came him. He quickly pushed the thought away. No way in hell was he going to wear a dress! 
   "Ah, of all the days to lose our rides." Jay sighed. Master Wu was playing a calming piece of music on is flute, the sound was making Y/n's eyes heavy. 
   "That flute, you've never told us why it's so special." Zane said. Master Wu's music paused and Y/n's head began to clear. 
   "Long ago, there were many flutes, created to combat the powers of the Serpentine and drive them underground. But over time, Ninjago had forgotten its ancestors' wisdoms, and now this, is the only one." Master Wu said dramatically. Y/n smiled to himself. When he was younger, and Master Wu had first taken him in, he'd been told all kinds of stories and legends about Ninjago and it's history. Hearing Master Wu's story telling again made him feel younger. Master Wu suddenly began to play the flute dramatically in Jay's face and Jay rolled his eyes. 
   "I get the lesson, respect your elders or else suffer the consequences, boy, you guys are laying it on thick." He said angrily. Master Wu chuckled. 
   "Perhaps you are only hearing what you need to hear." He said. Jay scoffed and was about to storm off when an uneasy feeling washed over him. Nya quietly stood beside him as they stared at the entrance to the junkyard. 
   "What is it?" She asked. Jay frowned. 
   "It's quiet. My family is never quiet." 

Hi, sorry that this took so long to upload. I partially forgot that Wattpad was a thing. Sorry! But, to make it up to you I added the scene with Zane :] I also updated the briefing of Y/n's elemental power in the 'all you need to know' chapter so please check that. Thanks for being patient with me.
Bowsprit* The front part of the boat, so on the Destiny's Bounty, it'd be the dragon head. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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