Rise of the Snakes [2]

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   "Stupid ninja..." Lloyd spat, kicking a small stone. It tumbled through the snow, gently landing a few steps away. Lloyd stomped through the snow, his steps crunching in the silence. "I'll show them who they're dealing with." He huffed. Soon, he reached the stone again and aimed a kick at it again. This time, it flew a little further. There was a quiet clunk and Lloyd paused. He slowly peaked over a small hill and his eyes widened. "Hey... what is this..." He whispered to himself. He pushed the snow from the top of the rock, and his eyes followed a crack upwards, to... "It's a symbol..." he mumbled to himself. His head turned to the snake shaped lever and hesitantly pushed it. There was silence for a second, then the floor started to shake and crack. Lloyd clung onto the lever in fear as the floor began to open, a green haze beginning to seep out of it. He stepped backwards but his foot slipped on the ice and he tumbled forwards, screaming. Lloyd desperately tried to grab onto the fast moving wall, scraping his fingers raw as he tried. He looked down and his face paled as he saw an ice ledge quickly approaching him. He braced himself for the impact and-
   Lloyd slid off of the cracked ledge, a little blood oozing from his shoulder and side. His eyes were closed and he was still. It was a while before he even seemed to start to breathe again. His eyes twitched and he groaned a little. "Augh..." He pushed himself onto his elbows and looked around, white spots dotting his vision. Water dripped from somewhere in the ice cave as Lloyd staggered to his feet. The little twelve-year-old shivered and held his arm as he glanced around.
   "You... are out of your mind to venture s-s-so far away from home, little one." A menacing voice said. Lloyd looked around, terrified as the sound of scales scraped against ice, and the way the 's's were held and hissed made Lloyd's hair stand on end. He stepped back as a massive snake slithered trough the ice pillars. He was covered in scales, with yellow and white patterns, and holding a large golden staff, also in the shape of a snake, a blue gem embedded into it's throat. He had the face and tail of a snake but, he also had the arms and the torso of a man. Lloyd, gulped as the snake-man towered over him. "Look into my eyes-s-s..." The snake-man said, his mouth curling into a false grin. He slowly slithered over to Lloyd, his eyes red and wide, slowly spinning. "Give up, your mind..." The snake-man hissed, his eyes growing wider. Lloyd whimpered in fear as he felt an icy pillar against his back.
   "I... will control you..." The snake-man hissed. Lloyd's eyes were wide and glassy, his face suddenly relaxed and he swayed forwards. Suddenly, a sharp pain sliced through his shoulder and he was jerked from the trance. Grabbing his shoulder, Lloyd ducked from the snake-man's gaze, leaving the snake to stare at it's own reflection. The snake-man's eyes widened and his own face became relaxed and entranced. Lloyd peeked one eye open and his mouth gaped as he watched the snake sway back and fourth. He glanced back at the glassy pillar and a grin spread over his face. He giggled quietly.
   "No, I will control you..." He sneered. The snake slowly bowed it's head, holding up it's staff.
   "What, s-s-shall you have us-s-s do, mas-s-ster?" He hissed. Lloyd looked confused.
   "Us?" He asked weakly. His eyes widened as suddenly, snake-men began to craw and walk from every direction, real snakes amongst the walking ones. "W-who are you?" He asked quietly. The snake-man bowed his head lower.
   "We are one of the Five S-s-serpentine Tribes-s-s, the Hypnobrai..." he said. Lloyd blinked. Had he really just stumbled upon one of the legendary Serpentine tombs? He quickly regained his evil composure and began to grin once more.
   "My own army of snakes?" He began to cackle. The snake man lifted his head.
   "Mas-s-ster." He said.

   "So, then we all agree." Jay's voice rang through the mountain range loud and obnoxious. "The prophecy states that one of us will become the Green Ninja, and the issue will not rest until it is decided. There was a quiet scoff and Cole's eyes darted down the side of the mountain. Jay was still rambling about the prophecy but Cole was carefully peeking down the side of the mountain. Y/n held his breath and pressed his back against the rock, his breath hitching in his throat. He hadn't meant to snort, well, not that loud anyway. He could feel Cole's eyes staring right through him.
   "Cole?" Kai asked, staring down the mountain with Cole. "Ya see something buddy?" He asked. Cole frowned and shook his head.
   "I dunno, I thought... I thought I heard something." He said uncertainly. Kai slapped Cole on the back laughing.
   "Whatever, let's go." He said. The two finally left the edge of the cliff and Y/n breathed out shakily. He was sure that the one named Cole had seen him. Y/n could hear the four debating the issue of the Green Ninja as they slowly ascended the mountain. Quietly, Y/n followed behind, his footing light and movements fluent.
   "May I suggest a tournament?" Zane suggested. "Last ninja standing is the best." he said.
   "And will be declared the Green Ninja! I love it!" Kai butted in. They sped up their pace, eager to begin fighting but as they opened the monastery doors, they were greeted with a furious motivation emanating from Nya. She huffed and shouted as she aimed at kick at a training dummy, sending it's head flying into the wall. Jay stared in awe and mild fear.
   "H-hey, Nya." He said shyly. She turned to look at him with a smile. Jay's cheeks flushed and he smiled. "Are you closer to beating your brother's record?" He asked. Nya laughed.
   "Yeah, Kai better watch out." She snickered. "Also, I heard what happened in town." She added. "Just a false alarm?"
   "Yeah, but uh, we're gonna need the space." He said, pushing himself between Jay and Nya, glaring at Jay in the process. "Sorry sis." He said beaming at Nya. Nya raised her eyebrow at him, fully aware of him pushing Jay away. She shrugged.
   "Sure, just don't get in trouble again." She called over her shoulder as she walked away. Jay nodded and blushed. Kai elbowed him in the ribs and Jay doubled over. Cole cleared his throat.
   "Two matches, then the winners of each face off for the title." He said. "Armour or no?" He added. Kai stuck out his tongue as if the thought was making him sick but Jay nodded frantically. Zane shrugged. "No armour then." Jay gaped. Are they trying to kill me!? He screamed mentally. "It's time to see what these babies can do." Cole said, glancing at his scythe with a smirk. Nya came out of her room with a bag strung over her shoulder and walked right across the courtyard, ignoring all of the boys.
   "Nya? Wanna stay and watch?" Jay asked hopefully.
   "No thanks, I'm going to go see how Jamanakai Village is doing." She said plainly, "knock yourselves out!" She called. Jay smiled and this time Kai smacked the back of his head.
   "Alright then, first up, Kai verses Jay." Cole said. Jay gulped at the look on Kai's face.
   "H-hey, Kai, you know I didn't mean what I said to Nya-"
   "Oh?" Kai asked, his expression dark. "You don't think she's good enough for you?" Kai hissed. Jay's face paled.
   "Ninja... go!" Cole shouted.
   "NO!? WHAT-!?" Jay shouted. Kai had already launched himself at him and Jay just managed to sidestep him, keeping all of his limbs. Jay pulled out his nunchucks and deflected Kai's next attack. His eye's widened as they suddenly started to electrocute him. Jay shouted and his arms and fingers convulsed. He panted on the ground as his weapon finally stopped releasing lighting onto him. He didn't get long to rest however before Kai slammed his sword into the floor beside him. Jay screeched and pulled his hand away. "I YEILD! I YEILD!" He shouted. Kai smirked at him and Jay panted as Zane helped him to his feet. Cole patted Kai on the back, laughing.
   "Nice." He said. Kai grinned.
   "You and Zane next?" Kai said. Cole nodded. "Good luck, it'd be fun fighting you." He whispered into Cole's ear. Cole's hair stood on end and he hastily walked away as Kai cackled. "Right, ready?" Kai asked. Zane smiled in confirmation. Cole's hands trembled slightly as he griped the handle of his scythe and he nodded. "Right. Ninja... go!" Cole's eyes widened. He turned his head quickly and was met with two [e/c] eyes staring back at him. His hair was blown in a sudden strong gust of wind and he jumped. Cole slid his leg round, holding his scythe defensively. Zane stopped at the strange actions from his teammate and followed his gaze to a frozen figure.
   "Who are you!?" Cole shouted. The figure turned to jump off the roof but Zane was quicker. He grabbed the figure and slammed him to the floor. The four ninja held their weapons to Y/n's neck, glaring down at him. Y/n put his hands up weakly.
   "Hello...?" He said sheepishly.
   "Who are you and how long have you been following us." Cole hissed. Y/n laughed awkwardly.
   "Well... only since you found that scroll... about the Green Ninja." He said. Kai glared.
   "What, do you think you're the Green Ninja?" He scoffed. Y/n shook his head and was about to speak but someone cut him off.
   "What Green Ninja?" Master Wu said, walking to the group. Jay jumped and Zane bowed his head to the Spinjitzu Master.
   "Ah? Green? Did we say Green? It was actually, um..."
   "Lean!" Jay butted in. "Lean ninja!" He said. Master Wu raised his eyebrow and Jay stared at the floor.
   "Haa... you weren't meant to see that..." Master Wu sighed. Kai pulled his sword from against Y/n's neck and walked over to his Sensei.
   "But, Sensei, we wanna know." He said desperately. "Which one of us is the chosen one?" He asked. Cole's head perked slightly and Y/n seized this chance. He slowly crawled away as Master Wu continued to sigh.
   "None of you, if, you don't unlock your full potential." He said. Y/n glanced back at Master Wu and a sudden pain shot through his head. Master Wu's voice echoed in his mind, none of you will ever be the Green Ninja, but I want you to try your hardest for what you want. Y/n stared at the old Master in front of him, still gripping his head. I doubt you'll even be able to reach your full potential at this rate... Y/n shook his head. Whatever, he thought, this isn't my problem. He quietly creeped away but was stopped as Cole suddenly hook his scythe around his chest and pulled him back.
   "Where do you think you're going?" He asked. Y/n groaned slightly in frustration. Master Wu walked up to him and looked at him suspiciously.
   "Who are you?" Master Wu asked. Y/n stepped back but was met with Cole. He glanced around for an exit but the other three ninja had closed in on him. "Take off your mask." Master Wu commanded. Y/n hesitantly raised his hand to his face and pulled down the cloth over his mouth. Master Wu's eyes widened and he beamed. "Y/n!?" He said. Y/n laughed weakly. Kai stared between Master Wu and Y/n in shock.
   "You know him Sensei?" He asked. Master Wu nodded.
   "Y/n was a former student of mine, ah, unfortunately the elemental power I had sensed in him was a false alarm..." He said quietly. Y/n stared uncomfortably around the group.
   "Can I go?" He asked after a while. Master Wu thought for a bit.
   "Allow me to check once more for the elemental power within you." He said. Master Wu closed his eyes and a faint glow began to shimmer from his eyelids. Master Wu smiled a little as the the glow disappeared. "It seems I was not mistaken." Master Wu said after a while. Y/n blinked.
   "Excuse me?" He said. Master Wu shook his head.
   "There is definitely a strong elemental power within you, the elemental power of sight." Master Wu said. Y/n was even more dumbfounded.
   "Sight?" Zane asked. Master Wu nodded.
   "Y/n has the ability to hear the true intentions of others and see all possible outcomes of any scenario." Master Wu said. Jay smiled a little, as if this was the coolest thing in the world. Y/n stared blankly at Master Wu.
   "Does, that mean..." He trailed off. So, all those horrible things he heard, those horrible things he dreamed, they, were all because of his elemental power. I don't want this. He thought suddenly. I don't, I don't want to hear those things, I don't want to see those things... His hand unconsciously clenched around his wrist. "Can I block it out?" He asked quietly. Master Wu raised his eyebrow.
   "Why would you want to do that?" He asked. Y/n bit his lip and smiled.
   "Ah, nothing, just curiosity." He said. Y/n's head throbbed. He could suddenly hear the sounds of people screaming, crying, swearing, laughing echoing around his head and he felt sick. He wanted to leave. Y/n took a step forwards but his head spun and he wobbled backwards. Cole caught him and held him up while Master Wu looked unconcerned. Y/n blinked, pain pulsing through his neck and head. His eyes went dark.

I will attempt to update this fanfic every weekend starting from Saturday 20th January

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