Snakebit [1]

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   It was a quiet, beautiful morning, the sun warm and bright. It seemed as if after all of the previous night's events the ninja were finally going to get some rest-
   The sound of a gong being hit violently with a wooden pole echoed over the desert. Master Wu's voice came loud and clear over the ruckus. "Evil doesn't sleep, and neither should you!" He shouted. There were loud groans from the boys, all sitting up groggily and rubbing their eyes. Y/n resisted the urge to throw his bedding at Master Wu as he proceeded to rant on. "In order to reach your full potential, we must greet each day as an opportunity!" He shouted. There was a very suppressed shout from Kai as he threw himself off of his bunk. 
   "OK! Ok! We're up." He groaned. "But, if you want us to reach our full potential, shouldn't we at least get a full night of rest?" He added under his breath as he reached for the blinds. As he tugged the string, the wooden shutters came crashing to the floor and he stared at them in disbelief. Cole put his arm up and stretched, yawning. 
   "Ugh, you call that a rest?" He grumbled as he stretched his back. Y/n carefully jumped down from his bed too and nodded. 
   "I think my back as more lumps than the mattress..." He said, sighing. "But, anyway, you guys were up so late, talking about how cool it is to have a new HQ, you guys lost track of time and I didn't even get a wink of sleep!" He added, slightly annoyed. Jay rolled his eyes. 
   "Well," he ran his toothbrush under the tap, unaware that it just spat out a clump of sand, and carried on talking, "since the Serpentine burned down the monastery, we're just glad to have a roof over out heads." He put the toothbrush in his mouth and chocked. Y/n snickered. 
   Zane tapped Master Wu on the shoulder. "What is our lesson today Sensei? Mastering the strike of the scorpion?" He asked, balancing on one foot, hands outstretched. "Or perhaps the grace of a-" 
   The floorboards suddenly splintered and crumbled beneath him and he just stood, semi engulfed by the floor. "I think today's lesson, will be chores." Master Wu said, staring at the hole. 

   "Haa..." Y/n slumped down onto the sofa. He was sweating and tired. "That took hours..." He groaned. Cole flopped down next to him, his shirt untucked and hair pulled back into a short ponytail. Y/n's ears reddened a little bit up he manage to brush it off. Jay was fumbling with the TV and finally managed to get it to work. He cheered and so did Kai. 
   "Right! Who's up for some video games!" Jay smiled cheekily, waving some controllers. Cole sprang up from the sofa, a wide smile on his face. 
   "You're on!" He said. Y/n watched as Jay, Kai and Cole bickered over what game to play. Zane sat down next to him and smiled. 
   "How are you feeling?" He asked. Y/n laughed. 
   "Tired." He glanced at the clock on the wall. It's not even evening yet... He thought sleepily. They'd done nothing but clean all day. Zane fidgeted a little bit before looking away and mumbling. 
   "If you want, you can lean on my shoulder..." he said quietly. Y/n stared at him, his face felt hot and he smiled. 
   "Thanks Zane..." He said, leaning against him. Y/n felt Zane tense up slightly. I don't remember the last time... someone let me lean on them... like... this... Soon, Y/n's breathing became slow and rhythmic, and Zane began to relax. None of them even noticed Master Wu coming into the room with Nya. Nya glanced at Zane and Y/n and a smile spread across her face. 
   "Hey guys!" She said. Jay's head whipped around immediately and he beamed at Nya. 
   "What took you guys so long!" Kai snickered. 
   "Wow! This place looks amazing!" Nya said. Jay's cheeks flushed red. "You guys did all of this?" She said, her eyes glancing at Jay. 
   "Ninja don't just fight, Nya. We clean." Cole said smirking. "And plus, it was mainly Zane and Y/n." He added smiling to himself. 
   Master Wu stroked his beard thoughtfully. "You have exceeded my expectations." He said. "But can you keep it up?" He asked. Just as the ninja were about to answer when there was honking outside. Nya tilted her head slightly. She looked out of the window in confusion. Who is all the way out here? She thought. 
   "It looks like we're about to have some visitors." She said. "And some loud ones at that!" She giggled. Jay groaned. 
   "Aww, it's my parents. Please, if they start yapping, just don't get them going, okay? They don't know when to quit." He groaned. Cole snickered. "And if you start talking then they'll start talking and then suddenly half the day's gone-!"
   "We get it!" Kai interrupted, smacking Jay on the back of the head. "They talk a lot!" He said. 
   "The cherry doesn't fall far from the blossom, eh, Jay?" Cole said mockingly. Kai burst out into cackling and Cole looked relatively pleased with himself. Nya glanced over to Zane and Y/n who were still fast asleep on the sofa. She quietly walked over to them and reached out to tap Y/n's shoulder but paused. 
   "Y/n?" She asked quietly. Y/n's face was drawn in pain and Nya watched as his hands twitched and trembled. It wasn't noticeable, but growing up with Kai, she had a knack for spotting these kind of things. She hesitated again before gently touching Y/n's shoulder and shaking him awake. "Y/n," she said gently, "Sensei is back." Y/n grumbled slightly and blinked. He pushed himself up groggily and rubbed his eyes. 
   "Nya?" He asked. "What time is it?" 
   "Just past twelve," she said. Y/n stretched and yawned. He felt refreshed but also, at the same time like his body was a sack of rocks. 
   "What's that noise?" He asked. 
   "Jay's parents." Kai said, rolling his eyes. "Don't get 'em yapping or they'll start talking like Jay." he snickered. Jay punched him and Cole rolled on the floor laughing. Y/n felt the cushion tilt a little as Zane sat himself straight. He smiled at Y/n and Y/n felt his heart quicken a little. 
   "Well, shall we go greet out guests?" He said. 

   "Mum! Dad!" Jay beamed sarcastically, "what are you doing here!?" He said through his teeth, still smiling. A woman jumped up, her face joyful. 
   "Oh Jay! My baby boy! It's been so long since we've heard from you." She said grinning. Y/n crossed his arms and smiled. Jay gaped at the woman. 
   "Ma! I called you two days ago." He groaned. Jay's dad and mum were both smiling, as they jumped off the car. 
   "Well, it's not soon enough, son!" His dad laughed. "So, uh, when are you coming out to the junkyard?" He asked. "You, you say you're coming and then you don't." Y/n heard the falter in Jay's dad's voice and shot a glance at Jay. He could see Jay fidgeting anxiously. 
   "Dad, do we have to talk about the junkyard in front of my friends?" He hissed. Jay's mum giggled. 
   "He hate's it when we tell people he was born in a junkyard." She smiled. Her eyes wandered to Nya, who was stood beside him. "Oh! And who are you?" She said, beaming. "You are so cute!" She said. Nya smiled, bowing slightly. Jay's mum laughed and whispered to Nya. "You are just my son's type." She said jokingly. Jay clenched his fists. 
   "Mum!" He said. 
   "It's a pleasure meeting you," Nya said kindly, "I'm sure, if you want, Jay can give you the tour." She added. "He worked very hard on it." Both of Jay's parents faces lit up. 
   "We'd love a tour!" They said in unison. Jay looked at Nya pleadingly before muttering under his breath. 

   "And this is the bridge, this extends into a periscope, this tells us what's going on in Ninjago, and this, if the Serpentine's not giving us the answers we want, and we're up late at night-" 
   "A neuro apparatus that can read their minds!?" Jay's mum suggested excitedly. 
   "An audio appliance to make them talk?" His dad said. Jay smirked. 
   "No, a cappuccino machine." He snickered. 
   "Haha! Amazing!" Jay's dad exclaimed. Y/n laughed a little. Now I see where Jay get's it from. The cherry really doesn't fall far from the blossom- ack-! Y/n felt a sudden jolt of pain through his head. Why can't they just go already. Jay's voice echoed in his head as he grabbed onto the wall to steady himself. Don't they get it? Just go home already. Y/n's vision was burring as the pain greatened. What's happening, he thought, why does it hurt so much... There was a thump as Y/n dropped to his knees and Jay's voice suddenly disappeared from his head. Y/n gasped as Kai ran over to him and knelt by his side. 
   "Hey, are you ok?" He asked. Y/n nodded and pushed himself to his feet. 
   "I don't know what that was but I'm ok," he felt embarrassed. He felt the eyes of everyone on him and it made him feel sick. What was that... that's not happened recently, and, now everyone probably thinks I got used to the attention and want it more... He pushed Kai's hand off his shoulder and smiled. "Don't worry about me, Jay's parents are here, so we really should be focusing on them." 
   "Kai, I'm fine." Y/n said sharply, his smiled faded and he stared at Kai coldly. Kai looked taken back but nodded. 
   "Right, um..." There was an awkward silence before Jay seemed to take up on this opportunity to kick his parents out. 
   "Ok, that's your cue to leave, and you wanna get home before it get's dark, right? So, anyway, bye bye!" He said, grabbing his parent's hands and leading them out, Nya followed him to send his parents off. 
   "So you promise to come to the junkyard and visit?" Jay's mum asked hopefully. 
   "Yes! I promise!" Jay said through his teeth, "but only if you leave!" He said. Nya put her hand on his shoulder. 
   "You should be nicer to your parents you know." She said quietly before leaving to go back inside. Jay stared after her helplessly as the red sun sank slowly below the horizon.  As Jay's parents drove away, his dad glanced at his wife. 
   "I don't think he's coming dear." He said quietly. 
   "Stop it, Ed, he's coming." Jay's mum said happily. 
   "No, he doesn't need us anymore." Jay's dad said. The smile on Jay's mum's face faded and she stared at the sunset. 
   "He does, Ed, I know it." 

Hello, I've finally had time to write a bit more of this. My hand is recovering and it's likely that I'll be able to write properly again soon. I'm sorry this chapter is so short but I can't manage that much in one go and I really want to upload a new part for you because of how long you've waited. Thank you for bring patient with me :]

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