Rise of the snakes [3]

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   Screams and shouts filled the streets of Jamanakai Village. People ran, right and left, up and down, round in circles and into one another. Nya turned around in confusion, her head tilted slightly. 
   "What now?" She said in exasperation.
   "Take the sweets! Take it all!" Lloyd's high-pitched voice came into range and Nya's expression became even more irritated. She stepped forwards, ready to give the boy the beating of a life time but froze. Her face paled slightly as two gleaming red eyes glinted from behind Lloyd. The... serpentine!? She thought. The villagers trembled in fear, rooted to the floor. The General's eyes scanned the crowd. He raised his head high, eyes glowing red. 
   "Look into my eyes-s-s..." He hissed. The villagers, with no where to run, did as they were told, eyes staring into the snake's. Their faces began to relax, and their bodies began to sway. Nya watched in horror as a little girl's face greyed and her pupils started to spiral out, her irises and sclera turning a blood red. Nya quickly dodged out of the way, crouching behind a market stall, her ears perked and brow furrowed. 
   "This-s-s makes-s-s no s-s-sens-s-se general..." A snake whispered. "Raiding and entire town for, for s-s-sweets-s-s!?" He exclaimed. The General turned around sharply and smacked the other snake on the shoulder, pushing him back. 
   "You will do as-s-s I command," He hissed threateningly, "because I hold the s-s-staff!" He said, waving it tantalisingly in the other snake's face. Nya gasped and quickly ran as a snake came round, checking behind the stalls. I have to go warn the others... She thought. 

   Y/n stared uncomfortably at the wall behind Master Wu. Master Wu was staring at him from behind a pot of incense. 
   "Um... Sensei...? Can I call you that? Am I technically now your student or?" Y/n asked finally. Master Wu chuckled slightly. 
   "Well, unless you want to leave?" He asked. Y/n laughed awkwardly. Of course he wanted to leave, he was getting funny looks from the guys outside the door, eavesdropping on the conversation. Master Wu seemed to know what Y/n was thinking and sighed. "Pay then no heed, they're just like children." He said. Y/n laughed. 
   "Well... I guess..." Y/n smiled. Bull crap, they're all the same age as me, if not older! He thought sourly. "Um... do, I stay here now then?" He asked, changing the subject. Master Wu nodded. 
   "You'll be sharing a room with your new teammates. I hope you don't mind?" He said. Y/n shook his head. "Good, good. Now, would you like to ask me anything?" Master Wu asked. Y/n stared at him. 
"I..." He didn't know what to ask. "...can... can I block out my elemental power?" He asked quietly. Master Wu smiled softly, exhaling. 
   "You asked me this earlier, why would you want to reject a power like yours?" He asked. Y/n laughed weakly. 
   "Aha... just, curiosity I guess..." He said trailing off, massaging the back of his neck and avoiding looking at Master Wu's face. 
   "Well, if you really want to know, why don't you tell me a bit about your experience with your powers first?" Master Wu said. Y/n looked at the floor. 
   "I dunno... I haven't really had any I've noticed..." He wasn't ready to tell a stranger his whole past. "The first time I experienced something was when they," he jerked his head at the door, "caught me watching them." He said. Master Wu inclined his head, signalling for Y/n to continue. "Oh... well... I could hear and see... your thoughts... and I could see so many things and people and I heard, people crying and laughing and ugh..." He shuddered slightly. Just thinking about it made his head hurt. "I couldn't make out specifics... though..." Master Wu raised his eyebrow. 
   "Y/n?" He asked. Master Wu watched as the boy's pupils began to grow larger, almost engulfing his irises, and his head begin to droop forwards. "Y/n?" He asked again. Y/n's breathing shallowed as his head slumped down. Master Wu stood up quickly and rushed over to him. "Are you alright? Y/n?" He asked, his calm voice wavering slightly. Y/n mumbled something but Master Wu couldn't catch it. "What? Say it again." He said. 
   "... The... serpentine... Lloyd-!" Suddenly, Y/n's head snapped up and his breathing quickened. "I saw Jamanakai Village! Lloyd's get the Serpentine! He's raiding the village!" He shouted frantically. Master Wu's eyes widened and there was a quick scuffling at the door before it burst open. 
   "What!?" Jay shouted, his hair wild. "The Serpentine!?"
   "But the Serpentine aren't real!" Kai scoffed. "Who's gonna believe a kid who just showed up too?" He snorted. 
    "Yeah, calm down Sensei, we were just there. It was some kid who says he's-" Cole agreed. 
   "Are you questioning my judgement?" Master Wu said threateningly. "We are talking about an ancient Evil!" He exclaimed furiously. "The Serpentine are no joke!" He said. Kai frowned but his expression soon became a mixture of concern and horror. 
   "Nya's there right now!" He said. Jay's face also paled. 
   "Nya?" He said. 

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