Night one. Cole, are you ok?

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The font in this is different because I am writing on my iPad, apologies

Night one:

   Y/n didn't move an inch. He could hear the heavy breathing of Kai and the light snoring from Jay. It was uncomfortable. Moonlight was beaming through the curtains and Y/n felt wide awake. He glance around the room.  There were three bunk beds. Kai was sleeping on the top bunk opposite his and Y/n could see him sleeping peacefully. Jay was sprawled over his bed, almost falling off the mattress. He might as well sleep on the floor. Y/n thought, laughing slightly. He looked over to the bed diagonal to him and saw Cole sleeping on the bottom bunk. He was tossing and turning and by far the one with the heaviest breathing. Y/n stared at him pitifully. "That must be one heck of a dream." He said quietly, propping himself onto his elbow. He stared at Cole as his breathing became heavier and his hands started to clench around his stomach. Y/n was intrigued. "What is he dreaming about-"
   "Haa-!" Col suddenly bolted upright and he grabbed his mouth. Y/n immediately lied down on his bed and held his breath. He heard Cole moving to get out of bed and he paused. "Y/n?" He whispered quietly, his voice sounded shaky. "Damn... I thought he was awake..." Cole whispered to himself as he walked quietly to the bathroom. Y/n sat up again just in time to see Cole gently shut the door behind him. Y/n sighed in relief. Damn, if he'd seen me that would've been awkward. He thought. Y/n lied down again and closed his eyes. He heard a quiet rustling in the toilet and then the sound of the toilet flushing. Cole still didn't come out. He was about to clamber out of bed to check on him but Kai sleepily pushed himself up. Y/n jumped and fell heavily back onto the bed. He was sweating. Kai didn't notice and instead lazily climbed out of his bed and shuffled to the bathroom. He knocked quietly on the door and whispered. Y/n couldn't hear what he said but Cole opened the door and Kai quietly slipped into the bathroom. The lock clicked and Y/n listened intently. There was quiet mumbling and then a very faint sound of retching. Y/n's eyes widened as he listened to the vey vey faint sound of vomiting. It stopped and the toilet flushed again. There was more shuffling and the the lock clicked again and the door swung open. Y/n quickly squeeze his eyes shut and peered as Kai and Cole walked out.
   "Are you sure you'll be ok?" Kai asked quietly.
   "Yeah, sorry..." He mumbled. Kai laughed a little.
   "It's nothing... are you sure you don't wanna tell Sensei-?"
   "No-!" Cole said quickly. "I'm fine, really, this is the first time it's happened in a while..." He said, unconvincingly. Y/n felt a small jolt in his head. He's lying. Kai seemed uncertain but sighed.
   "Alright, g'night." He said. Cole smiled.
   "Night..." The two fell into silence. Y/n listened as Kai's heavy breathing mingled with Jay's now obnoxious snoring and Cole's more calm breathing. Y/n sighed. What on earth have I gotten myself into... He thought.

Sorry for this chapter being short, I don't really have any thing to write so far as it has only been two episodes. Sorry again. Also, apologies in advance for the angst and the drama that will happen in future mini-stories and the main story.

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