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   "My turn!"
   "Uh, it's my turn!
   "Oh, you want a little more? Take this!" 
   Master Wu's eye twitched and he stood up. He was meditating but the shouting and yammering from his students were just doing his head in. 
   "Yeah! How about a little of this!" Kai's voice was loud and clear through the walls of the Monastery. Master Wu rubbed his head and gently placed a strange looking flute into a case as Cole shouted in victory. 
   "Yeah! Monkey Paw to the head!" 
   "Ninja roll!" Master Wu sighed and slid open the doors to the living room. His face became shocked to see no one there. He stared for a few seconds and a bright smile crossed over his face. He quickly rushed to the outside doors and opened them. The ninja were all training against the dummies and equipment. "Ha!" Jay shouted as he swung his nunchucks over his head. All of them were doing something, apart from Zane and Y/n. Zane was sat in the courtyard meditating while Y/n was just watching. He didn't seem to notice Master Wu watching him and his eyes were fixated on Kai. Zane suddenly jumped up and suddenly began to attack all of the training equipment. 
   "Ninja go!" He said as he began Spinjitzu. Jay and Cole dodged out of his way as he froze the ground beneath him, but Kai didn't seem to notice and ended up slipping. Y/n burst into a fit of laughter as he watched Kai stumbled and slide across the ice. Zane stopped right in front of Y/n and watched him laugh. He shrugged and began to attack the dummies again. 
   "This roof isn't big enough for the four of us." Kai spat. 
   "Correction, this room isn't big enough, for him." He said, gesturing to Zane. 
   "It's like he's in his own world." Jay chimed in. "I bet he can't even hear us." He shouted angrily at the boy dressed in white. Zane paid him no heed and carried on with what he was doing. Y/n sat up at the tone of Jay's voice and frowned. He watched as Master Wu walked over and Kai turned to him. 
   "Sensei, Zane's weird." He said bluntly. Master Wu looked taken back for a moment before a frown began to appear on his face.
   "What is weird?" He asked. Kai opened his mouth to speak. "Someone who is different?" Master Wu interrupted, "or someone who is different from you?" He pressed. Kai gaped at him. 
   "No, Sensei, he's 'weird' weird," Cole said. Y/n was about to shout something at them but paused. If he thought back... 
   There was a sound of paper ruffling and a steady drip of water from the tap. A head of wild fluffy hair poked out from behind the newspaper, title sprawled in a massive font along the top: Ninja Times. Cole stared bored at the paper, his eyes lazily straying across the page. He glanced up as Zane walked into the room and the back down at his paper. Cole froze and slowly looked up at the person combing his hair. "Do you mind!?" Cole shouted suddenly.
   The TV  glowed a soft pink glow, sniffling and sobs filled the room as the man on the TV carefully held a beautiful woman in his arms. "Goodbye, my darling." He said. Nya and Jay sat sobbing on the settee, tissues strewn all over the floor. Sad music filled the room and-
   "Ha! Ha ha! Aha!" Zane's emotionless laugh was loud and clear over the sad crying and the voice of the TV. Nya and Jay turned their heads to him, complete disbelief written all over their face. 
   Kai yawned as he shuffled to the fridge. His eyes were half closed as he opened the door but they were wide as he saw two blue eyes staring at him. "Ah! Holy bologna!" He screamed as he stared at the man in the freezer. Zane blinked back at him innocently, holding a sandwich. 

   "I'm sorry," he said, "I consumed the last of the deli meat," he held up a block of cheese. "Cheese?" He said smiling. 
   Y/n had to stifle a laugh and snorted a bit instead. He watched Zane bow to one of the training dummies and smiled. He's pretty cute, I guess, he's like a toddler. Y/n thought, resting his head on his hand. 
   "We like the guy, he's really smart." Kai said. "He's just, uh... a little off sometimes." He said. Master Wu's eye twitched. He'd had enough. 
   "Zane is a brother," he said sternly. "And brothers are often different. I should know..." He added quietly. Y/n head perked up a bit. Sensei had a brother? He never mentioned it to me... well, then again, I wasn't here long enough the first time to be involved in his personal matters. Y/n stretched and rubbed his shoulder. He'd been sat in the same place the whole morning. Now, was a good time to go back to bed- "Y/n." Master Wu called as he watched the boy trudge sleepily back to the bedrooms. "You haven't done any training this whole morning?" Master Wu inquired. Y/n shrugged. 
   "I mean, if you think that I'll be able to survive that course, you'd be crazy." He replied. 

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