Chapter Fifteen

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Adele's POV


I was counting up to 100 time after time in my head to keep my sanity. To keep myself from thinking about Peter and how I'd be the one with his blood on my hands. I couldn't bear to think about that, and so I counted.


And right after seven, there was a bang on the door. I crawled to the back of the tiny room, my back pressed against the window as the door slammed open to revel a angry Rumple. I stared at him as he held out an open hand for me. Slowly, I took his hand and he lead me out of the cramped room, down stairs and into a great dinning hall. He sat at the head of the table while I sat at the other end. The more distance between us the better. Belle walked in, holding trays of food, placing them in front of Rumple and I, before giving me a sympathetic smile and rushing out.

"So, dear," Rumple started, "you must be dying to know why bringing you here will save your Peter".

"You lied to me" were the only words that fell out of my mouth. I tried to be confident but not speaking for so long had my speaking softly.

"Oh my, I guess you aren't so stupid after all," he said, "I guess I'll skip this magnificent meal than and go right to dessert" Rumple hissed standing up. I knew this wasn't going to end well so I pushed my chair back and jumped up, getting into a fighting stance. "You don't have anything to defend yourself silly, how will you even harm me?" Rumple taunted. I hissed at him and somehow managed to control my ever rising anger. I waited for him to make the first move, and that he did.

Rumple threw a ball of fire at me, and since I only practiced a little magic, tried my best to dodge it. I side-stepped the flaming ball right at Rumple threw another. This time, I created a barrier that threw the fire ball back at him. Still, he dodged it with his skillful magic. The small fighting went on for a while, Rumple throwing spells and me dodging them, but I was about to change everything.

Using up most of my energy, I closed my eyes and pictured water. Rushing water. Lakes and rivers. Streams and ponds. I pictured Rumple's palace becoming filled with a clear, cold liquid. I pictured everything he owned drenched in water. I opened me eyes only when I felt cold water between my ankles. I couldn't defeat Rumple, but I defiantly could distract him long enough so that I could escape. Rumple looked at me as the water kept rising at a fast pace, now rushing between my knees.

"What did you do?" He cried, surprised that I could create a flood and control water.

"I guess I'm a little more powerful than you thought," I hissed slowly backing up to a window, "I also think that you should go save your true love. Ya know, before she drowns".

My back pressed against the cool window as Rumple kept eye contact with me, hatred clear in his eyes. My next few moves were so wild and reckless, it was obvious I had no other choice. With my elbow, I broke the window, creating a fire in my entire arm. I closed my eyes.

"I believe!" I screamed and let my entire body fall backwards, out of the palace window. I felt a rushing of wind around me and I saw the palace window become smaller. Suddenly, I came to a rough stop in the middle of my fall. A dark figure, Pan's shadow, had grabbed my arm and was taking me back to Neverland, away from Rumple.

When the shadow dropped me in the sand of Neverland, it was nighttime. I knew Felix would be waiting in the trees for the new arrival, he would have never thought it would be me.

"Adele?" Felix gasped, pulling me in for a tight hug.

"Hey Felix, long time no see" I said jokingly. He grabbed my hand and started pulling me down the beaten path, towards the Lost Boy's camp.

"I have to get you to Pan, he's been worried sick. Well, we all have been" Felix said, still dragging me to Peter's tree house, avoiding taking me into the center of camp where all the Lost Boys were. "He's been cranky without you," Felix told me, "He needs you".

I nodded and climbed the ladder up to Peter's tree house. I paused at the door before knocking and opening it.

"Felix? Is that you? Didn't I tell you to leave me alone?!" A horse voice cried. I continued to follow his voice into Peter's bedroom. There I saw him, his back turned to me. Papers thrown across the room, different things cracked and broken from his anger. The knuckles on his hands bruised and beaten. "Felix. Get the hell out of here" Peter hissed, trying to control his anger.

"Peter" I cried, trying to hold back my tears. Peter whipped around to look at me, the venom in his eyes dissolving. He stepped towards me gingerly and took my hand.

"Is it really you?" He asked, holding my hand as if I was a china doll. I put my hand to his face, cupping his cheek.

"Of course I am, Peter," I spoke softly, tracing the shadows on his face with my thumb, "I love you Peter".

I guess that was all he needed because he closed the gap between us and kissed me. The kiss was rough, needing almost. I kissed him back, bringing my one arm around his neck while the other danced around in his hair. He wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me over to his bed. He broke the kiss to lay me down, and to my displeasure, he laid down beside me, not continuing the kiss. Peter played with my hair as he asked me question after question.

How did I escape?
Was I okay?
Did he hurt me?
What happened?
Was I really okay?

Question after question. He only stopped when I giggled at his concern and told him to wait until morning, I wanted to enjoy the time we had.

"But Ade-"

"No 'buts'" I interrupted, "I just want to enjoy being with you. Please Peter". He sighed and scooted closer, wrapping an arm around me. As I fell asleep, I heard a faint "I love you" from Peter. I smiled as I drifted into the unknown, but frowned as I thought about what was going to happen soon.

Rumple wouldn't let me go this easily. He'd be back for me.

It wasn't over just yet.

Hey guys!

Sorry this chapter is so.. gah. I feel like all of them are gah but oh well..

Anyway, thanks for (still) reading and voting! I appreciate it SO much!!

See y'all next update!

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