Chapter Twenty One

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Peter's POV

It was the first time I had left Adele's side since she was knocked out. I wasn't even that far from her and it still was hard. But Felix wanted to talk to me and I knew deep down it wasn't healthy for me to just sit there. So here I stood on the deck of my tree house, with my best friend in front of me.

"Peter, are you even listening to me?" Felix asked, waving his hand in front of my face. I snapped myself out of my thoughts and tried to pay attention to what he was saying. Felix sighed, "As I was saying, I know how to get Adele to wake up". Now that caught my attention.

"How? How Felix?" I demanded.

"I went to Tinkerbell and asked her for some advice. She told me that you knew the answer, deep down inside of your heart. I think you know where I'm going with this".

I almost stopped breathing, I could feel my heart beating faster. Could it be possible that Adele was my true love? I knew that I loved her but I didn't think it was that strong but than again, I would do anything for her.

"Felix, please leave" I said in a quiet voice. He looked at me and than back at Adele's sleeping body before turning and climbing down the treehouse's ladder. I slowly walked back inside of my house. Sitting myself down in my chair by Adele, I tried not to think of what would happen if this didn't work.

What if I wasn't actually Adele's true love? What if my princess didn't wake up?
What if true love's kiss wasn't real?

I shook my head and closed my eyes, leaning towards Adele's face, my lips coming down on her soft ones.

Adele's POV

It's been black for so long now. I wanted so badly to wake up, to hear something, to feel something. But I felt like I was floating in the middle of nothing. My body was totally numb and unresponsive. I couldn't open my eyes, move my hand, or wiggle my toes.

Hell, I didn't even know if I had toes, or anything for that matter. I didn't know if I was dead, alive or in some twisted place in between.

Maybe I was dead. Maybe I was in hell, some messed up, personal version of hell. But I didn't know, it was just me and my thoughts.

Until I felt a tug.

That's the only way to describe the feeling. I was being tugged away from the place I was. I felt the sensation again and this time, I allowed it to swallow me and take me away. And I'm glad I did.

The first thing I noticed was a pressure on my lips. Than I noticed light seeping into my vision. I felt my body becoming alive again, instead of the numbness I had been used to. The pressure on my lips abruptly left and by that time, I felt in control of myself again. I opened my eyes and sat up quicker than I had ever moved. My eyes quickly adjusted to the brightness of the sun and I smiled to myself, I was alive.

"Adele" a familiar voice said. I moved my head to face the speaker.

"Peter" I cried, my voice cracking as my eyes began to water, I grabbed his hand and pulled him into me. He knelt on the ground in front of me, my legs on either side of his torso. "I love you so much Peter" I said, looking deep into his eyes. He looked me right in the eye, caressed my cheek with his hand and placed his lips on mine.

The kiss was full of fire, it was desperate and needy. I pulled him closer as my arms wrapped around his neck, hands tangling in his soft brown hair. His hands ran up and down my sides, leaving a trail of fire as they went. We stayed like this before breaking apart, breathing heavy.

"I love you so much Adele, I thought I was going to lose you forever" Peter said, breaking eye contact with me and looking at the ground. I grabbed his hands and held them in mine.

"I'm here now, that's all that matters now right?" I smiled. Peter looked at me and smiled such a big smile that it filled his face, showing off his crooked smile that I've grown to love. "But Peter," I started, "I've got to ask, why'd I wake up? I thought I was.. you know".

I thought his smile would fade, I thought he'd get mad at the question and yet his smile someone got even bigger.

"Well, my love," Peter said softly, "True love is real. And it happens that you are the only one that I can ever love like this. You my princess, are my true love".

Hi Hey Hello!

Hope y'all enjoy this update! Thank you for reading this, voting, and commenting! It really means a lot haha..

Also is anyone else obsessed with Halsey's new album Badlands? Because I'm in love with it!!



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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