Chapter Twenty

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Peter's POV

It's been a week since that day.

Adele still hasn't woken up yet. I'm starting to think she'll never wake up.

Felix woke up three days ago. And one would think I'd be more excited, more happy to see my best friend alive and well. Yet with Adele still not awake, I'm not much fun.

I've put Felix in charge, even while he is recovering from his coma. He's doing a better job than I could be doing right now. The camp has been cleaned and the Lost Boys are playing their usual games. The only thing left untouched is Rumple's body, I know I have to deal with that at some point.

I sigh, rubbing my hands on my eyes, hoping to stay awake. I haven't gotten a full night's sleep since the battle. Maybe only two or three hours per night. My head was aching and my stomach  was growling. Felix would send food up and I would eat it but other than that, I just wanted to sit in my own misery.

Felix's POV

While the other Lost Boys played their silly games, I was going to the fairy's side of the island in order to find Tinkerbell, Peter's favorite fairy. It wasn't hard to find her, she was in her little house that the Lost Boys had built for her. I knocked on the door and waited for Tink to come out. Within seconds she appeared on the outside of her home.

"Hi Felix," Tink said, with a small smile on her face, "What do you need?".

"I need something to wake Adele up. And I need it fast". Tinkerbell shook her head a little and sighed.

"I can't help you with that. I can however, give you some advice. Peter knows the answer, deep down. It's how he feels for the girl" Tink said softly.

Tinkerbell and I than said our goodbyes and on my walk back to the Lost Boy's campsite I searched for the answer. I was almost to the camp when the answer hit me like a brick wall.

True love's kiss.


Heyo! Here is a short chapter, it's just kinda a filler for the next couple of ones.. but I have no idea where this book is going tbh but y'all seem to like it so thanks!


Love Y'all,

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