Chapter Four

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Pic of Peter ^^

Peter's POV

When I woke up early that morning, for I had to get Adele up. I wanted to get food in her and start her training her with magic. As I made my way to her treehouse, I noticed that something or something moving out of the corner of my eye. I saw it to be the figure of a girl.. judging by the curves. I knew it was Adele.

I followed behind her through the forest until she stopped at the edge of it. The rocky soil turned into soft grains of sand. She made her way halfway to the water and looked out at the sunrise. I let her take it in for about thirty seconds before I spoke.

"Isn't it beautiful?" I asked her softly, standing about half a foot behind her. She turned around and in that moment something fluttered in my cold heart.

Something happened, it was very small but I felt something. Something that made me think the girl standing in front of me was an angel. Maybe it was the way the rising sun played on her hair. Or the wonder and innocence in her open eyes. Whatever it was, it gave me the idea to slip my arms around her waist as she turned back around. Adele leaned back into me and together we watched the new day start. And by the time it was over, I knew I couldn't be that soft around her ever again. She was only there for me to use. But I never said I couldn't have a little fun..

Adele's POV

Peter had his arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder. I was so wrapped up in his touch I almost forgot to watch the rising sun. After the sunrise, Peter stepped back and spoke softly, "Go back to camp Adele.". I did just as he said without a word of protest. I did question anything except why I had felt tingles where his arms were. I wondered if he had felt them too, and that's why he was a little put off.

Shaking it off, I headed back to camp. I followed my tracks back to camp, I only knew how to do that because of the many books I had read. Once I got to camp, the Boys were having breakfast. I didn't really know any of them yet so I sat on a log farthest from them all. I've never really had the chance to make friends so it was weird. I mean all of it was weird. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a boy with a scar talking to me.

"Hello girl." He addressed me. I was shocked, he was quite rude when he doesn't even know a thing about me.

"Hello boy with a scar." I snapped back, mocking the same tone he had. He looked almost shocked, like no one had spoken to him like that in a while.. or at least a girl in that matter. After about five seconds, the look faded off his face and he started to smile.

"I think we are going to be good friends," he said,"and by the way I'm Felix." He stuck his hand out for me to shake. I took it and said,"Nice to meet you Felix, I'm Adele." We just kept shaking hands, both of us didn't know what to do next. But I guess we didn't need to know since Peter popped up right next to Felix.

"Okay you've met, get over it. Felix, take the Boys out for a game. I am going to teach Adele some skills." Peter spoke harshly. Felix, unfazed by Pan's new attitude, called the Boys from their breakfast for a game of hide-and-seek. Peter grabbed my arm and dragged me to the nearest tree.

"I know you can shoot a bow and arrow but can you throw this knife?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders and took the knife from is hand, I focused my energy and some of my magic into the knife. I had taught myself how to do that. I threw the knife and hit the tree in the center.

~A/N...I am skipping all the training since it isn't that important~

When I was all done with my training, Peter called back the Boys with a bird call. It would be about 5 to 10 minutes before they made it back to camp. Peter told me that I did very well at my training and that I improved. He also said he'd give me a an award after dinner. Peter sent me back to my treehouse, he didn't want to mingle with all the Boys yet...kind of weird but I just went with it. But once in my room, I started thinking about the day.

When Peter touched me, I felt tingles. Maybe it was his magic or something but it was something. I also felt myself wanting to please him, I wanted him to be proud of me. And I am almost positive that I caught him starting at me multiply times..but maybe that was my mind running wild. All of a sudden I heard someone climb up the ladder to my treehouse, before I had time to react, Pan was standing right in front of me.

"Adele, my love, you did a wonderful job training today." Peter said to me in a hushed tone.

I smiled and looked down at the ground and mumbled a small "thank you". I didn't want him to know I was blushing at his complement and name for me. However, he was having none of that, for he took a step closer and used his finger to lift my chin up. I was staring into those green eyes.

"I came to give you your award." he murmured. I saw his eyes go down to my lips, then slowly back up to my eyes. Then, we both started to lean in...



And I actually didn't expect people to read this so thank you so much!!

I also will be updating on Saturday or Sunday, so hang on.. tho it may be sooner!

Thanks lovelies!

~Rachel Leigh

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