Chapter Sixteen

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Adele's POV

It has been four days since I had come back to Neverland. And in those, short, short four days, the Lost Boys, Peter and I had celebrated my return, trained, came up with a plan, and trained some more. The goal of the plan was simple, to make sure that Rumple wouldn't come after me again. of course Peter had wanted to kidnap poor Belle and give Rumple a taste of his own medicine, but Belle had helped me so I wasn't about to let that happen.

The plan was simple, as Peter put it. He and his Lost Boys would leave the Island (there's a first), and sneak to Rumple's castle during the sun set. Once completely dark outside, the Lost Boys and Peter were to raid Rumple's castle and break everything they could. The Lost Boys were told to destroy everything, light his belongings on fire, break his windows, but not to take anything. Rumple would most certainly would fight back if anyone took an important belonging of his or Belle's. After the Boys were all done, they would come home using a portal created by Peter. There was however, something missing in Peter Pan's plan. Me. I was told, harshly may I add, by Peter that I was too stay in his tree house and not move a muscle. I, of course, didn't take this information too well. In fact, Peter and I were still fighting about it as we walked to his tree house at the day's end.

"Peter, I just don't get it! You've trained me, you know I can protect myself!" I cried, suddenly coming to a stop. Peter whipped around, his eyes darkened with anger.

"Your right Adele! You don't get! And I don't think you ever will, so just drop it before you regret it!" Peter hissed at me, stepping towards me. I put my hands on my hips and eyed Peter up.

"Than help me understand it and explain, assface!" I hissed. Peter pushed me right against the nearest tree and it felt like deja vu all over again, his lips near mine and our bodies close.

"Because I love you Adele! And I can't lose you, not again!" Peter cried, closing his green eyes and relaxing his muscles. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in, and closed my eyes.

"I love you too Peter, but I can protect myself. I thought I proved that too you when I escaped!" I said, breathlessly. Peter didn't respond at first, instead I felt him places his lips to my neck, biting at the uncovered skin. I squirmed against him, trying to close off the space in between us. Peter was so close to me, I could feel his breath on my face, I leaned in and closed my eyes.

"AHHHH SOMEONE HELP ME" A scream ripped through the trees. Peter and I jumped apart, looked at each other and than ran towards the beach, where the scream came from. We stopped in a patch of blueberries to see Felix struggling against Rumple. Other Lost Boys had circled around the two but none had known what to do without Peter. Peter protectively pushed me behind him as Rumple looked up and at the two of us. Rumple smiled a wicked grin and took Felix in his grasp, holding a knife to the Lost Boy's throat.

"Hello Peter Pan, we meet yet again" Rumple hissed.

"For the last damn time, what do you want?" Peter yelled. Rumple's wicked smile turned into a smirk.

"I want the girl"

"You can't have her" Peter hissed, pulling me closer to him.

"Well," Rumple stood, thinking to himself, "I'll just have to take him instead". Rumple's next actions were almost in slow motion. He looked at Felix and brought a knife to his throat, and pushed it into the fragile skin. I jumped forward, escaping Peter's grip, only to catch the fallen Lost Boy.

"Next time," Rumple started, "Just give me what I want" and with that, Rumple disappeared without a trace. I still held Felix in my arms, trying to get him to wake up as Peter came over to us. Peter waved his hand over the gaping wound and used his powers to heal the cut. But Felix's eyes still weren't open, and with I quick check of his pulse, I knew his pulse was weak too. Peter knew by my face that it wasn't looking good for poor Felix. He ordered the Lost Boys to carry him back to camp and lay him in the medical tent.

The rest of the night was quiet, not even the crickets of the island dared to make a noise. Peter had sent me too bed without even letting me try to comfort him. I knew he was distancing himself from me, and it hurt. I wanted to help him through this, and I needed him to help me. But here I was, in my own tree house, crying until my eyes couldn't stay open any longer and I fell into a restless sleep.



I'm sorry about Felix guys...but he still may be alive so don't worry too much!

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Much love,

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