Life is Hard

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The life is hard,
Journey is tiresome,
But at least I have a friend,
To endure life with,
To share my tiresome journey with,
Oh what can I say about that friend,
She's as beautiful as evening just like her name,
She's someone worth watching in dreams,
To lost in her daydreams,
Her sparkling eyes holds heavenly shine,
Her melodious voice holds the divinity,
Oh might think what a lie to say something like that about a human,
All I can say is meet her for once and ye should know,
She's a fairy came down from heaven,
Watch her dancing with eyes,
Speaking with her expressions,
Cuckoo sings with her melodious voice,
Peocock dance with her pretty walk,
Hope gleams with her appearance,
Oh what I should tell about her,
All I can say is she's as beautiful as the evenings and sunsets

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